05 21 1991 Public Minutes (2) )J THB CORPORATION OP THB TOWNSHIP OP ORO SPBCIAL PUBLIC KBBTING ~BSDAY. KAY 21.1111. "1:00 P.M. - COUNCIL CBAKBDS ORB JlUNDR.BDTR ANI) I'II'TY-SIrrH DBTING 1188-1111 COUNCIL The following members of Council were present: Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor David Burton Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Allan Johnson Absent: Reeve Robert E. Drury Also Present Were: Ms. Kris Menzies, Mr. Perry Van Kessel, Chris MacDonald, Mr. Casey Van Kessel, Mr. Bruce Nelles, Ms. Brenda Nelles, Ms. Sheil Kirkland, Mr. Henry Neufeld, Mr. Ross Coneybeare, Ms. Chris Coneybeare, B.R. Fleming, Ms. Vivian Bell, Ms. Lu-Anne Bailey, Mr. Gord Bailey and Mr. Paul Bunting. Deputy Reeve David Caldwell chaired the meeting. Deputy Reeve David Caldwell opened the meeting by explaining to those present that this Public Meeting was to obtain public comment with respect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, 1983, section 34 (12). The applicant has applied to rezone certain lands described as the East Half of Lot 16, Concession 11, (Van Kessel) from Agriculture to RG- 5. TO DATE, the Council of the corporation of the Township of Oro have not made a decision on this application other than proceeding to a Public Meeting. Only after comments are received from the Public, Township Staff and requested Agencies within the appropriate time period, will Council make a decision on this application. NOTICE of the Public Meeting was mailed out on April 26, 1991, to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject lands. Notice 0 the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie Examiner and Orillia Packet and Times on April 26, 1991. Deputy Reeve David Caldwell then asked the Clerk if there had been any correspondence received on this matter. The Clerk responded by indicating that no correspondence had been received. The Deputy Reeve then stated that those persons present would be afforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment. Deputy Reeve David Caldwell then turned the meeting over to the Township Planner, Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the proposed zoning By-Law Amendment. Kris Menzies: The Van Kessels own approximately eight acres of land in East Oro with frontage on the 15/16 Sideroad. The property is irregularly shaped and there is currently one single family dwelling located on the property which has orientation towards the 15/16 Sideroad. What is being proposed is a site specific rezoning for General Residential to allow one duplex to be - 2 - Kris Menzies: located on the entire eight acre parcel. It is designated appropriately for this type of use under the Official Plan and th zoning currently on the property is agriculture. The request today before us is to rezone it site specifically to General Residential to allow for one duple on the property. Kris Menzies: The rezoning would be strictly for this on building that is there now. Yes, this will allow this one building which is currently a single family dwellin to be transferred to a duplex use. One building only will be allowed, accessory buildings such as garages and garden sheds will also be allowed. Henry Neufeld: Henry Neufeld: But it could be a continuous rezoning one by one to fill that whole acreage. Kris Menzies: Mr. Van Kessel would be required to come i for another rezoning if he wants to put anything else on the property and it would be subject to another Public Meeting and there will be no severances allowed on the property. Henry Neufeld: This would be creating a precedent for suc a request. Kris Menzies: No it would not Sir. Henry Neufeld: Duplexes, as far as a rural area is concerned I do not think it is the place for duplexes, duplexes belong in a City or a Town where you have a row of duplexes, but certainly not duplexes in a rural area Kris Menzies: In the Township of Oro, the zoning By-Law in any General Residential Zone allows for a duplex use. Anyone in the Township that is currently zoned General Residential and has the appropriate frontage and the appropriate land area and the requirements under the Building Code, that is Health unit approval, is allowed to put a duplex. Henry Neufeld: In the small villages or Hamlet, you could have more duplexes there than single famil residences in very short order. Kris Menzies: That is up to the individual property owne what they would like to do with their property and every member of the Public is more than willing to come in and attempt t rezone or redesignate their property. Sheila Kirkland: I have some problems with this, being as this application for a zoning change has come about after the duplex is already built. This to me shows this particular land owner does not really respect the By- Laws of the Township anyway. What is to stop him again from further developing his land and putting in further duplexes. I Sheila Kirkland: Bruce Nelles: Kris Coneybeare: Brenda Nelles: Deputy Reeve Caldwell: Kris Menzies: - 3 - speak actually in defeat of this and would like to see it stopped now as opposed to having to come back and speak against why the subdivision should not be allowed. I am against the rezoning too because ther is already two duplexes on the other piece