1992-028 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE BY-LAW NUMBER 1992- A BY-LAW to enter into a deve10pnent agreement with Mr. Sheldon Rosen. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to enter into an agreement with Mr. Sheldon Rosen prior to the passage of a Zoning By-law; ~ KM'l'EIEREFt>RE, Council of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: 1) That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Township of Medonte an agreement with Mr. Sheldon Rosen for the developnent of his lands, pt Lot 9 Con 7 and pt Lot 9 Con 8. ~ READ a first and second time, read a third time and passed this 11th Day of May, 1992. ~ ~