1993-013 Medonte . THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE BY-LAW NUMBER 1993- - BEING a By-Law to appoint a Fire Chief for the Township of Medonte WHEREAS the Municipal Act, Chapter M. 45, R.S.O. 1990, Section 210 authorizes council to appoint a Fire Chief; AND WHEREAS Council is desirous to appoint a Fire Chief; NOW THEREFORE, Council of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: 1) That Mr. Joseph Casey be appointed as Fire Chief for the Township of Medonte 2) That the Chief shall perform his duties as laid out in the job description attached to and forming Schedule "A" to this By-Law 3) That the salary shall be determined by Council resolution. rJ~ 4) That this By-Law shall take affect on ApII'll 1, 1993. 5) That By-Law 89-16 is hereby repealed. e READ a first and second time READ a third time and passed this 22nd day of March, 1993. e ~ 76~ Reeve CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEOONTE . Job Description Position Title FIRE CHIEF PUrPOse of Position 1) To provide effective fire fighting services, including combatting, extinguishing, preventing fires and for the protection of life and property within the municipality. e 2) COrPOrate Image The Fire Chief must strive diligently to present an efficient, effective responsive and humane service- oriented image on behalf of the Corporation. The Fire Chief must be mindful of Township policy, established procedure, legal requirements and ethical concerns for fairness, equity and proper and reasonable exercise of authority. 3) Qualifications: a) must have completed grade twelve b) a minimum of 10 years progressively responsible experience in emergency fire service and having reached the level of Deputy Chief c) shall posses, or be involved in, advance training in Fire Protection Technology Course from the Ontario Fire College. d) ability to manage and coordinate a volunteer fire brigade e e) have proven excellent human relation skills f) shall possess excellent communications skills, both oral and written g) shall possess excellent interpersonal skills, both oral and written e h) valid class D, Z endorsement drivers licence i) mentally and physically fit e e e e Page Two 4) Responsibilities a) Ensure to preparedness of the fighters and equipment to emergency situations such vehicle accidents, first-aid 45 volunteer fire respond to all as fire, motor and rescue b) ensure that a comprehensive training program is provided to all members of the department c) ensure the safety, proper maintenance and use of all departmental vehicles and equipment d) develop and implement municipal fire prevention programs e) participate as a member of an effective management team in order to coordinate interdepartmental actions and attitudes, for the resolution of common problems and for the development of recommendations to Council f) prepare and present submissions to Council and Committees related to areas of responsibility and prepare reports of meetings as required g) prepare annual operating and capital budget for the department and be responsible for the administration and control of departmental expenditures h) prepare and submit reports to the Office of the Fire Marshall as required i) administer the purchasing of all equipment and supplies for the department, including the preparation of specifications for major equipment acquisitions j ) represent and promote the Township's fire service by meeting with schools, communi ty groups and individual members of the public k) liaison agencies Marshall with and regional office of emergency service the Ontario Fire Page Three . I) develop and maintain a volunteer personnel roster including adequate recruitment m) enforce all municipal by-laws respecting fire matters and exercise the powers and duties imposed by the Fire Marshall's Act n) review site plans and building plans for fire safety features. e 5) Physical Skills and Effort a) agility and strength to do prolonged and arduous work under adverse conditions b) ability to react quickly and remain calm under duress and strain. C.A.O. Reeve Fire Chief e e