06 21 2004 Public Agenda . CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING FOR A PROPOSED AREA SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW FOR LANDS LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS CONCESSION 3, SOUTH PART OF LOT 27 AND PART OF LOT 28, RP 51R-19629, PARTS 1 TO 4 (ORO), TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE The Corporation of the Township of Oro~Medonte will be holding a Public Meeting pursuant to the Development Charges Act,1997, to consider an Area Specific Development Charges By-law. 'I The Public Meeting will be held on Monday June 21,2004 at7:15 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers Copies of the draft By-law and the report and Shanty Bay Water System Cost Recovery Evaluation Report will be available for review in the Municipal Office during regular office hours by Tuesday June 1, 2004. Anyone wishing to address Council with respect to the proposal may do so at the Public Meeting. Persons unable to attend the Public Meeting may provide written comments to Council up until the time of the Public Meeting. Purpose of the Bv-Iaw The purpose of this meeting is to discuss an area specific Development Charges By-law that will apply only to the lands legally described as Concession 3, South Part of Lot 27 and Part of Lot 28, RP 51 R-19629, Parts 1 to 4 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte. The intent of the by-law is to ensure that works completed for the Shanty Bay water system are recouped through the Development Charge by-law. The By-law was prepared in accordance with The Development Charges Act, 1997. Lands Affected This By-law only affects the lands legally described as Concession 3, South Part of Lot 27 and Part of Lot 28, RP 51 R-19629, Parts 1 to 4 (Oro), Township of Oro-Medonte. Additional Information For further information regarding the proposed Area Specific Development Charges By-law, please contact Nick McDonald at Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. at (705) 737-4512 ext. 226 or nick@meridianplan.ca Marilyn Pennycook, Clerk Township of Oro-Medonte (705) 487-2171 LANDS SUBJECT TO mm PROPOSED AREA ~ SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY -LA W ,. The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte will be holding a Public Meeting pursuant to the Development Charges Act, 1997, to consider a new Development Charges By.law. . The Public Meeting will be held on Monday June 21, 2004 at. 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers . . Copies of the draft By-law and Background Study will be available for review in the Municipal Office during regular office hours by Friday June 4, 2004. Anyone wishing to i address Council with respect to the proposal may do so at the Public Meeting. Persons . unable to attend the Public Meeting may provide written comments to Council up until the time of the Public Meeting. . i i Purpose of the By-law The purpose of this meeting is to discuss an updated Development Charges By-law that will apply to all lands within the Township. The By-law was prepared in accordance with The Development Charges Act, 1997. The Development Charges Act, 1997 requires municipalities to complete a Background Study and recalculate Development Charges based on current programs and future capital needs. A copy of the Background Study will be available at the Municipal Office during normal working hours by Friday June 4, 2004. The proposed revisions to the Township's Development Charges By-law would slightly increase the Development Charge currently in effect from $3,642.00 to $3,824.81. This charge affects new dwelling construction only. No Development Charge is proposed for new commercial and industrial development. Lands Affected This By-law affects all of the lands within the Township of Oro-Medonte. Additional Information ) For further information regarding the proposed Development Charges By-law or Background Study, please contact Nick McDonald at Meridian Planning Consultants Inc. " at (705) 737-4512 ext. 226 or nick@meridianplan.ca MarilynPennycook, Clerk Township of Oro-Medonte (705) 487-2171 -----..---..-. -..------.-- TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BACKGROUND STUDY Draft for Public Meeting June, 2004 MERIDIAN 'CANNING CON'"CTANTS ,"C Table of Contents SECTION A - PURPOSE OF REPORT .....................................................................................................1 SECTION B - PROJECTED POPULA nON GROWTH........................................................................ 2 SECTION C - HOW THIS STUDY WAS COMPLETED ....................................................................... 4 SECTION D - TRANSPORT A TION .......................................................................................................... 7 Dl. D2. D3. D4. D5. ROAD UPGRADES .......................................................................................................................7 TOWNSHIP ROAD EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................7 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGES .......................................................................................................9 SAND STORAGE ........................................................................................................................10 SUMMARY OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES...................................... 11 SECTION E -FIRE AND EMERG ENCY SERVICES.......................................................................... 