1988-011 Medonte By-law to Amend Zoning By-law No. 82-25 as Amended
Township of Medonte
By-law Number 88-11
A By-law to amend zoning By-law Number 82-25 as amended.
THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte
under Section 34 of the Planning Actr S.O. 1983, c.l, as amended,
ENACTS as follows:
1. By-law 82-25 as amended, being the Township of Medonte zoning
By-law, is hereby further amended by changing the area on Schedule
"A", Map "5" to By-law 82-25 as shown on Schedule "A" attached to
this By-lawr from General Residential (Rl) to General Commercial
Exception (Cl-3).
2. Subsection 2.21, Zone Exceptionsr of By-law 82-25 as amendedr
is hereby further amended by adding Subsection 2.21.24 as follows:
"2.21.24 Cl-3
The lands in Lot 55, Concession I, shown as Cl-3 on Schedule
"A"r Map "5", which are described as Part of Lot A, plan
261-A, may be used for the uses permitted in the General
Commercial (Cl) Zone.
The Zone Regulations of Subsection 2.6.3 General Commercial
(Cl) Zone shall apply save and except for the following:
1. The minimum lot frontage shall be 25 metres.
2. The minimum lot area shall be 735 square metres.
3. The minimum exterior side yard shall be 3 metres.
4. The minimum interior side yard shall be 7.5 metres.
5. The minimum rear yard shall be 3 metres.
6. The maximum gross floor area for a commercial
building shall be 110 square metres.
7. The provisions of Section 3 shall apply save and
except for the following:
i) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection
3.11.2 of this by-law, one driveway may be located
at a minimum distance of 10.5 metres along Mill
St. from the intersection of the street lines of
Mill st. and Highway No. 93.
ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection
3.18.5 of this by-law, outside sale and display of
goods and materials may be permitted in the
exterior side yard along Highway No. 93, but not
within the area of any required sight triangle."
3. Schedule "A" attached hereto forms part of this By-law.
4. This By-law shall take effect and shall come into force
pursuant to the provisions of and regulations made under the
Planning Act.
Read a first and second time this
day of
, 1988
Read a third time and finally passed thi
day of
, 1988