07 14 2004 COW Minutes
Wednesday, July 14, 2004 @ 9:10 a.m.
Robinson Room
Mayor J. Neil Craig
Deputy Mayor Harry Hughes
Councillor Dan Buttineau
Councillor Ralph Hough
Councillor Paul Marshall
Councillor John Crawford
Councillor Ruth Fountain
Staff Present:
Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO; Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk; Paul
Gravelle, Treasurer; Jerry Ball, Public Works Superintendent;
Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, Chris Carter, Recreation Co-
ordinator; Ron Kolbe, Director of Building/Planning Development;
Also Present:
Jim Woodford; Pat Woodford; Monique Beech, Orillia Packet &
Times; John Waugh, Jack FM; Luigi Orsi
Mayor J. Neil Craig assumed the chair and called the meeting to order.
(also refer to Motion No. CW-26)
Motion No. CW-1
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the following items be added to the agenda for consideration:
i) Bryon Wesson, Director, Land Mgmt/Stewardship Services, Nottawasaga Valley
Conservation Authority, correspondence dated July 9,2004 re: All Terrain Vehicle
(A TV) Use of Municipal Roadways.
j) Calvin Stone, Mark Downing, Co-Presidents, Ontario's Lake Country,
correspondence dated July 5, 2004 re: Support of Projects Letter of Appreciation.
k) Fred Picavet, President, Shanty Bay Estates Ltd., correspondence dated July 12,
2004 re: Proposed Area Specific Development Charge for Shanty Bay Estates Ltd.
(formerly MSL Property) located on Pt. Lots 27 and 28, Concession 3.
I) Councillor Marshall, Waste and Recycling Collection Concern, Brambel Road.
b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter.
Motion No. CW-2
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the agenda for the Committee of the Whole meeting of
Wednesday, July 14, 2004 be received and adopted.
None declared.
a) Jim Woodford, re: Conflict of Interest Rules for Township Consultants and Advisors.
Mr. Woodford presented a written copy of his deputation to the Committee.
Motion No. CW-3
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated July 12, 2004 from Jim Woodford, re:
Conflict of Interest Rules for Township Consultants and Advisors be received.
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a) Recognition of Achievements:
(1) Tamara Obee, completion of Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP)
(2) Chad Robinson, completion of Utility Operator Licensing Program in Water
Distribution System.
(3) Joe Casey, completion of Part 9 - Buildings - HVAC and Fire Protection.
Motion No. CW-4
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Tamara Obee be congratulated for completion of the Certified
Human Resources Professional (CHRP) Designation,
That Chad Robinson be congratulated for completion of the Utility Operator Licensing
Program in Water Distribution System,
And Further That Joe Casey be congratulated for completion of Part 9 - Buildings -
HVAC and Fire Protection.
b) Barrie Public Library Board, minutes of April 22, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-5
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the Barrie Public Library Board minutes of the April 22, 2004
meeting be received.
c) Dalton McGuinty, The Premier of Ontario, correspondence dated June 25, 2004 re:
Source Water Protection.
Motion No. CW-6
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the correspondence dated June 25, 2004 from Dalton
McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, re: Source Water Protection be received.
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d) Jim Partridge, President, Orillia District Snowmobile Club, correspondence dated
June 8, 2004 re: Bill 11, All Terrain Vehicles.
Motion No. CW-7
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated June 8, 2004 from Jim Partridge,
President, Orillia District Snowmobile Club, re: Bill 11, All Terrain Vehicles be received.
e) David Ramsay, Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources, correspondence dated June
16, 2004 re: Bear Wise Program.
Motion No. CW-8
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the correspondence dated June 16, 2004 from David Ramsay,
Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources, re: Bear Wise Program be received.
f) Oro-Medonte History Association, minutes of June 10, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-9
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the Oro-Medonte History Association minutes of the June 10,
2004 meeting, as amended, be received.