12 El. E2. E3. E4. FIRE STATIONS..........................................................................................................................12 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE VEHICLES.....................................................................13 FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................14 SUMMARY OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DEVELOPMENT CHARGES .........15 SECTION F - RECREATIONAL SERVICES........................................................................................ 17 Fl. F2. F3. F4. PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT................................................................................................... 17 ARENA.........................................................................................................................................18 COMMUNITY HALLS................................................................................................................20 SUMMARY OF RECREATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES................................................ 20 SECTION G - ADM INI STRA TI 0 N ......................................................................................................... 20 Gl. G2. G3. G4. G5. G6. G7. OFFICIAL PLAN UPDA TE.........................................................................................................21 SECONDARY PLANS.................................................................................................................21 DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BACKGROUND STUDY ..........................................................21 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................. 22 LAKE SIMCOE REGIONAL AIRPORT.....................................................................................22 SUMMARY OF ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES....................................... 23 GENERATOR ..............................................................................................................................23 SECTION H - RECOMMEND A TI ONS .................................................................................................. 24 Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by June, 2004 MERIDIAN 'LAN",NG CONSULTANTS INC SECTION A . PURPOSE OF REPORT A1. A2. A3. The Township of Oro-Medonte was created on January 1,1994 as a result of County of Simcoe restructuring pursuant to the County of Simcoe Act, 1993, S.O. 1993, c.33. The Township is made up of the former Township of Oro and portions of the Townships of Medonte, Orillia, Flos and Vespra. When the Township was created, it inherited the Development Charges By-laws that were prepared by the Councils of the former municipalities. As a result, there were five Development Charges By-laws in effect in the Township. On July 21, 1999, Council adopted a Development Charges By-law that applied to the entire Township. The By-law was prepared by the Planning Partnership (now Meridian Planning Consultants). The current (April 2004) Development Charge in Oro-Medonte for single detached dwellings is $3,642.00 and for other dwelling units it is $2,860.00. In 1999, Council decided to not levy a Development Charge for commercial and industrial development in the Township. The current Development Charges By-law (By-law 99-81) is set to expire on July 21, 2004. A copy of the By-law is attached. The purpose of this report is to provide the basis for the update of the Development Charge By-law so that it will apply for another five years. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 1 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NG CONWCTANTS INC SECTION B - PROJECTED POPULATION GROWTH B1. B2. B3. B4. The intent of the Development Charges Act, 1997 is to ensure that new growth is responsible for the capital costs associated with maintaining an appropriate level of service to accommodate that growth. On this basis, the first step in the Development Charges process is to determine how much growth is expected to occur in the Township. The approved Oro-Medonte Official Plan anticipates that the population of the Township will grow by approximately 10,000 between 1996 and 2016. This translates into an average of 3% per year. Official Plan Amendments 16 and 17, which were adopted by Council in August 2003, confirmed that the population of the Township would grow by between 8,000 and 10,000 between 2004 and 2024. For the purposes of this study, a median population increase of 9,000 is established. The Development Charges Act, 1997 states that the Development Charge should be based on a 10 year growth forecast. On the basis of growth forecasts established in the Official Plan, it is estimated that the Township will grow by 4,500 people over the ten year period between 2004 and 2009 (9,000/2). On the basis of an average household size of 2.6, this translates into 1,730 new households (173 new permanent households per year). The development of other forms of housing in the Township