1991-033 Medonte THE CDRPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEJX)NTE BY-LAW NUMBER 1991-33 WHERE'AS, under the provisions of Section 412 of the Municipal Act, being revised statutes of Ontario 1980, Chapter 302 and amendments thereto, Councils are empowered to pass a By-law setting the rate of interest on unpaid taxes up t to 1 & 1/4% per month; AND WHERE'AS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte deems it expedient to set the interest rate; - NCW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized and shall add to the amount of all taxes due and unpaid as at January 1, 1992 interest at the rate of 1 & 1/4% per month of fraction thereof fram the 1 st day of January 1992 until the taxes are paid. THIS BY-LAW shall came into force and take effect on the 1 st Day of January, 1992. READ a first, second and third time and passed this 16th Day of December, 1991. t ~~~ /J~ Reeve It