04 15 1991 Public Minutes
The following members of Council were present:
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell
Councillor David Burton
Councillor Alastair Crawford
Councillor Allan Johnson
Ms. Kris Menzies, Ms. Nicole Linuell
Ms. Anne Guiot, Mr. Gary Bell, Mr. Doug
Skelton, Mr. Albert Anderson, Mr. Blake
Uren, Mrs. Linda Uren, Nadene Uren, Blake
Uren, Ms. Marion McLeod, Mr. Jack Scott,
Mr. Nelson Robertson, Mr. Jim Langman, Mr.
Earl Robertson, Mr. Glen Stewart, Mr.
Bernal Johnston, Mr. Bryan Johnston, Ms.
Shirley Woodrow, Mrs. Anita Beaton, Mr.
David Johnson, Mr. Edward Johnson, Mr.
Robin smith, Mr. Ted Beaton, Mr. Steve
Hayward and One Member of the Press.
Councillor Allan Johnson declared a Conflict of Interest
with regards to this Public Meeting, concerning Oro Sand
and Stone's proposed Development Application concerning a
Gravel pit; the nature of his conflict is that his
parents own property adjacent to the effected lands. Mr.
Johnson then vacated his seat and left the Council
Also Present Were:
Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting.
Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those
present that this Public Meeting was to obtain public comments with
respect to a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment,
under section 17 and 34 of the Planning Act. The applicant has
applied to redesignate and rezone certain lands described as Part 0
Lots 9 and 10, Concession 13, (Oro Sand and Stone).
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro have
not made a decision on this application, other than proceeding to a
Public Meeting. only after comments are received from the Public,
Township Staff and requested agencies within the appropriate time
period, will Council make a decision on this application.
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on March 15, 1991, to
all property owners within 400 feet of the subject lands. Notice 0
the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie Examiner and
Orillia Packet and Times on March 15, 1991.
The Reeve then asked the Clerk if there had been any correspondence
received on this matter. The Clerk responded by indicating that
correspondence had been received from the following agency:
A letter from Mr. R.A. Law of the Ministry of Natural Resources,
addressed to Skelton, Brumwell and Associates, dated March 24, 1988
indicating that the Ministry do not object to the redesignation as
The Clerk read the above piece of correspondence.
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The Reeve then stated that those persons present would be afforded
the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the proposed
Official Plan and zoning By-Law Amendment.
Reeve Robert E. Drury then turned the meeting over to the Township
Planner, Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the
proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment as well as to
introduce the proponents consultants who would further explain the
Kris Menzies:
The proponents are proposing a
redesignation and a rezoning of subject
lands abutting an existing extraction pit
for the purposes of expanding the
extraction pit. The redesignation is to
pits and Quarries and the zoning is for
Industrial Extraction.
Doug Skelton:
(Mr. Skelton pointed to the map showing th
existing location and proposed location of
the extraction pit).
The original area was licensed in 1974, an
there have been two revisions since that
date. The total existing license area is
40 hectares and the new area to be added
consists of another 12 hectares.
The existing license is for four hundred
thousand tonnes per year. The object in
this undertaking is to expand to include a
area to be extracted, not to expand the
annual license. In other words, the effec
of this is to produce no more gravel per
year, but simply to expand the life of the
application to include another area, it
does not increase the tonnage.
(Mr. Skelton pointed to the map showing th
existing phase and explaining various
procedures carried out on that location,
equipment etc.; and also the proposed sit
development showing and explaining the
areas of mining to be carried out).
The drainage from the site is totally
contained on the site and there will be
total retention ponds provided through the
life of the pit. There is no overflow fro
the site to the creek. The top soil and
overburden will be stripped and stockpiled
and progressive rehabilitation will take
place so that as an area is mined to the
pit floor, it will then be rehabilitated
with overburden and topsoil. No more than
20 hectares will be open at one time
without being rehabilitated. The idea is
to mine to within a metre and a half of th
water table. There will be no mining occu
below the water table. The monitoring wil
occur to support or substantiate where the
high water table is in that seasonal
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Douq Skelton:
We achieve a minimum of one percent grade
on all of the surfaces to ensure that they
are suitable for agriculture purposes
after. The area of bush that is taken out
of bush land is 9.8 hectares and the area
being replaced with this growing is 10.3
(Mr. Skelton read a letter from Ecological
Services and Planning a firm from Guelph
which is retained by Skelton, Brumwell).