is permitted by the Official Plan in certain locations, provided the proposed development satisfies the relevant criteria established by the Official Plan. These other housing types include semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units and single detached dwellings that have a floor area of 90 square metres or less (968 square feet) that are located in planned developments and accessed only by private roads. These types of development also have an impact on services in the future. In order to ensure that an appropriate share of the cost of these services is attributed to this form of development, it is assumed that up to 500 such units will be developed in the next ten years. These 500 units will generate 1,100 people, based on a household size of 2.2 persons per household. B5. On the basis of the above, this Development Charges Background Study assumes that the population of the Township will increase by 5,600 people in the next ten years. It is also assumed that 4,500 of these people will be housed in single detached dwellings and that 1,100 of these people will be housed in other types of dwellings. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 2 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ",,"N1NGCONWCTANTSINC B6. In order to determine what share of future growth should be attributed to residential development, a review of the Township's assessment in the last ten years has been undertaken. This review has been undertaken since non-residential development also places demands on some municipal services. The residential and non-residential shares of the total assessment in each of the last ten years is below: 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 89.79% 88.85% 89.30% 89.25% 92.04% 93.42% 93.57% 94.10% 94.20% 94.30% 10.21% 11.15% 10.70% 10.75% 7.96% 6.58% 6.43% 5.90% 5.80% 5.70% On the basis of the above, an average of 91.88 percent of the total assessment has been residential in the last ten years. For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that this share will remain constant over the next ten years. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 3 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ",,"N1NG CON'UCTANTS INC SECTION C - HOW THIS STUDY WAS COMPLETED Below is a description of the methodology used in preparing this study: C1. The first step is to determine what services are eligible. In the case of Oro-Medonte, eligible services are: roads and transportation; fire and emergency services; parks and recreation; administrative services; and, police services. The expansion of water and storm drainage systems are not included within the Development Charge By-law since it will be the responsibility of developers to expand these systems on an as-needed basis, pursuant to the Planning Act. C2. The next step is to determine the average level of service, which is one of the key components of the calculation of the Development Charge. The Development Charges Act, 1997 states that the average level of service that existed in the last ten years should be used as a benchmark for planning future capital cost requirements. For example, if an average of 500 square feet of floor space existed for every 10,000 people in the last ten years, and the population was projected to grow by 5,000 people, an additional 250 square feet would theoretically be required to maintain the historical average level of service. This is an important component of the study process, since the legislation clearly requires that the average level of service cannot be exceeded in the next ten years. If an increase in the level of service is to be considered, the increase cannot be considered as part of the Development Charges process. In order to determine the average level of service in the last ten years, the population in each of the last ten years is required to determine what the level of service was for each year. The population in each year between 1994 and 2004 is based on Assessment Office data and building permit information obtained from the Township. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 4 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""NNINGCONWCTANTSINC Below are the estimated populations for each of the last ten years: 1994 -15,516 1995 - 15,908 1996 16,300 1997 - 16,692 1998 -17,084 1999-17,494 2000 - 17,904 2001 -18,315 2002 - 18,765 2003 -19,215 C3. The capital costs required to maintain the average level of service over the next ten years is then estimated. Eligible capital costs include: the cost to acquire land; the cost to improve land; the cost to acquire, lease, construct or improve buildings and structures; and, the cost to acquire, lease, construct or improve facilities including rolling stock with an estimated useful life of seven years or more and furniture and equipment other than computer equipment and materials required for circulation, reference or information purposes by a library board. Growth related studies are also permitted to be included within the Development Charge, provided the study deals with capital improvements and is required as a result of expected future growth. In most cases, a per capita share of the replacement cost for most capital items (with a few exceptions) was established. The intent is that, as the population increases, a portion of that growth