03 07 1991 Sp Council Mi... I , ~ (' ~' ~ , THB CORPOnTIOlf OP THB T01Rf8IIIP OP ORO 8PBCIAL lIBftING OP COUNCIL ftURSDAY. DItCH 7. lttl . 4:30 P.M. - COIIlIIftU ROOK ONB 1tUNDR.BD um PORTY-8BCOND lIBftING 1988-1991 COUNCIL council met this afternoon, pursuant to adjournment @ 4:30 p.m. wit the following members present: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor David Burton Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Allan Johnson Also Present Were: Mr. Henry Sander. Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. 1. DISCLOSURE AND DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None Declared. 2 . CONSENT AGENDA: (There was no Consent Agenda at this meeting.) 3. DEPUTATIONS: (There were no Deputations at this meeting of Council.) 4. COMMUNICATIONS: a) G.W. Jorden of Jorden and Jones re: Proposed Official Plan Amendment, Part Lot 37, Concession 1 Note: The purpose of this meeting was to give third reading to Official Plan Amendment No. 51 and to adopt by By-Law Official Plan Amendment No. 52. MOTION NO. 1 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Johnson Be it resolved that section 6 of By-Law No. 89-36, the Township's Procedural By-Law, be waived and that this Special Meeting of Council be called without forty-eight hours notice to Members of Council. carried. MOTION NO. 2 Moved by Burton, seconded by Crawford Be it resolved that the Administrator/Clerk be authorized to amend as discussed, the By-Law Amending Tariff of Fees for presentation a the next Council Meeting. Carried. 'r '- .. - .. .. - 2 - MOTION NO. 3 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson Be it resolved that By-Law No. 91-20 to Adopt Amendment No. 51 to the Official Plan be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Recorded Vote Requested by Reeve Drury Councillor Burton Deputy Reeve Caldwell Councillor Crawford Councillor Johnson Reeve Drury Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Carried. MOTION NO. 4 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Burton Be it resolved that a By-Law to Adopt Amendment No. 52 to the Official Plan be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-Law No. 91-22. Carried. That By-Law No. 91-22 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Requested a Recorded Vote. Councillor Johnson Yea Councillor Crawford Yea Deputy Reeve Caldwell Yea Councillor Burton Yea Reeve Drury Yea Carried. MOTION NO. 5 Moved by Burton, seconded by Johnson Be it resolved that we do now adjourn @ 4:42 p.m. carried. ~.!~ Reevf('Robe t E. Drur c(//(ffkl'