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g) Roy Bridge, Chair, LSEMS Executive Advisory Committee, correspondence dated June 16,
2004 re: Lake Simcoe Watershed Plan - Public Consultation Sessions.
Motion No. CW-10
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the correspondence dated June 16, 2004 from Roy Bridge, Chair,
LSEMS Executive Advisory Committee, re: Lake Simcoe Watershed Plan - Public Consultation
Sessions be received.
h) The Regional Municipality of Niagara, correspondence dated May 5, 2004 re: Niagara-
Hamilton WastePlan, Request for Provincial Action in the Areas of Diversion and
Environmental Assessment.
Motion No. CW-11
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the correspondence dated May 5, 2004 from The Regional Municipality
of Niagara, re: Niagara-Hamilton Waste Plan, Request for Provincial Action in the Areas of
Diversion and Environmental Assessment be received; and further that the Township of Oro-
Medonte support the resolution of The Regional Municipality of Niagara to recognize the need
to adopt legislation and policies that support Ontario municipalities in the implementation of
integrated waste management systems to maximize diversion of waste from landfill and allow
for the approval and implementation of disposal alternatives to manage the waste that remains
after diversion through the following actions:
(i) Immediately designate organic materials under the Waste Diversion Act to enable
discussions to begin on how to best fund the diversion of organic materials from landfill, in
recognition of the Minister's objective to achieve 60% diversion from landfill and ban
landfilling of organic materials and current municipal efforts to establish organics diversion
(ii) Immediately adopt the Canadian Council of Minister's of the Environment (CCME)
guidelines for compost for Ontario as part of an overall review and update of the
Composting regulations in the Province to support the diversion of source separated
(Iii) Designate household hazardous waste and electronic waste under the Waste Diversion Act.
(iv) Undertake a formal review of the Environmental Assessment Act and approvals processes
to develop a streamlined Environmental Assessment (EA) process that fulfils the original
intent of the amendments to the Act that came into effect January 1, 1997, potentially
resulting in either:
a) amendments to the Act; or
b) the development of Regulations under the Act.
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i) Bryon Wesson, Director, Land MgmtlStewardship Services, Nottawasaga Valley
Conservation Authority, correspondence dated July 9, 2004 re: All Terrain Vehicle
(A TV) Use of Municipal Roadways.
Motion No. CW-12
Moved by Crawford, Seconded by Fountain
It is recommended that the correspondence dated July 9, 2004 from Bryon Wesson,
Director, Land Mgmt/Stewardship Services, Nottawasaga Valley Conservation
Authority, re: All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Use of Municipal Roadways be received.
j) Calvin Stone, Mark Downing, Co-Presidents, Ontario's Lake Country,
correspondence dated July 5, 2004 re: Support of Projects Letter of Appreciation.
Motion No. CW-13
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the correspondence dated July 5, 2004 from Calvin Stone and
Mark Downing, Co-Presidents, Ontario's Lake Country, re: Support of Projects Letter of
Appreciation be received.
k) Fred Picavet, President, Shanty Bay Estates Ltd., correspondence dated July 12,
2004 re: Proposed Area Specific Development Charge for Shanty Bay Estates Ltd.
(formerly MSL Property) located on Pt. Lots 27 and 28, Concession 3.
Motion No. CW-14
Moved by Fountain, Seconded by Marshall
It is recommended that the correspondence dated July 12, 2004 from Fred Picavet,
President, Shanty Bay Estates Ltd., re: Proposed Area Specific Development Charge
for Shanty Bay Estates Ltd. (formerly MSL Property) located on Pt. Lots 27 and 28,
Concession 3 be received and referred to staff for a response.
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I) Councillor Marshall, Waste and Recycling Collection Concern, Brambel Road.
Motion No. CW-15
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that the information presented by Councillor Marshall with respect to
waste and recycling collection on Brambel Road be received and referred to staff to
liaise with the residents to investigate solutions.
a) Report No. TR 2004-19, Bonnie McPhee, Accounting Clerk, re: Statement of
Accounts, June, 2004.
