12 14 1992 Public Minutes ftB CORPOnTION 01' HB TOWNSHIP 01' ORO SPEeIAL PUBLIC DftING UDNBSDAY. DEe_1m lS. 1992 . '120 P ... - COUNCIL CBAlIB1mS PIPTY-SBVBNTB DftING 1991-1994 COUNCIL The following members of Council were present: - Reeve Robert E. Drury Deputy Reeve David Caldwell Councillor Alastair Crawford Councillor Joanne Crokam Councillor Leonard Mortson staff Present Were: Henry Sander, Watkin Kr is Menz ies , Mr. Ro Also Present Were: Mr. Gary Bell, Mr. Alan Wayne, Mr. Gar Thiess, Mrs. Isabelle Thiess, Mr. Re Meadley and one member from the press Reeve Robert E. Drury chaired the meeting. Reeve Robert E. Drury opened the meeting by explaining to thos present that this Public Meeting was to receive public comments wit respect to a proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment, pursuant to provision of the Planning Act, 19B3, section 34 (12). The applicant has appliea to rezone certain lands described as Lots 2,3,4,6,7 and B, Plan M-447U Concession 4, (Horseshoe Resort corporation). II To date, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro havl not made a decision on this application, other than proceeding to thi Public Meeting. Only after comments are received from the Public requested agencies and Township Staff, within the appropriate tim period, will Council make a decision on this application. Notice of the Public Meeting was mailed out on November 27, 1992, t all property owners within 120 metres of the subject lands. Notice 0 the Public Meeting was also placed in both the Barrie Examiner an Orillia Packet on November 27, 1992. .. Reeve Robert E. Drury then asked the Deputy Clerk if there had bee any correspondence received on this matter. The Deputy Cler responded by indicating that Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authorit and the Simcoe County District Health unit have submitte correspondence indicating from N.V.C.A. that the proposed Zoning By Law Amendment is located outside the N.V.C.A.'s area of jurisdictio and from the Health unit that they are not opposed to the rezonin from the General Residential Zone to General Residential Exception. The Reeve then stated that those persons present would be afforded th opportuni ty of asking questions with respect to the proposed Amendment. He then turned the meeting over to the Township Planner Ms. Kris Menzies, to explain the purpose and effect of the propose Zoning By-Law Amendment. Kris Menzies: As the Reeve has stated, this publi meeting is to afford Council th opportuni ty to receive comments fro the public regarding this particula rezoning. The zoning for tonight I -3- Kris Menzies: I was just going to add as point 0 clarification Mr. Reeve that Lot seems to be sort of missing in th middle. It has the same topographica constraints but there is already residence built upon it and it adhere to the set back requirements. They ha less of a hardship trying to buil there then the other three lots. There being no further questions or comments, the Reeve in closing th meeting, thanked those in attendance for their participation an advised that Council would consider all matters before reaching decision. He then advised those present that if they wished to b notified of the passing of the proposed By-law, they should leav their name and address with the Clerk. MOTION NO.1 Moved by Mortson, seconded by Crawford Be it resolved that the Special Public Meeting of Council (Lot 2,3,4,6,7 and B, Plan M-447, Concession 4, Horseshoe Resort) now b adjourned @ 7:27 p.m. Carried. REEV DEPUTY CLERK LYNDA AIKEN