of property built by the same person. Thi is another one and if he gets this it will be equivalent to six houses on the property. It will be quite a drain on the water around there. It will devaluate my property if he keeps getting continuous approval for what he is doing. We moved out to Oro because we like the agriculture aspect and I do not want to se a City slowly being developed. The City can stay in Barrie or Orillia but I don't want it in my back yard. This is just a personal opinion. We do live next to it. There is an existing problem with East Oro Public School with sewage and by every duplex you add into the particular lot you are adding it times two if its a duplex. I think the Council should be aware that there is a problem already with the sewage at East Oro. There is a possibility of water but obviously at this point we don't know, but like I said every time you add a duplex to this area you are multiplying everything b two. If there are children, you multiply that also to an existing school problem that already has portables to contend with the number of students they have at this point. Our concern is if this is just a stepping stone and you end up with more homes in this area and they end up with a cul-de-sac to be able to handle this particular problem of adding more homes into it, you will have more homes that wil be backed up against our lot. We are a single family dwelling and all of a sudden you end up with a problem of everyones bac yard up against yours. Kris, just for clarification, there seems to be some concern about the RG Zone and the ability for people to put either singl or semi detached on. The ability to put semi detached on the RG Zone has been ther for the inception of the Township's Official Plan? I am not familiar with the history of when it came about but it has been in existence for quite awhile. Essentially all small municipalities in the Province based on what the Ministry of Municipal Affairs wants, it has to have multiple residential in their Official Plan and at least recognized, if not appropriately zoned. Basically that is why you are starting to see duplexes and triplexes allowed not onl in Oro but in a lot of municipalities throughout Ontario. , , # Deputy Reeve Caldwell: Bruce Nelles: Kris Menzies: Bruce Nelles: Kris Menzies: Henry Neufeld: Kris Menzies: Henry Neufeld: Deputy Reeve Caldwell: - 4 - We are just trying to get it clarified, it is not something new it has been there, it just has not been taken advantage of very often. The Township has tightened up its requirements to meet the criteria in terms of lot size and the amount of frontage. I believe the frontage is now 150 feet and the total lot area is larger than it would be for a single family dwelling which previously it was not. If the lot is rezoned residential, then he can submit a proposal for a subdivision? The proposal is for a site specific rezoning which means a rezoning only applicable to this site which would allow for the use of the property as for one duplex dwelling. If he wanted to come in for a Plan of Subdivision, Mr. Van Kessel would be required to rezone the property once again to a General Residential Use, plus go through the subdivision process. still that is a stepping stone towards this, is it not? No it is not. He is currently allowed one single family dwelling on the property wit the existing zoning. He would like to see a duplex on the property and the property under the Official Plan is designated for such uses. In the Hamlet area, this municipality has policies of wanting to se duplexes there as opposed to on the beach or in the middle of a farm, or in the middle of nowhere. This follows our policies and it follows the zoning and he would not be allowed to build anything els other that perhaps a garage or a garden shed on the property. I am not quite sure, you are saying it is in a zoning By-Law right now. When was th amendment to permit multiple dwelling in a Residential Zone because it was not an original? So there is an amendment somewhere and I am not aware when the amendment occurred which permitted multipl dwelling in any General Residential Zone. I can only take a guess at this, but I believe it was likely in the early 70's to the mid 70's. I know it has been in existence for quite a while but I could no give you the exact date. I don't think so. I think we can probably obtain the answer to that question, we have another meeting at 7:15, we may just take a five minute break in between and give the Planner an opportunity to see if she can come up with a date when that was in place. . '. ' . - 5 - The Deputy Reeve after enquiring and ascertaining that there were n further questions from those present, thanked those in attendance for their participation and advised that Council would consider all matters before reaching a decision. He then advised those present that if they wished to be notified of the passing of the proposed By-law, they should leave their name and address with the Clerk. MOTION NO.1 Moved by Burton, seconded by Johnson Be it resolved that the Special Public Meeting of Council (Van Kessel, East Half of Lot 16, Concession 11) now be adjourned @ 7:16 p.m. Carried ~~pAf J kf/dJ¡ Clerk Robert W. Small Deputy Reeve David Caldwell