12 16 1992 Public Minutes , , ftB CORPORATION 01' HB TOWNSHIP 01' ORO SPEeIAL PUBLIC DftING UDNBSDAY. DZC_1m lS. 1992 . '105 P ... - COUNCIL CBAlIB1mS pIPTY-SIXTB DftING 1991-1994 COUNCIL The following members of Council were present: Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Joanne Crokam Councillor Leonard Mortson staff Present Were: Mr. Henry Sander, Ms. Kris Menzies, Mr Ron Watkin Also Present Were: Mr. Gary Bell, Mr. Leo Erez, Mr. Harve Boehm, Mr. Alan Wayne, Mr. Gary Thiess Mrs. Isabelle Thiess, Mr. Rex Meadle and one member from the press. Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to thos present that this Public Meeting was to receive public comments wit respect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, pursuant to provision of the Planning Act, 19B3, section 34 (12). The applicant has applie to rezone certain lands described as Part of Lot 21, Concession 9, (NIV). To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro hav not made a decision on this application, other than proceeding to thi Public Meeting. Only after comments are received from the Public requested agencies and Township Staff, within the appropriate tim period, will Council make a decision on this application. Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on November 27, 1992, t all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands. Notice 0 the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie Examiner an Orillia Packet on November 27, 1992. Reeve Robert E. Drury then asked the Deputy Clerk if there had bee any correspondence received on this matter. The Deputy Cler responded by indicating that correspondence has been received fro Nottawasaga Valley conservation Authority indicating the propose Zoning By-Law Amendment is located outside the N. V. C.A. I S area 0 jurisdiction. The Reeve then stated that those persons present would be afforded th opportuni ty of asking questions with respect to the proposed Amendment. He then turned the meeting over to the Township Planner Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the propose Zoning By-Law Amendment. -2- Kris Menzies: As the Reeve has mentioned, the Publi Meeting is being held for Part of Lot 21 Concession 9, in the Township. The propert is located south of Highway 11 in the 9t Concession. The purpose of the rezoning i to afford Council the opportunity to hea comments from the public prior to making an recommendation or decision regarding th particular zoning amendment being requested The amendment is a rezoning from th Agricultural Zone to a site specifi Industrial Zone with a Hold. As the Reeve has also mentioned, Council has adopted a Official Plan Amendment which would re-designate the lands from it current Agricultural designation to a Industrial land use designation. Tha designation is subject to an ontari Municipal Board Hearing to be held early i the new year and as yet is not in force an effect. Due to this, the proponents hav also requested that this Zoning By-Law b referred to the Board at the same hearing i order to afford the Board an opportunity t look at both the Official Plan Amendment an the Rezoning in concert with each other The applicants are coming forth for a publi meeting under the Planninq Act in order t allow Council a better opportunity t provide recommendations through its Planne to the Board in regard to the disposition 0 the land. The presentation Mr. Reeve that you ar going to see tonight by the applicant' consultant Mr. Gary Bell is going to spea essentially to not only the public meet in in regards to this land but Mr. Bell als represents the land owner to the south, Mr Boehm and although the public meetin tonight does not speak to rezoning on Mr Boehm's land, Mr. Bell, as I understand, i going to talk to some regard in regards t the application as a whole. So the publi meeting and the comments to be received fro the public tonight are to speak specificall to the NIV application which is . Lot 21 Concession 9 which is north of the Boeh property but Mr. Bell may take th opportunity to explain how, for example some of the zoning is going to work into th property to the south because for plannin purposes it is considered one site. believe Mr. Bell may want to elaborate. Mr. Gary Bell: My name is Gary Bell. I am a Land Us Planner from Barrie and I am here tonigh with Mr. Leo Erez and his wife Anna who ar the owners of the NIV Developments land tha we are speaking of for the public meeting That land is north of my arm now on th large drawing. It's this land through here It fronts on Highway 11 and goes over to th Bth Concession road. It borders Mr. Boehm' land to the south and that's where it wil obtain its access from Concession 9. A Planner Menzies mentioned, the Boehm -3- property is really part of this project, i really works together, and the Boeh property is the south half of this drawing Mr. Boehm is here as well this evening. Official Plan Amendment No. 37 designate all of this area outlined in blue fo Industrial and it went on to describe th municipali ty' s intent to generate dr industrial development on this site No.3 among a number of other sites up and dow Highway 11. I have read Official PIa Amendment No. 37 and I support its intent. I go on from there to look at the details 0 the municipal requirements for developmen and particular zoning changes and I hav provided the municipality with a Plannin Report on the Boehm and NIV lands togethe and I want to refer to one page of that The municipality, through its Official Plan has a number of criteria, a number 0 considerations, for where actual industria development should occur. Now we in ou report, it's available to the municipalit and the public, have addressed all kinds 0 planning matters, agricultural capability location, the wetlands, the requirement that you have in your Official Plan t summarize and I'm going to speak here to th whole of the project. The area to b developed is relatively level and the prope drainage can be easily achieved with som areas requiring grading and filling. I detailed look, the zoning used to be her which was a dividing zoning between the OS Zone, the Open Space Conservation Zone an the Agricultural fields. When we obtaine the detailed mapping, ontario Base Mappin of the area, we learned that that wasn' quite correct, it actually shifts. Th wooded and wet area is along this line her and so we have moved everything out so tha the land to be considered under the Zonin By-law is relatively level and can b drained