05 20 1992 Public Minutes 7:05
The following members of Council were present:
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell
Councillor Alastair Crawford
Councillor Joanne Crokam
Councillor Leonard Mortson
Also Present Were:
Mr. Bryan MacKell, Ms. Bev. Agar, R.
Laws, Mr. John Lynch, Mr. Bruce
Thomas, Mr. Maurice Lightowler, Mr.
Frank Whibley, Ms. Sharon spinney, Mr
Jack Gilhooly, Mr. Tom Bell, Mr. Ross
Tudhope, Mr. Cliff Richards, Ms. Ruth
Tudhope, Ms. Jean MacKie, Mr. Gord
MacKie, Mrs. shirley Woodrow, Mr. Ala
Wayne, W. Allison, R. Andrews, Mr.
Allan Ironside, Mr. Brian Burnie, R.A
Nicholson, D.R. Longstaffe, M.K.
Stephen, Mr. Harry Speed, Mr. James
Jefferies, Mr. Robert McClevis, Mr.
Cliff Lewis, Mr. Stephen King, Mr.
Donald R. MacDonald, Ms. Diane Meitz,
Mr. Conrad Boffo, and One Member of
the Press.
Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting.
Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to those
present that this Public Meeting was to receive public comments wit
respect to a proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments,
under sections 17 and 34 of the Planning Act, 1983. The applicant
has applied to redesignate and rezone certain lands described as
East Half Lot 1 and Part of Lot 2, Concession 11, (Orillia Golf and
Country Club). The proposed application is also being considered
for Temporary Use.
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro have
not made a decision on this application, other than proceeding to
this Public Meeting. Only after comments are received from the
Public, requested agencies and Township Staff, within the
appropriate time period, will Council make a decision on this
Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on April 30, 1992, to
all property owners within 400 feet of the subject lands. Notice of
the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie Examiner and
the Orillia Packet on April 30, 1992.
Reeve Robert E. Drury then asked the Clerk if there had been any
correspondence received on this matter. The Clerk responded by
indicating that one letter had been received from G.L. & J.L.
Mackie, adjoining property owners, in support of the application.
The Reeve then stated that those persons present would be afforded
the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the proposed
Amendments. He then turned the meeting over to the Township
Planner, Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the
proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments.
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Bryan MacKell:
This golf course has evolved over the last
twenty-five years. The previous owner
started it as a private concern with Mr.
Whibley acquiring the property in the late
70's. He refined the Golf Course, finishe
it off and has had it opened to the paying
and playing public for the last 9 or 10
years. We will past out copies of air
photos obtained from the Ministry of
Natural Resources. The first one dated
1978 which clearly shows on the bottom lef
hand corner the development of the Golf
Course. Further, we have a copy of an air
photo dated 1989, once again from the
Ministry of Natural Resources which does
show the completed facility. We have
circulated the proposal and the intent to
the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministr
of the Environment and the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. To date, we have ha
written comments returned to us from the
Ministry of Natural Resources and I believ
comments were also sent to your Clerk. In
briefly describing their comments, their
only concern is that only any new permanen
structures that are going to be developed
on the site, be set back a minimum of 30
metres from any water course on the site.
At this point in time there is no plans fo
any new structures to be built. We did no
receive comments from the Ministry of
Natural Resources, nor did we receive
comments from the Ministry of Agriculture
and Food.
We have Miss. Beverley Agar here with us
this evening. She is a professional
hydrogeologist and had submitted to us at
an earlier date, her opinion on the
viability of this property as an
Agricultural Resource.
Bev Agar:
I was retained in late February 1992, to
take a first look at the site and draw up
letter as to my professional opinion as to
whether this would be an appropriate site
for a Golf Course to be located. What I
basically go through when I draw up one of
these letters is the same steps that I wen
through when I was with the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food. I took a look at th
Agriculture feasibility of the land,
whether there is going to be an impact
either on the Agriculture land or the
Agriculture community that may be around
that property. There is not a lot of
Agriculture near or around this property.
