05 13 1991 COW Minutes " HB CORPORATION 01' HB TOWNSHIP OP ORO COlOIIftBB 01' HB DOLB DftIHG RBPORT NO. 11-11. MONDAY. HAY 13.1111' '1:00 P.M. - COlOIITTBB ROOK Present: Also Present Were: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor David Burton Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Allan Johnson staff Sergeant Brad Nudds, O.P.P. Constabl Wayne Ross, Mrs. Wendy Eberwein, Sergeant Bob Gruzuk of the O.P.P., Ms. Kris Menzies Mr. Gordon E. Petch, Mr. N.L. Myrlorod, Mr Rod Raikes, Mr. Gary Inskeep, Mr. Cameron Copeland, Mr. Floyd sinton, Mr. Ron Robinson, Mr. John L. Copell, Mr. Gary Bell, Mr. Paul Bowen. Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. 1. DISCLOSURE AND DECLARATION OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None Declared. 2. DEPUTATIONS: a) 7:10 p.m. b) 8:40 p.m. c) 8:55 p.m. d) 9:40 p.m. e) 11:00 p.m. Mrs. Wendy Eberwein, O.P.P. Constable Wayne Ross, O.P.P. Staff Sergeant Brad Nudds and O.P.P. sergeant Bob Gruzuk were present to review with Council, the Oro Township Community Policing 1990 Year End Report as well as the Police Committee structure. Mr. Gordon E. petch of Powerland Corporation an Mr. N.L. Myrhorod were present to discuss Holme request for a deeming By-Law with regards to merging Lots 31 and 32, R.P. 653. (This portion of the meeting was held In-Camera.) Mr. Gary Bell of Skelton Brumwell and Associate Incorporated, representing Mr. Rod Raikes, Mr. Gary Inskeep, Mr. Cameron Copeland and Mr. Floy Sinton, were present to discuss the Woodland Estates proposed subdivision located on Part of Lots 35 and 36, Concession 1, E.P.R. (This portion of the meeting was held In-Camera.) Mr. Paul Bowen of Terraprobe and Mr. R.G. Robinson of R.G. Robinson and Associates Limite (Township Engineering Consultants) were present to discuss individual wells vs municipal water systems for future Township developments, both Residential and Industrial. Mr. William Moore was present to discuss his application for Top Soil Removal on property described as the North Part of Lot 21, Concession 3. , . - 2 - 3. FINANCE, ADMINISTRATION AND FIRE: There was no correspondence presented under the above noted topics. 4. PUBLIC WORKS: There was no correspondence presented under this topic. 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: The following correspondence and items for discussion were presented: a) powerland corporation, Confidential correspondence re: variance, Lots 31 & 32, Plan 653. Minor 6. COMMUNITY SERVICES: There was no correspondence presented under the above noted topic. MOTION NO.1 Moved by Burton, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera @ 8:40 p.m. with Ms. Kris Menzies, Mr. Gordon petch and Mr. N.L. Myrhorod present. Carried. MOTION NO.2 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera @ 9:50 p.m. Carried. MOTION NO.3 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson It is recommended that the Confidential Correspondence from Gordon E. Petch of Powerland Corporation re: Holmes Minor Variance, Lots 3 and 32, Registered Plan 653, be received, and further, the Township Solicitor be directed to prepare the necessary deeming By-Law to allow Lots 31 and 32 to be merged. Carried MOTION NO.4 Moved by Crawford, seconded by Burton It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera @ 8:55 p.m. with Mr. Gary Bell, Mr. Rod Raikes, Mr. Gary Inskeep, Mr. Cameron Copeland, Mr. Floyd sinton, Mr. Ron Robinson and Mr. John L. Copell present. Carried MOTION NO.5 Moved by Burton, seconded by Crawford It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera @ 9:35 p.m. Carried , .. - 3 - MOTION NO.6 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Johnson It is recommended that we suspend section 21 (d) of By-Law No. 89-3 to allow the meeting to proceed past the 11:00 p.m. adjournment hour. The meeting was adjourned @ 11:30 p.m. Reeßt E'CD~~ -U:L~ M Defeated.