1993-010 Medonte It e e e THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 1993- A By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacted Zoning By-law No. 1990-22, as amended; AND WHEREAS the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Ch. P.13, Section 34, gives the authority for the council of a local municipality to pass by-laws to amend the zoning by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: 1. That Subsection 2.19.3 of Zoning By-law No. 1990-22, as amended, is hereby amended by deleting the entire Subsection and replacing it with the following: "2.19.3 RU Zone Regulations For Residential and Lawfully Existing Institutional Uses a) For residential uses on lots created after the passing of this By-law: Minimum lot area Minimum lot frontage Minimum yard requirements front rear interior side exterior side Maximum building height Minimum gross floor area Maximum lot coverage Minimum landscaped open space Maximum number of dwelling units Maximum number of dwellings Accessory buildings, uses and structures Parking provisions 4045 square metres 50 metres 12 metres 12 metres 4.5 metres 7.5 metres 11 metres 110 square metres 10 percent 40 percent 2 units 1 dwelling Refer to Subsection 3.1 Refer to Subsection 3.21 2. That Subsection 2.19.4(c) of Zoning By-law 1990-22, as amended, is hereby amended by re-numbering Subsection 2.19.4(c) to Subsection 2.19.3(b) and that Subsection 2.19.3(b) follows Subsection 2.19.3(a). 3. That Subsection 2.19.4 of Zoning By-law 1990-22, as amended, is hereby amended as follows: i) The title "RU Zone Regulations For Lots Existing on the Date of Passing of this By-law" is deleted and replaced by "RU Zone Regulations For Other Uses"; and ii) The words "existing on the date of passing of this By- law" are deleted from the subtitles of Subsections 2.19.4(a) and 2.19.4(b); It 4. That Subsection 2.19.7, RU Zone Exceptions, of Zoning By-law 1990-22, as amended, is hereby amended by deleting the following exceptions: e "RU-ll (Lot 75, Concession 1) RU-12 (Lot 16, Concession 8) RU-13 (Lot 13, Concession 11) RU-15 (Lot 1, Concession 10) RU-16 (Lot 9, Concession 14) RU-17 (Lot 15, Concession 14) RU-20 (Lot 8, Concession 7) RU-22 (Lots 72 & 73, Concession 2) RU-24 (Lot 22, Concession 9) RU-25 (Lot 22, Concession 8) RU-26 (Lot 23, Concession 9)" 5. That Schedule A, Maps 1 and 2, forming part of Zoning By-law No. 1990-22, as amended, are hereby further amended by rezoning the following lands, shown on Schedules A to J attached, from the Rural Exception Zones listed below to the Rural (RU) Zone and the Rural Exception (RU-l ) Zone, and that Schedules A to J attached form part of this By-law: e "RU-ll to RU-l RU-12 to RU-l RU-12 to RU RU-13 to RU RU-15 to RU RU-16 to RU RU-17 to RU RU-20 to RU RU-22 to RU RU-24 to RU RU-25 to RU RU-26 to RU e (Map 2, Lot 75, Concession 1) (Map 2, Lot 16, Concession 8) (Map 1, Lot 16, Concession 8) (Map 1, Lot 13, Concession 11) (Map 1, Lot 1, Concession 10) (Map 1, Lot 9, Concession 14) (Map 1, Lot 15, Concession 14) (Map I, Lot 8, Concession 7) (Map 1, Lots 72 & 73, Concession (Map 1, Lot 22, Concession 9) (Map 1, Lot 22, Concession 8) (Map 1, Lot 23, Concession 9) (Schedule A) (Schedule A) (Schedule B) (Schedule C) (Schedule D) (Schedule E) (Schedule F) (Schedule G) 2) (Schedule H) (Schedule I) (Schedule J) (Schedule I)" 6. That Subsection 2.19.6 of Zoning By-law 1990-22, as amended, is amended by the deletion of the phrase "Subsections 2.19.3 and" and its replacement with the word "Subsection". . . e . 7. That this By-law shall take effect and shall come into force pursuant to the provisions of and Regulations made under the Planning Act. Read a first time this day of Read a second time this day of Read a third time and finally passed this , 1993. . . . . . . . .~. . .1.7. . . . . . . . . . . . . REEVE CLERK , 1993. , 1993. day of -l Township of Medonte ZonlncJ By-law No. 1990-22 Schedule A Mop 2 RU o 200 ~ 400 . 600 . 