12 09 1991 Sp Council Minutes 'f\I1I ~t.0I& fit 'f\I1I ~ fit oa.o ...-=uto ~ fit coUSCU 1)-=-- 9. ~99~ . 9,00 ".11. - cQ'01ICt.L ~ 'th the t to ad)'Ourn~ent @ 9,00 a.~. ~1 1\\et thiS daY pu:rsuan 1\\e1\\bers present~ 1t~"f. 8~ ~1\Q ~991-~994 cQ~U ~~50 ?~e5ent ~e~e; Reeve Robert E. DrurY Deputy Reeve David ca1.d~el1 counci1.1.0r ~1.astair cra~ford counci1.1.0r Joanne cro~a~ counci1.1.or Leonard ~ortson Mr. pat 'RaY Mr. David \'1b.ite, ~r. 1\enrY s~nder, vincent, ~r. Roger ~ccua1g, 1'\r d ~ccuaig, ~r. yred 1\aughtOn, an paul BenhOorn. Reeve Robert E. DrurY ass"",ed the chair. ....""D D_CL--...or:tOl& 0" co1!1"tlo:tC'f 0" :t~1\ll1\sor' D'ISCLOSU1t,,'E ~ ....~ 1.- None peclared. 2.~ None. ~ 9~1.0 a.1\\. 9~30 a.1\\. c) 1.1-~1-0 a.1\\. ~ccuaig spo~e to counci1. Mr. Rog~r and Ralion to the Deve1.0p~ent request1ng e~cep to their severance Fee ~O~t~PP1.~~~~e~as granted Dece~ber 1.1, 199 app1.1Ca 10n and secretarY to (Tre~surer ~e~~~~~~, pat vincent ~e~e a1.So comm1tte~ 0, g thiS deputation.) counc11. prde~en~ t':a"f theY ~ou1.d give further a V1Se th e~ception once the consid~ratiOnl~O'tO~ has bad an opportunity tC <ro~nshl.P'S SO l.Cl. . disCUSS the repercUSS10nS of sa~e. , 'd \'1b.ite yred 1\aughtc TO~nshiP so1.ic1tor, DaV1 t t~ diSCUSS the and 1\enrY sander b~~';.':.e~~~':' TO~nshiP of oro fina1. agree~ent e u1. route the 7th Lin~ pit O~~i;.o~~rr:.~n of the ~eetj reconstru~t10n).. f the \'1b.o1.e.) ~aS he1.d 1n comm1ttee 0 :}c.e to council" yire Chief pau1. EenhOOrn spo d letter 0' rsonne1. ~atter an . res~ect ~o afP~~ District Chief Brian prat resl.~natl.on rd 'This portion of the · stat10n #3, E gar. \ \'1b. 1. ) ~aS he1.d in co~~ittee of the 0 e. MOTION NO. 5 - 3 - Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crokam Be it resolved that a By-Law to Authorize the Execution of an Agreement between the Township of Oro and Seeley and Arnill Aggregates Limited, be introduced and read a first and second time and numbered By-Law No. 91-95. THAT By-Law No. 91-95 be read a third time and finally passed, be engrossed by the Clerk, signed and sealed by the Reeve. Recorded vote requested by Deputy Reeve Caldwell Councillor Mortson Councillor Crokam Councillor Crawford Deputy Reeve Caldwell Reeve Drury MOTION NO. 6 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea Moved by Crokam, seconded by Caldwell Be it resolved that we do now adjourn @ 11:40 a.m. ~~dcp CLERK DARLENE SHOEBRIDGE