06 03 1992 Public Minutes 7:10
The following members of Council were present:
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell
Councillor Alastair Crawford
Councillor Joanne Crokam
Councillor Leonard Mortson
Reeve Robert E. Drury
Also Present Were:
Ms. Kris Menzies, Ms. Nicola Linnell,
Mr. Basil Noels, Mr. David Marquis, .
Mr. Harry Evans, Mrs. shirley Evans,
Mr. Alan Wayne, Mr. Peter Oldcorn, Mr
Steve Agh, Mr. Conrad Boffo, Mrs.
Shirley Woodrow and One Member of the
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell chaired the meeting.
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell opened the meeting by explaining to
those present that this Public Meeting was to receive public
comments with respect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment,
pursuant to provisions of the Planning Act, 1983, section 34. The
purpose of the proposed Zoning by-Law Amendment would be to amend
section 11.1.1 of By-Law 1031, as amended. The effect of this
amendment would be to include various associated accessory uses to
the primary permitted uses in the Open Space and Recreational (OSl)
To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro have
not made a decision on this application, other than proceeding to
this Public Meeting. Only after comments are received from the
Public, requested agencies and Township Staff, within the
appropriate time period, will Council make a decision.
Notice of the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie
Examiner and Orillia Packet and Times on May 14, 1992.
Deputy Reeve David Caldwell then asked the Clerk if there had been
any correspondence received on this matter. The Clerk responded by
indicating that one letter had been received from the Nottawasaga
Valley Conservation Authority stating they had no objection to the
amendment as no authority policies or programs would be adversely
The Deputy Reeve then stated that those persons present would be
afforded the opportunity of asking questions with respect to the
proposed Amendment. He then turned the meeting over to the Townshi
Planner, Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the
proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment.
Kris Menzies:
The Township of Oro currently has a Zone
called Recreational and Open Space and the
purpose of this Public Meeting is to have
Council have the opportunity to receive
comments from the Public in regard to this
proposed zoning By-Law Amendment.
- 2 -
Kris Menzies:
It is a Township initiated amendment and
thus it could affect the Township Communit
wide. Currently the OSl Zone has specific
permitted uses. These include Agricultura
and Forestry uses and Buildings Accessory
to Agricultural and Forestry uses,
Cemeteries, Mausoleums, Crematoriums, and
Columbariums and it also permits a
residence for caretaker or family to a
permitted use. Another section of this By
Law, as it currently has approved and in
effect, has several recreational types of
uses and I will name just a few of them: .
Arenas, Boy Scout Camps, Golf Courses, Ski
Facilities, Snow Mobile Trails, Game
Preserves, and Nature Trails.
The purpose of the amendment has several
different components in it, one is to
separate out the Recreational uses into
Recreational uses and Open Space uses and
to permit Accessory uses to the
Recreational types of uses. This sheet
shows what is existing in the By-Law today
This sheet will separate out those exist in
uses currently under the Recreational Zone
into two different categories; one being
Open Space, one being Recreational. The
Open Space categories will provide things
like Parks, Nature Trails, Snow Mobile
Trails and so forth. The Recreational use
are more traditional types of Recreational
uses, such as Arenas, Golf Courses,
Miniature Golf Courses, Riding Stables and
Ski Facilities. All of these uses
currently exist in the By-Law, they are
just being separated into two different
The second part of the By-Law will take
this Recreational section and identify
Accessory uses, which can be utilized
Accessory to those permitted Recreational
uses. For instance some of the Accessory
uses that could be permitted are residents
for a caretaker and family which is
currently allowed in the By-Law, an
Administration Building, an Operations
Building, a Maintenance Building a Storage
Building, Parking Lot, Restaurant, Lounge
or Bar, Locker Room, Club House, Pro Shop
for the sale of related equipment, Swimmin
Pool, Putting Green, Wax Hut, Timing
Building, Tack Room and Ticket Kiosk. One
of the purposes for this is because there
are somewhat large Recreational uses
allowed in the OSl Zone, such as Golf
Courses. There was some concern as to wha
Accessory uses could be permitted to a Gol
Course. Such as, is a Restaurant an
Accessory to a Golf Course; is a Hotel
Accessory to a Golf Course? This will
clarify things, not only for people who ar
looking at rezoning properties or currentl
have properties zoned OSl, but will also
clarify things for the Public if a rezonin
to an OSl comes forth.
- 3 -
Alan Wayne:
When you are referring to a Maintenance
Building, are you referring to only for th
purpose of repairing their equipment or
total maintenance?
Kris Menzies:
You have to keep in mind these are propose
Accessory uses to the permitted use so
Maintenance Building means incidental
repair of minor equipment that is on the
property and for the permitted use.
Alan Wayne:
What is the intent of a Club House?
Kris Menzies:
Depends on the type of facility that is
using it. I could envision a Club House a
an area where members sit around and
discuss meetings, maybe have a drink, mayb
there is a notice board in it, etc. but no
a conference facility.
steve Agh:
What about the existing Seasonal
Residences, if they could be extended or
Kris Menzies:
No, the OSl Zone as it sits today and as i
is intended here, does not cover the
extension of homes. Homes are only allowe
in the OS2 Zone where a Caretaker or a
Family taking care of a Recreational or
Open Space property and it does not
contemplate the expansion of those homes i
this By-Law. If someone wants to come in
for an expansion then they would have to
adhere to the required setbacks and they
can justify it and they adhere to the
Building Code, they will get a building
steve Agh:
So if it is a legal non conforming use you
can have a building permit to extend it?
Kris Menzies:
No, this By-Law does not contemplate legal
non conforming uses.
Deputy Reeve Caldwell:
I think if you can think of other uses tha
we should be considering, we are receptive
to hearing what they might be before we
make a final decision on this By-Law.
There being no further questions or comments, the Deputy Reeve in
closing the meeting, thanked those in attendance for their
participation and advised that Council would consider all matters
before reaching a decision. He then advised those present that if
they wished to be notified of the passing of the proposed By-law,
they should leave their name and address with the Clerk.
Moved by Crawford, seconded by Mortson
Be it resolved that this Public Meeting of Council (Open Space) now
be adjourned @ 7:24 p.m.
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