should also pay for the per capita cost of the capital items that will eventually need to be replaced to maintain the average level of service. C4. The increase in the need for service that is attributed to growth must then be reduced by the part of the increase that can be met using the municipality's excess capacity. This means that facilities that were oversized historically have to be reviewed. However, on the basis of our review of the services the Township provides, it appears as if the Township has been very conservative with the provision of services, meaning that none of the existing services has been over-sized. C5. The increase in the need for a service must then be reduced by the extent to which it will benefit existing development. The determination of how the increase in the need for the service will benefit existing development is fairly subjective and requires a good understanding of the potential benefit to existing uses resulting from an increase in the Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 5 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ""NNING CON'UtTANTS INC service being provided. In most cases, it is assumed that the majority of the anticipated capital costs required to maintain the average level of service is growth related. The amount in reserves also needs to be factored in. When the first Development Charges By-law was prepared, no reserve amounts were included. However, since By- law 99-81 was passed, the Development Charges that have been collected have been placed in reserves if they were not required at the time for capital items. For the purpose of this study, we have projected the amount in each reserve account to the end of 2004. These amounts are as follows: Transportation Fire Recreation Administration Police Total $162,288.00 $67,942.00 $468,175.00 $24,559.00 $37,911.00 $769,021.00 C6. The Development Charges Act, 1997 then requires that these capital costs be reduced by 10 percent. In the case of Oro-Medonte, The capital costs associated with fire protection and road maintenance are excluded from the 10 percent rule. The capital costs must also be reduced by the amount of the grants to be received from other levels of government. However, no such grants exist in 2004 and none are expected in the future. C7. Once the amount of the net capital costs are known (after the discounts and reserves are factored in), the costs are then allocated to residential and non-residential development. The residential/non-residential share is 91.88% as described in Section B6. The residential share is then applied to the number of new dwellings anticipated over the next ten years to derive a Development Charge per dwelling unit. The number of new dwellings is set at 2,230, of which 1,730 are single detached dwellings and 500 are other dwelling unit types. The Development Charges Act, 1997 does not permit the collection of Development Charges for the enlargement of a dwelling unit or the creation of two or less additional dwelling units in an existing residential building. The non-residential share of 8.22% is not proposed to be recouped through Development Charges, since it is recommended that the Township continue to not include a Development Charge for new industrial and commercial development. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 6 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""NNINO CONSUCTANTS INC SECTION D. TRANSPORTATION At the present time, the Township maintains over 600 kilometres of road in the municipality. Being a rural township, the majority of the capital costs expended in the municipality on a yearly basis are for the road network and the equipment used to maintain that network. Below is a description of the capital costs proposed to be expended in the next ten years to accommodate growth. The detailed calculations for each capital cost item are contained on Table A, which is attached to this report. D1. ROAD UPGRADES In the last ten years, an average of $838,676.00 was spent upgrading the Township's road network. For the purposes of this study, this amount is considered to be the average level of service and is used as a benchmark to estimate future capital improvements to the road network. It is therefore estimated that at least $8,386,760.00 will be spent upgrading Township roads in the next ten years to maintain the current average level of service. Given that any road upgrade will benefit existing development and a major increase in the length of road network is not expected, it is conservatively estimated that 60% of this total cost is growth related. On the basis of the calculations undertaken on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $2,146. D2. TOWNSHIP ROAD EQUIPMENT The Township currently owns 28 vehicles that have a lifespan of more than 7 years that are used for maintenance and upgrading of the road network. This equipment is also used in the Township's parks as well. These include: . 2 service trucks . 5 single axles . 6 tandem axles . 6 graders . 2 loaders . 2 backhoes . 1 utility tractor . 1 water truck . 2 brush chippers . 