The nearest barn is located near Jarratt.
Having done a live stock survey, I was
aware that there wasn't any live stock and
that the property is used for pasture.
However, I did a minimum distance
separation and it would be approximately
1,055 feet separation. There is
approximately 1,500 feet between that barn
and the edge of the property.
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Bev Agar:
The other surrounding land uses, we have
Beards Farm Supply across the road, we hav
a number of residential uses and the lands
to the south are not being used as
Agriculture to my knowledge. The nearest
active barn that I am aware of is located
to the South-West, quite some distance, an
exotic animal operation which involves som
wild boars, red deer, peacock, a number of
wild animals and is removed by about one
The Agriculture capability of the site, we
have some very poorly drained soil down
where the water courses are. It shows it
as a Class 2 with a fertility problem. In
this area you are more likely to run into
excess water restriction. Much of the soi
through here would be water logged a good
portion of the year. The rest of the
property tends to have topography
limitations. My conclusion in looking at
all of this was that as a professional
hydrogeologist, I have no difficulty
supporting the idea and would be confident
of Agriculture justification that may be
required by the Ministry of Agriculture an
Food could be satisfied quite easily.
Bryan MacKell:
I would like to share with you also one or
two other drawings. (Mr. MacKell showed a
detailed blowup of the proposed club house
area, the existing trailer, the first tee
and the tenth tee, ninth green and
eighteenth green.) I think we are looking
at dramatic improvements to this particula
course. In conclusion, given the comments
from Miss Agar, given the comments from th
Ministry of Natural Resources and the
review of your planning documents, it woul
certainly support the redesignation of the
property from the Agriculture to the
Recreational Designation along with the
accompanying zoning By-Law. In the
interim, we would ask Council to give
consideration to the passage of a Temporar
Use By-Law in order to facilitate the
development of the pro shop facility on th
Robert McClevis:
I have a short presentation if I may make
it. I have been asked to speak on behalf
of the golfers and duffers who are Season'
Pass holders of the Orillia Golf and
Country Club.
Firstly, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Robert McClevis and I reside at
417 Dale Drive in Orillia. I was on the
Orillia Township Council working with Bill
Calverly and Deputy Reeve Bill Gowenlock
some years ago, and was involved with many
planning situations. I've been a pass
holder of this golf course for three years
I have lived in Orillia for 37 years and
worked for ontario Hydro which provided th
opportunity to travel throughout all
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Robert McClevis:
townships surrounding Orillia. I know Oro
Township Countryside very well and have
seen many changes.
It is my understanding that this meeting
tonight is to receive comments, both
negative and positive, as to the proposed
zoning requested by the Orillia Golf and
Country Club.
Firstly, using the A.R.D.A. (Agricultural
and Rural Development Act) the soil
capability is classified as it relates to
agriculture. One can ask how do other gol
courses fit into the soil classifications
compared to the Orillia Course. Remember,
the land is rated from 1 to 10, the higher
the number the less suitable the land is
for Agriculture.
soil Type
Bonaire Golf and Country Club
Lake st. George
Hawke Ridge
Barrie Golf and Country Club
Orillia Golf and Country Club
3 & 4
3 & 4
2 & 3
2 & 3
7 & 4
The land along the highway has the 4
classification, the remainder is designate
a 7.
As you are aware, Orillia and Area has bee
designated as Recreational by the
Provincial Planning Board. This
designation encourages recreational
facilities and sports complexes to be
Some sports require special facilities
which are supported by public funds throug
taxes. These facilities are rinks, ball
diamonds, parks, boat ramps and swimming
areas. There might be others.
Only in large centres has the municipality
had funds through imposed fees to construc
and maintain a golf course. The Cost to
develop a municipal golf course would be i
the millions and therefore the public
sector is encouraged to develop these
facilities. In this part of Ontario, golf
courses have been developed and maintained
by individuals who in turn pay taxes.
These courses provide citizens and
neighbours with facilities to play golf an
enjoy the outdoors. Employment
opportunities are also made available for
regular and summer students.