8oo~ ~ Scole: I: 12,500 WAVER LEY Zone change to Rural Exception (RU-l) Zone 12 C( :J ..J 5 ~ Q; ~ TWP. OF ORO 1 r PRICES CORNER LO'" 41 CON . u.. o RU-I a: ;t .... CRAIG HURST TWP. OF ORO LC7T .. CON VII LOT 18 RU-I CON VIII RU-I LOT 18 CON IX CI 1M2 I RU-I ES e RU-I LOT III COM VII LOT I!! cnN VIII LEGEND RI - CI - ~ 1 ESI - ESZ- oS! - RU - MOONSTONE (/ 1St Residential General Commercial Highway COfTI1'IeIclol General Industrial In5titutiona I High Enwil'Ol'lTl&foI Sensitivity Low Enwho fl"IeIlIoI SensitMty Public Open SpoQ! Rural MC Nair 8 Marshall Planning and Development Consultant ^nri I IQQ(\ .I~ ..IQ. .1-t1t"I7. This is Schedule A to By-law No. 1993 - 12-. It 7 - --------' 1 , . R.U ES2~ ES 2 r--- L I: , e II II 21 II 11 \'-.-=-- ~I ES 2-{\ 2011 II I OS I OS 1 -- ES 2 R e 17 e RU 16 : MOONSTONE .E See Map 2 15 --0 ~R~~~ vm RU IX X This is Schedule B to Scale By-law No. 1993 - ID . - (I 1"00 ?or' W~- ---, . , 00 - - -----~J7 IT T o V" ,-no 1<'( < 100 ~___ __ ~"._.- ].____ ____~~__~=_-~.=:3MHRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 e e u e e I --- n 1 1_ -.--,.. x XI XII This is Schedule C to Scale By-law No. 1993 - , . - \--.00 20F r '-[0 - B~OO FEET o 3(V' ;-no ~__~l 1('(" ~--- \00 . -Tl--- ~ -'- METRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 e -E~2 U v e ES RU RU c:;::9- e 3 RU 2 E: e IX x JARRATT XI Zone change to Rural (RU) Zone This is Schedule D to Sca'e By-law No. 1993 - -' (\ \<\00 2\ \ : ')0 W---.. ..- ..._~- 1 - -- - ~ .-.- ~5~UT o 3(' .' no 1<" ~&- .- ;rl L....._,~..~ -----.- . '00 ~ ~.- .~ METRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 ,... - dB J- (\j .- - - RU 13 .- \- 0 e '0 12 a. .- .c en c II ~ r: 10 9 e ES 2 Zone ch,ange to Rural (RU) Zone 8 e 7 RU 6 ':: XIII XIV Scale This is Schedule E to --..- - ~JO:UT By-law No. 1993 - ~. . WO 217-~- - '1l; o 3(\' .- no ~--'1- - 12(( .- 11 100 . - .~" .~"~. ~u l METRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 e 14 cES} J- RU 13 e 11' t RU M4 M - I 4 19 e J-2 18 16 FOXMEAO - 15 12 XIII X\V (' 1000 2(' n 1 ).)~ ~-m-'-J<.c""=~ -- - ~~.~__ ~~O:EET This is Schedule F to By-law ~o. 1993 - 1--. Scate o 3C) ~no rrN!~'~ . Ii" 100 _ r~~--r ..'"-........~-,.~.~ . METRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 e 9 t e .--J os 6 e :3 -LES2 v VI VII Scale This is Schedule G to ~oo 201--1119 SQOO ! FEET By-law No. 1993 - 1--. o 30D 500 '~ --.. .. 1200 ~ - .- '.":.' . -. - --" ,""'<' 2+00 '1 METRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 e II III EY RU Ii e 75 74 73 72 --- 71. ~U =,"7:":::"-=:::;:'::;':;-"':__ 70 iES 2 69 e 68 67 e 66 65 os ,.....-...---... ...-..-.--- Scale (' 1000 2U()\OOO w- r'''-'-- '-l This is Schedule H to --.--._ ~~OFOEET By-law No. 1993 - O. - o 30(\ 6no ~--L- I:?OO,-100 ~- ._-_.~~. _.~ .~.'''.- --1 METRES This Schedule is a portion . of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 -/ 'tt)~ - VIII e IX X I , ES2~ .... e Zone change to Rural (RU) Zone I I 2'1\ ---, Ii IL-. __ __J --- " ES2~ 2011 II I e OS I OS 1 2 R 11 This is Schedule I to S cote By-law No. 1993 - ~. wQ~r~ ~n[ ~oo FEET o 3(\\1 f',oo ~ ~ 1200 J >,100 lMETRES This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 e VIII e IX I Q 24 ---J 23 Zone change to Rural (RU) Zone RU e ES 2 e Scale 0 1000 20()iJ 4iJr W I 0 300 hOO 1200 ~ l J 80.00 ] FEET ~"tOO ~ METRES I 22 21 20 OS I OS I I 19 R 18 17 This is Schedu~e J to By-law No. 1993 - 1--. This Schedule is a portion of Schedule A, Map 1 to Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 ~ It It -- e Explanation of the Purpose and Effect of the By-law 1. The Corporation of the Township of Medonte has decided to amend certain provisions of Comprehensive Zoning By- law No. 1990-22, as amended. 2. By-law 1990-22 previously required the minimum lot area and frontage for a newly created lot in the Rural (RU) Zone to be 40 hectares and 150 metres, and all yards were required to be 15 metres. By this amendment, new lots for residential uses' require the same standards as those for the. Rural Residential (R3) Zone (for example, 4045 square metres area, 50 metres frontage, etc.). New lots for other uses will be required to meet the same standards as have been required under By-law 1990-22 for similar existing uses. 3. As a result of these changes, several site specific exceptions to the lot area requirement of the Rural (RU) Zone are now no longer necessary. These exceptions are hereby rezoned to the Rural (RU) Zone or, for rural lands within the communities of Waver ley and Moonstone, to the Rural Exception (RU-l) Zone.