1991-003 Medonte THE CDRPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEJX)NTE BY-LAW NUMBER 1991-03 BErN; A BY-LAW to appoint a Secretary for the Township of Medonte Comnittee of Adjustment. - WHERE'AS Section 43( 8) of the Planning Act authorizes the appointing of a Secretary for a Comnittee of Adjustment; l'Of THEREFORE, Council of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: 1 . That Mr. Ron Peters be appointed as Secretary for the Township of Medonte Comnittee of Adjustment. - 2. That Mr. Peters shall carry out the duties as outlined in the Planning Act and regulations thereto. 3. That Mr. Peters shall also have the authority as outlined under Section 52(21) of the Planning Act for giving a Certificate of Consent. 4. That this By-Law shall take affect on the date of its passing. READ a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 14th Day of January, 1991. - ~