This firm undertook a study in October of
1990 and their mandate was to look at the
various species of trees, birds etc. They
stated that the result of this study
indicated that the lands do not contain an
significant environmental features and fro
this standpoint the proposed operation is
an appropriate land use consideration.
However, certain off site features such as
the tributaries to Bluffs Creek must be
given consideration in planning the
aggregate extraction operation. (Read out
several recommendations regarding this
which were made by this firm and Mr.
Skelton indicated that their
recommendations were being implemented).
with respect to the impacts of this
Regarding setbacks, there is one resident
effected and the old license boundary is
150 metres away from that residence and we
are not changing it in any respect. What
we are doing new is mining in this area
(pointed to map) and that setback is 230
metres from the residence.
with respect to visual, we have added a
berm (pointed to map), the whole of this
site and the mining is going to be some 20
25 metres lower than the existing grade.
When the area is mined, it will be mined a
a depth that you will not see it. Visuall
you will not see any of the operations
going on here. A recommendation was made
by one of the members of the Planning
Committee, could we do something with the
entrance. We agreed and will be adding
some planting and extend the buffer.
From the noise
will be mining
and because we
certain depth,
point of view, because we
back further on the propert
will be mining below a
the sound will be
From the point of view of dust, dust has
been a problem on the site and there has
been considerable discussions taken place
between the neighbour directly across the
road and as a result of those discussions,
several alterations have taken place, a
sizeable berm has been constructed and the
fine stock piles have been moved. The
applicant has undertaken to employ good
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Douq Skelton:
dust control techniques.
All storage of petroleum products on the
site will be required to be stored in
containers that are stored on a concrete
pad with containment walls so that if ther
was a puncture then none of those material
would get into the ground.
All portable equipment such as trucks etc.
will be required to be serviced off the
Surface water will be contained on the sit
and the retention areas have been designed
to accommodate a 100 year storm.
From a traffic point of view, this
application is not changing the annual
tonnage of 400,000 tonnes presently
authorized under the license. currently
there is only 200,000 tonnes being hauled
out of there.
Anne Guiot:
As has been mentioned, the application we
are looking at is an expansion to an
existing license pit.
In January 1st of 1990, the Aggregate
Resources Act was proclaimed and as a
result we had to upgrade to meet the new
requirements of the new Aggregate Resource
Act. We recently received compliance from
the Ministry of Natural Resources and has
enabled us to proceed with an application
under the new act. When I say we have
received compliance, it is simply an
indication that the Ministry of Natural
Resources has approved our application in
meeting the requirements of the
legislation. This is in no way an
indication that they have given any form 0
I am just going to briefly review the
application process under the Aggregate
Resources Act. We have submitted our
application to the Ministry of Natural
Resources which comprises of an applicatio
form, site plan, a supporting report and
various land ownership agreement forms and
application fees. The Ministry of Natural
Resources in turn, circulates this
information to the Public and to various
agencies. They circulate the application
package to all the associated agencies for
review and comment. The agencies have
forty five days in which to review and
comment back to the Ministry of Natural
Secondly, a notice of application was put
in the local paper, the Packet and Times,
last Thursday and Friday, identifying that
an application has been made under the
Aggregate Resources Act, for an expansion
to the existing pit.
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Anne Guiot:
Thirdly, the applicant is required to post
signs on the property indicating to the
local people in the area that there is an
application on hand concerning that
particular property, providing details of
what the application is for and where they
can obtain further information.
After the forty five day review process,
when the Ministry of Natural Resources has
received comments and input from the
various agencies and the interested public
then it is at that time that they do their
formal review and take into consideration
all the comments and concerns.
The site Plans are in no way finalized at
this point and the opportunities will exis
for some time to come to improve the site
Plans and accommodate any concerns that
agencies or people from the public may
Finally, as far as the co-ordination goes
between the applications at hand, we are
dealing with various planning applications
as well as the application through the
Ministry of Natural Resources. We try as
much as we can to co-ordinate the
applications so that the public has a
better understanding of the process that i
going on. We were able in this particular
instance to get the circulation under the
Aggregate Resources Act initiated prior to
the Public Meeting for the planning application.
Gary Bell:
You have heard how we have had to upgrade
applications based on new legislations and
requirements and it was not really until
about a year ago that we were ready to
proceed in total with the application.
Note, the Ministry of Natural Resources
comment in which they would like further
address made to the agriculture background
and that is done in several ways.
