1984-011 Medonte
BEING A BY-LAW for prohibiting the dep05ih~g of refuse on private or municipal property
and to set a fine for those contravening this By-Law.
WHEREAS Section 210 (76) of the Municipal Act, Chapter 302, R S 0 1980 authorizes
Council to pass By-Laws for prohibiting the throwing, placing or depositing of refuse
or debris on private property or on property of the Municipality without authority from
the owner or occupant of such property.
AND WHEREAS Section 321 of the Municipal Act, Chapter 302, R S 0 1980 authorizes
Council to pass By-Laws to provide that any person who contravenes any By-Law of
Council is guilty of an offence and for providing for the imposition of fines if convicted.
NOW THEREFORE, Council of the Corporation of the Township of Medonte enacts as
1) That any throwing, placing or depositing of any refuse or debris on any private
property or on any property owned by the Municipality, excepting the designated
area of the Township Waste Disposal Site, located on lot 19, concession 13,
without authority from the owner or occupant of the property is prohibited within
the boundaries 01 the Township of Medonte.
2) that any person who contravenes any of the provIsIOns of this By-Law shall upon
conviction be liable to a fine of not more than $2,000.00, exclusive of costs.
3) that any By-Laws of the Township of Medonte that are inconsistant with this
By-Law are hereby repealed.
4) That this By-Law shall take effect on the date of its passing.
READ a first, second and third time and passed this 23rd day of April, 1984.