Motion No. CW-16
Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that Report No. TR 2004-19, Bonnie McPhee, Accounting Clerk, re:
Statement of Accounts, June, 2004 be received; and further that the accounts for the
month of June, 2004 totaling $5,272,799.39 be received.
b) Report No. FD 2004-7, Joe Casey, Fire Chief, re: Monthly Fire Report (April, 2004).
Motion No. CW-17
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau
It is recommended that Report No. FD 2004-7, Joe Casey, Fire Chief, re: Monthly Fire
Report (April, 2004) be received.
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c) Report No. ADM 2004-32, Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Sale of Road Allowance,
Part of Lakeview Avenue, Plan 798, Part 2, Plan 51 R-20265.
Motion No. CW.18
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Buttineau
It is recommended that
1. That Report ADM 2004-032 Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Sale of Road
Allowance, Part of Lakeview Avenue, Plan 798, Part 2, Plan 51 R-20265 be received
and adopted;
2. That the portion of the original road allowance known as Part of Lakeview Avenue,
Plan 798 (Oro), more particularly described as Part 2, 51 R-20265, be retained by
the Township.
3. That no further sales of the closed road allowance known as Lakeview
Avenue/Symond Avenue (Parts 1 to 15, 51 R-20265) be approved until such time as
an assessment is made of drainage management needs in the area.
4. That no further sales of the unopened road allowances on Plan 606 known as Cedar
Walk, Jory Avenue, Hambly Avenue, Palling Avenue, Sunnyside Avenue, and Indian
Trail be approved until such time as an assessment is made of drainage
management needs in the area.
5. That the applicant be advised of Council's decision.
d) Report No. ADM 2004-33, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re: Imaging and Destruction of
Township Records.
Motion No. CW.19
Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that Report No. ADM 2004-33, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re:
Imaging and Destruction of Township Records be received and adopted; and further
that the cost of $4059.14 for the imaging and destruction of Township records be
considered an overrun to the 2004 budget.
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e) Report No. ADM 2004-34, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re: Sale and Transfer of
Surplus Lands - Huronia Homes Ltd., Block 35, M-676, Part of Lots 35 and 36,
Cone. 1, Oro-Medonte (Bidwell Road).
Motion No. CW-20
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Buttineau
It is recommended that
1. Report ADM 2004-034, Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk, re: Sale and Transfer of Surplus
Lands - Huronia Homes Ltd., Block 35, M-676, Part of Lots 35 and 36, Cone. 1,
Oro-Medonte (Bidwell Road) be received and adopted.
2. That Parts 14,16,17,18,20,21 and 22, 51R-16674 be declared surplus to the
needs of the municipality.
3. That Parts 14,16,17,18,20,21 and 22, 51R-16674 be transferred to Huronia
Homes Inc. at a selling price of $22,000.00 plus costs incurred by the Township in
the sale of the lands.
4. And further that the applicant be advised of Council's decision.
f) Citizen of the Year Advisory Group, minutes of July 5, 2004 meeting.
Motion No. CW-21
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that the Citizen of the Year Advisory Group minutes of the July 5,
2004 meeting be received; that the 2004 Citizen of the Year be Marion Wright as voted
by the Advisory Group; and further that Allan Sinton be second runner-up for 2004
Citizen of the Year and that this nomination be brought forward to 2005.
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Committee of the Whole Meeting - July 14, 2004
a) Report No. EES 2004-36, Keith Mathieson, Director of Engineering and
Environmental Services, re: FSP Holdings Inc., (Settlers' Ghost Golf Club)-
Request for Release of Securities.
