1992-064 Medonte
BY-LAW 1992-64
Being a By-Law to establish a water rate for the Robin Crest Development,
WHEREAS Section 2(8) of the Public Utilities Act, Chapter P ,52, RS.O 1990 authorizes Council to defme
an area of the Municipality and assess and levy the costs of installation maintenance and supply on the
rateable property in that area,
AND WHEREAS Section 8 of the Public Utilities Act, Chapter P,52, RS.O. 1990 authorizes Council to
regulate the distribution and use of water and fix the price for the use of water and the time of payment,
AND WHEREAS Council is desirous to establish a water rate for the Robin Crest Development,
NOW THEREFORE, Council of the Township enacts as follows
1) That the following rate shall be imposed against the serviced properties in the Robin Crest
Development, being Plans M-101 and M-128 as well as other residences in Moonstone for the
supply and use of Water
$ 15.00
per month,
2) That the Township shall bill the Robin Crest Water System four times yearly, being
January 1
April 1
July 1
October 1
and that the billing shall be for the period of the previous three months,
8) That the Township shall impose a 10% penalty on all overdue accounts,
4) That the Township, may at any time after the due date, transfer any outstanding accounts to
the tax-roll.
5) That this By-Law shall take affect on January 1, 1998,
READ a fIrst and second time, read a third time and passed this 28rd day of November, 1992.