and that can be managed through storm Water Management Report subsequent t the whole Draft Plan approval process Access to the project is, as I indicated through the Boehm portion of the lands t Concession 9 and this is an interchange wit Highway 11. It's an important factor of th municipality's consideration of a industrial development. Also important an I had mentioned it earlier, is that the ver corner right now has both some industria development, there is an automotiv industrial use right at the corner in th crux of the overpass and another five or si acre parcel to the south of it which i designated and zoned now for industria development. So there really is an existin pocket of industrial development an planning here and this would move on to th west of that. The conceptual proj ect i that there would be an industrial road t municipal standards here on the property about the mid point of the entire depth that crosses the Boehm lands to the north s it creates a parcel for Mr. Boehm right her II -4- at the frontage. It moves into the propert to a depth that allows a reasonable numbe of wide lots. These lots are eighty metre wide. zoning approach by the municipalit might suggest a minimum of sixty metres bu these could be even bigger lots because 0 the depths involved and it would end in cul-de-sac somewhere through the middl portion of the property. The details of ho long that cul-de-sac will be and how man lots there will be are a function of anothe part of the planning process called Draft Plan approval and we do not know now enoug about the market conditions to be able t with confidence tell you what the detaile loting will be. This is a conceptual pla pretty well of the full or greatest exten of development possible and it shows how i could be done. The municipality in it planning policy wants to know that sites ar capable of development under a dry natur and that would be specified in the Zonin By-law. We have applied for the Zoning By law and the zoning By-law that I hav advanced to the municipality and sent to th ontario Municipal Board seeks a list, special list, of those dry industrial use the municipali ty is contemplating an intending and if anyone would like any mor information of the list I would be please to provide it, it's a longer list. Th process of achieving the detailed approval can well accommodate any Heal th Uni concerns on the property or Ministry 0 Environment concerns. Skelton, Brumwell the firm I am with, is also an engineerin firm and I have engineers at the firm do general nitrate calculation to begin t understand that the development of thi property is feasible in these large parcel based on the M.O.E. requirements of th Reasonable Use Policy in nitrate loading and it can be done. We are confident tha the Health unit concerns are dealt with no by moving the line back and additiona Health unit concerns and M.O.E. requirement can be met on this property. Finally Mr. Chairman, the Official Pla requirement prior to zoning is that there i an understanding that parking, loading screening and landscaping will b accommodated. This municipality practise site Plan Control on all industria development. That means that th development of each individual parcel one a a time or a couple together depending on ho it happens will be subject to detaile scrutiny on drainage, lighting, landscaping garbage collection, site servicing, parking loading, one at a time so that Official Pla requirement is already met. ~ II Councillor Crawford: Kris Menzies: -5- In summary Mr. Chairman, this site presen itself very well in conformity with yo Official Plan policies and as a method implementation of your intentions unde Official Plan Amendment No. 37. We ha done adequate site investigation work a planning work to suggest to you and recommend that a special zoning be applie to this site to achieve the dry industri intended and we have a conceptual plan th will serve the interests of NIV and Boe and be a suitable way of getting on with t Township's industrial developmen intentions. I would like to point out tha NIV Developments in this past couple 0 years sought this industrial developme opportunity. NIV Developments is a developer of land from Richmond Hill a City of Orillia and they came looking a bought this as an opportunity. The Boe family has had this property for many man years. Harvey Boehm himself is a stee worker and interested in steel industrie and projects and he has also advised me tha he has an interest and activity now in lo building and that's the kind of industr that can make very good use of these larg blocks of open land and it will put peopl to work here in Oro Township. What is the zoning, the Industrial Zone? What the public meeting spoke to is an M Hold but the M1 Hold might at the time whe the public meeting notice went out Mr. Bel in discussion with the municipality wa speaking about certain specific provisions Now there have been accumulative discussion with the other proponents of OPA 37 and th municipality is leaning towards a new zon for the municipality, however that new zon will have to be contemplated by the Boar and it will be the Board's decision. If th Board feels that the new zone is no appropriate it may look at each individua site and site specifically zone thos properties wi th what would have bee embodied in the new zone anyway. The en effect if the Board feels that the zoning i appropriate would be the same but that is possibility and if the Board feels it i appropriate will just simply call it M which is the next one in line. . . -6- Mr. Gary Bell: Councillor, I am familiar with those zonin provisions being discussed and I ha undertaken to ensure that our conceptua plan respects those. For instance, th frontage, a minimum frontage has bee suggested of fifty five metres. Myopinio is that this land conceptually can b addressed with eighty metre lots, good wid lots the nature of actual industria development is like that. There being no further questions or comments, the Reeve in closingth meeting, thanked those in attendance for their participation an advised that Council would consider all matters before reaching decision. He then advised those present that if they wished to b notified of the passing of the proposed By-law, they should leav their name and address with the Clerk. MOTION NO.1 Moved by Caldwell, seconded by Crokam Be it resolved that the Special Public Meeting of Council (Part of Lo 21, Concession 9, NIV) now adjourn @ 7:20 p.m. Carried. f DEPUTY CLERK LYNDA AIKEN