Motion No. CW-22
Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that Report No. EES 2004-36, Keith Mathieson, Director of
Engineering and Environmental Services, re: FSP Holdings Inc., (Settlers' Ghost Golf
Club) - Request for Release of Securities be received and adopted; that the Treasurer
be authorized to release the road improvement securities in the amount of $30,000.00;
and further that FSP Holdings Inc. be notified of Council's decision.
a) Report No. PD 2004-31, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, re: Line 8 Re-Naming and
Motion No. CW-23
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that
1. That Report No. PD 2004-31 Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, re: Line 8 Re-Naming
and Re-Numbering be received and adopted;
2. That Council authorize the renaming of the southern portion of Line 8 South from
#927/932 Line 8 South to #970/1001 Line 8 South to Lakeshore Road East;
3. That Council authorize the renumbering of all properties fronting on the new portion
of Lakeshore Road East;
4. That Council authorize the renaming of the portion of Line 8 South from the rail-trail
to Spring home Road to Rail Trail Drive and the renumbering of all properties
fronting on Rail Trail Drive;
5. That the County of Simcoe GIS Department be advised of the street name and
numbering changes; and further that
6. The Clerk bring forward the appropriate by-law to implement the street naming
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b) Report No. PD 2004-33, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, re: Final Development
Charges Background Study and By-law.
Motion No. CW-24
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Hughes
It is recommended that Report No. PD 2004-33, Andria Leigh, Senior Planner, re: Final
Development Charges Background Study and By-law be received; that the Clerk bring
forward the appropriate by-law with respect to Development Charges for the Township
of Oro-Medonte and that the consideration of the Area Specific Development Charges
for Concession 3, South Part of Lot 27 and Part of Lot 28 be deferred.
Motion No. CW-25
Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that
WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte has determined that the
development of lands within the municipality will increase the need for municipal
AND WHEREAS it is deemed appropriate to ensure that new development pays for the
increase in the need for municipal services;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte has
held a public meeting in accordance with the Development Charges Act, 1997 on June
21, 2004;
AND WHEREAS it has been determined that no additional public meeting is required in
accordance with Section 12(3) of the Development Charges Act, 1997;
NOW THEREFORE, Council resolves that:
a) the recommendations made in the Background Study attached to Report PD 2004-
23, as amended dated June 21, 2004 with respect to Development Charges for the
Township of Oro-Medonte be adopted;
b) it intends to ensure that the increase in need for services attributable to the
anticipated development in the Municipality will be met by collecting an appropriate
Development Charge; and
c) no further public meeting is required in accordance with Section 12 (3) of the
Development Charges Act, 1997.
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Motion No. CW-26
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that an In-Camera Item (Legal Matter) with respect to Plan 709 be
added to the agenda.
Motion No. CW-27
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that we do now go In-Camera at 11 :00 a.m. to discuss Personnel
and Legal Matters.
Motion No. CW-28
Moved by Hough, Seconded by Buttineau
It is recommended that we do now Rise and Report from In-Camera at 12:25 p.m.
a) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter.
Motion No. CW-29
Moved by Marshall, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that the Confidential Report No. ADM 2004-37, Jennifer
Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter (Management Salary Grid) be received and
adopted, as amended.
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b) Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter.
Motion No. CW-30
Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that the confidential correspondence dated July 7,2004 from
Jennifer Zieleniewski, CAO, re: Personnel Matter (Innisfil Historical Society) be received
and referred to staff for a response.
c) Deputy Mayor Hughes, re: Legal Matter.
Motion No. CW-31
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Question 1 contained in the information presented by Deputy
Mayor Hughes with respect to Plan 709 be referred to the Township Solicitor for a
Motion No. CW-32
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Question 2 contained in the information presented by Deputy
Mayor Hughes with respect to Plan 709 be referred to the Township Solicitor for a
Motion No. CW-33
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Question 3 contained in the information presented by Deputy
Mayor Hughes with respect to Plan 709 be referred to the Township Solicitor for a
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Motion No. CW-34
Moved by Hughes, Seconded by Crawford
It is recommended that Question 5 contained in the information presented by Deputy
Mayor Hughes with respect to Plan 709 be referred to the Township Solicitor for a
Motion No. CW-35
Moved by Buttineau, Seconded by Hough
It is recommended that we do now adjourn at 12:35 p.m.
~yor, J. Neil Craig ,
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