1993-020 Medonte THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE BY-LAW NO. 1993- e A By-law to amend zoning By-law No. 1990-22 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacted Zoning By-law No. 1990-22, as amended; AND WHEREAS the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Ch. P.13, Section 34, gives the authority for the council of a local municipality to pass by-laws to amend the zoning by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule A, Map 2, forming part of Zoning By-law No. 1990-22, as amended, is hereby further amended by rezoning the lands in part of Lot 5, Concession 14, shown on Schedule A attached, from the Rural Exception (RU-l) Zone to the Residential Exception Holding (RI-12(H)) Zone and the High Environmental Sensitivity Exception (ESI-2) Zone, and that Schedule A attached forms part of this By-law. e 2. That a new subsection RI-12 is hereby added to Subsection 2.1.4 "Rl Zone Exceptions" of Zoning By-law No. 1990-22, following Rl-ll: "Rl-12 (Lot 5, Concession 14) Notwithstanding the minimum yard requirements of Subsection 2.1.3, the lands in Lot 5, Concession 14, shown as RI-12 on Schedule A, Map 2, shall have a minimum rear yard of 30 metres." 3. That the title of Subsection 2.14.4 be changed from "ES1 Exceptions" to "ESl Zone Exceptions". 4. That a new subsection ESI-2 is hereby added to Subsection 2.14.4 "ESl Zone Exceptions" of Zoning By-law No. 1990-22 following ES1-1: "ESI-2 (Lot 5, Concession 14) e Notwithstanding the permitted uses of Subsection 2.14.2, the lands in Lot 5, Concession 14, shown as ESI-2 on Schedule A, Map 2, shall only be used for conservation uses, excluding any building except for buildings or structures used for the control of erosion or flooding." 5. That this By-law shall take effect and shall come into force pursuant to the provisions of and Regulations made under the Planning Act. e Read a first time this day of Read a second time this~~~ day of , 1993. , 1993. Read a third time and finally passed this , 1993. day of REEVE ...... CLERK o 200 400 ~w . Sea Ie: I: 12,500 RU-I - - - ------ --- 600 . 800 ....... I This is Schedule A to By-law No. 1993 - RU-I _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -R U-l- - lPT _5? SOl! 1 - - - - - LOT 56 001'1. I RU-I RU-I - - ;i z o 0 v v RU-t This Schedule is a portion HILLSDALE of Schedule A, Map 2, to Zoning By-law 1990-22. RU-I 1 LOT . CO N XIII RI RU-I LOT !I CON X III RU-I ~ ~. Zone change to High Environmental Sensitivity Exception (ESI-2) Zone LOT 6 CON Xl'll <( RU-I .J .J a: 0 RI u.. 0 0. LOT !! :i RU-I CON XIV 1ft Z ~ 0 I- Zone change to Residential \AJ^RMINSTERException Holding V V 1-\ (RI-12(H)) Zone Explanation of the Purpose and Effect of the Bv-law 1. The Corporation of the Township of Medonte has received an application to change the zoning of Part of Lot 5, Concession 14, in the community of Warminster. e 2. This By-law will change the zoning on the subject lands from the "Rural Exception (RU-l) Zone" to the "Residential Exception Holding (RI-12(H)) Zone" and the "High Environmental Sensitivity Exception (ESI-2) Zone". e 3. The Residential Exception Holding (RI-12(H)) Zone will ultimately allow the use of 28 lots in a residential subdivision, which has received draft plan approval under the Planning Act (Ministry of Municipal Affairs file 43T- 90046), for the purpose of one (1) detached dwelling on each lot. The exception increases the required minimum rear yard for these lots to 30 metres. The (H) Holding notation restricts the use of these lands at present to lawfully existing uses until Council removes the (H) symbol in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 3.26 of Zoning By-law 1990-22, as amended. e 4. The High Environmental Sensitivity Exception (ESI-2) Zone will allow the use of one block of land in the subdivision as a natural stormwater management area and will allow a second block to remain as a natural area. Both uses fall within the definition of "Conservation Use", which is the only use permitted in the ESI-2 Zone. e