Changing the zoning to Recreational Open
Space to accommodate this golf course is
like setting aside a precious piece of Oro
country side to be protected from
development. It would be wrong to maintai
it as Rural Agricultural because there are
not sufficient restrictions on this
, .
Robert McClevis:
Donald R. MacDonald:
Reeve Drury:
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designation. For instance, there are
fields which have had the top soil scrappe
off, which left the field totally non-
productive and in turn, increases erosion.
I know of hard maple bushes which were
cleared and the wood sold for fire wood.
These are only two concerns I have about
land zoned Rural Agricultural.
The Orillia Golf and Country Club is
considered by me and my fellow golfers as
haven for wildlife and a fabulous
recreational facility which should be
protected for the future. Approving the
zoning change as requested will ensure tha
a small part of Oro Township is kept in
tact for families who are sports minded an
love the outdoors. Recreational Open Spac
is the proper and only designation for thi
prestigious part of Oro Township.
I thank you very much for the opportunity
to speak with you tonight. I also have
approximately one hundred signatures
encouraging that the change be approved.
(Copy of petition of signatures filed with
the Township Office.)
This golf course some how has slipped
through the planning process. Now the
course is in place, being utilized, we hav
this Public Meeting which is basically
afterwards; it becomes a mockery of the
planning process within ontario. To put a
temporary use on it, is also a mockery. I
may quite well be appropriate for a golf
course for this particular land. However,
I have requested that you put a cease use
order on it until it does receive the
appropriate Ministerial approval under
section 66 of the Planning Act. It states
that on first conviction of fine, not more
than $20,000. for continuing to contravene
the By-Law. (Read from section 66 of the
Planning Act.) I am opposed to a Temporar
Use By-Law, other than that it may well be
appropriate. What about the surrounding
property uses? I have to question Bev
Agar's submission on Agricultural land
surrounding. I do not think I will be
objecting to the O.M.B. or requesting a
referral or referral of the proposed
zoning, however, with what you have said
tonight, I may have to rethink that. What
about the wetland area? This is once agai
a pre site destruction before the proposal
is brought before Council. It is after th
fact. It is a mockery of the process. It
was in Huronia Sunday that one of the
owners stated that they could have a
hundred golfers here at this meeting
Sir, I think we have your point loud and
clear that you are not in favour of this
proposal. If you wish to submit it in
writing, Council will consider it before
passing a by-law.
. . (,
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Donald R. MacDonald:
A Lynch Mob! This Country has rules and
regulations and I submit that you should
abide by those under the Planning Act.
John Lynch:
My self, my wife and our lynch mob live
across the road from the parcel of land
being discussed here this evening. I
simply want to indicate my support in
favour of the proposed changes. I see the
course as a response to a very worthwhile
recreational need. I also see that parcel
of land, in my opinion, improving and
developing and I think that is a very
positive thing. I would suggest also that
this type of development is something that
obviously fits in very well with that
natural landscape in that area. If we wer
here tonight to speak about a development
that was going to include twenty-five or
thirty homes or something of that nature,
might feel very differently about it. A
responsible owner, developing this propert
in a very responsible manner, so in that
sense, the lynch mob and myself would like
to support the proposal.
Reeve Drury:
I would just like to state that basically
the municipality is looking at this as a
housekeeping item to bring everything in
order with our By-Laws and Official Plan.
Conrad Boffo:
Can anyone from outside this Township come
in here and object.
Reeve Drury:
Yes, anyone in Canada.
There being no further questions or comments, the Reeve in closing
the meeting, thanked those in attendance for their participation an
advised that Council would consider all matters before reaching a
decision. He then advised those present that if they wished to be
notified of the passing of the proposed By-law, they should leave
their name and address with the Clerk.
Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crokam
Be it resolved that this Special Public Meeting (Orillia Golf and
Country Club, East Half Lot 1 and Part Lot 2, Concession 11) now be
adjourned @ 7:37 p.m.