The Province of ontario established some
mineral aggregate resources policy. It is
a statement of policy by the Province to
let the public, councils, and the board
know about the importance of aggregate
resources. They are important to the
Province and our economy. This document
also provides principles by which the
planning and developing of aggregates
should take place. A couple of those for
your reference are that aggregates are an
essential resource that are only found in
limited locations. All parts of ontario
possessing these aggregates share the
responsibility for meeting the future
demand. Development of aggregate resource
must ensure that extraction is carried out
with minimal social and environmental
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Gary Bell:
Another principle is that extraction can b
looked upon as an interim use of the land.
When extraction is complete, land use must
be returned to something worthwhile.
Specifically, the Official Plan Amendment
is to redesignate this land now designated
Agricultural within the Township, to pits
and Quarries. Part of the new land is
already designated pits and Quarries. The
Oro Official Plan has extensive policies
and requirements in it for managing and
developing aggregate resources and we have
ensured that our application provides
everything that this Official Plan Policy
Zoning By-Law for all of the site is to be
effected by the proposed Zoning By-Law. W
are changing the side yard requirements of
the old By-Law, in accordance with the
Official Plan and in accordance with the
provincial Governments regulations.
Normally side yards to a pit are 15 metres
and that is larger than the case of the
existing pit and 30 metres is the normal
front yard requirement. This Zoning By-La
that we have proposed here makes that
reference explicit for this particular pit
it would be a special zone for this pit
Implementation, we are seeking the adoptio
of several By-Laws, one is the Official
Plan Amendment By-Law; number two would be
a By-Law to add to the agreement between
the municipality and the operator. We
spoke about dust and new drawings and it i
important to incorporate those by By-Law.
Thirdly, there is the Aggregate Resources
Act License that was described to you.
In summary, the proposed expansion of the
existing pit into an area expected to
contain high quality resource, will not
have significant adverse effects on the
physical environment. Measures are and
have been taken to protect the areas
residential land use and establish
compatibility of land uses.
Anita Beaton:
I am in Lot 10 of Concession 8 and was
interested in knowing about the planting
(pointed to the map to a certain area),
when it is going to be done and what age
trees or seedlings are going to be planted
The other question is with regard to the
wetlands, what will the impact be on this
area? Have the Ecological Consultants
suggested any kind of monitoring of the
water quantity or quality in that wetland?
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Doug Skelton:
Firstly, with respect to the plantings, th
size of the trees are not specified but
usually they would be three to four feet i
height and it would not be anticipated tha
just seedlings would be planted. As soon
as the mining in an area is mined to its
limit, then the area will be rehabilitated
and the objective is to grade, put the
overburden and topsoil on and then to plan
with regards to the wetlands, Ecological
Services who did the study, did not
recommend that we monitor. But they did
recommend we do what we are going to do an
that is with respect to our site we are
going to have total containment on the sit
and we are not mining below the water
Anita Beaton:
You mentioned something about planting wit
respect to the land at the north east wher
there is a residence and along the
concession line, in that area. I
understood you would be doing this rather
soon as it would be important to noise,
dust and so on.
Doug Skelton:
Yes, that was one of the issues with the
neighbours and it took some extensive work
on Mr. Uren's part and that is what these
photographs show, this is the construction
of the berm and if you drove there tonight
you can see that there is some trees that
have been planted on top of that berm.
I believe there is still some planting to
be done which will be done right away.
Anita Beaton:
Over the past year I have visited all the
aggregate sites and have taken pictures of
the aggregate sites in Oro Township and
they certainly to date, add anything at al
to the joy and pleasure of anybody who
happens to live there or travel the area.
I think if you are going to do anything to
improve the external features of this
development it would be commended.
Doug Skelton:
Yes, we don't expect to add anything, but
we are hopeful that we will not take it
away either and that is the purpose of som
of the planting that we have talked about.
Anita Beaton:
We have some pretty ugly entrances around
here. Planting little trees has often bee
the case in the past, which means you are
looking at a good many years before any
significant improvement can be seen.
The Reeve after enquiring and ascertaining that there were no
further questions from those present, thanked those in attendance
for their participation and advised that Council would consider all
matters before reaching a decision. He then advised those present
that if they wished to be notified of the passing of the proposed
By-law, they should leave their name and address with the Clerk.
, '
. .
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Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crawford
Be it resolved that the special Public Meeting of Council (Oro Sand
and Stone, Lot 9 and 10, Concession 13) now be adjourned @
7:45 p.m.
Reevf( Robe t E. Drury
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