1 float The second brush chipper was added in 2000. The street sweeper and second service truck joined the fleet when the Public Works Department took over the park function. In Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 7 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NGCON'UtTAN"'NC order to determine the average level of service in the last ten years, the number of vehicles has been related to the population in each year, as shown below: 1994 15,516 23 1.48 1995 15,908 23 1.44 1996 16,300 24 1.47 1997 16,692 24 1.43 1998 17,084 24 1.40 1999 17,494 24 1.37 2000 17,904 27 1.50 2001 18,315 27 1.47 2002 18,765 28 1.49 2003 19,215 28 1.45 On the basis of the above, the average number of vehicles per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 1.45. On this basis, there will be a need to purchase 9.27 additional vehicles to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 1.45 = 8,123/1,000 = 8.12). As noted above, the expected population growth is 5,600 people. As growth occurs, there will more requests by the public to ensure that Township roads are plowed early in the morning and more requests to grade the roads at appropriate times. It should be noted that if no growth was expected, there would be no need to purchase additional vehicles, only replacement vehicles would be required. The total value of all the vehicles used for road maintenance and upgrading is approximately $3,695,150.00. This translates into an average of $131,969.00 per vehicle. If an additional 8.12 vehicles are purchased over the next ten years, the cost would be $1,071,593.40. Although the purchase of new vehicles is required to maintain the average level of service, these new vehicles will also benefit existing development, since these additional vehicles could potentially contribute to a higher level of service in some parts of the Township. In addition, a major increase in the length of the road network is not expected in the next ten years. On this basis, only 80% of the total cost is considered to be growth related. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $329.13 as shown on Table A. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 8 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""NNING CONSULTANTS INC D3. PUBLIC WORKS GARAGES At the present time, the Township operates two public works garages, the North Yard and the South Yard. The North Yard (in former Medonte) has an area of 706 square metres (7,600 square feet) and the South Yard (in former Oro) has an area of 1,158 square metres (12,465 square feet). An addition costing approximately $430,000.00 was added to the South Yard in 1994. The estimated replacement cost for both buildings is $1,859,000.00. In order to determine the average level of service in the last ten years, the number of square metres of floor space has been related to the population in each year, as shown below: 1994 15,516 1,162 120.06 1995 15,908 1,863 117.11 1996 16,300 1,863 114.29 1997 16,692 1,863 111.61 1998 17,084 1,863 109.04 1999 17,494 1,863 106.49 2000 17,904 1,863 104.05 2001 18,315 1,863 101.71 2002 18,765 1,863 99.28 2003 19,215 1,863 96.95 On the basis of the above, the average amount of floor space per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 108.05 square metres. On this basis, there will be a need to add 605 square metres of floor space to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 108.05 = 605,130/1,000 = 605). As noted previously, there will more requests by the public to ensure that Township roads are plowed early in the morning and more requests to grade the roads at appropriate times. As a result, monies should be set aside to add more space to the existing garages to house the additional vehicles required to deal with future growth. It is estimated that it would cost $929.00 per square metre ($100.00 per square foot) to build additional floor space in the public works buildings. Although the purchase of new vehicles is required to maintain the average level of service, these new vehicles will also benefit existing development, since these additional vehicles could potentially contribute to a higher level of service in some parts of the Township. On this basis, only 80% of the total cost of the additional floor space is considered to be growth related. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 9 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ",,"N1NG CON'UtTANTSINC The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $172.65 as shown on Table A. D4. SAND STORAGE The Township built a sand storage building in 1998 at a cost of approximately $200,000.00. A second sand storage building was constructed in 2003 at a cost of $285,000.00. Both structures have an area of 929 square metres (10,000 square feet). Prior to that date, sand was stored in a much smaller structure having an area of 130 square metres (1,400 square feet) with the remaining being stored outdoors. In order to determine the average level of service in the last ten years, the number of square metres of floor space has been related to the population in each year, as shown below: 1994 15,516 130 8.3 1995 15,908 130 8.1 1996 16,300 130 7.9 1997 16,692 130 7.7 1998 17,084 1,059 62.0 1999 17,494 1,059 60.53 2000 17,904 1,059 59.14 2001 18,315 1,059 57.82 2002 18,765 1,059 56.43 2003 19,215 1,988 103.46 On the basis of the above, the average number of square metres per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 43.13. On this basis, there will be a need to construct an additional 241 square metres (2,600 square feet) of additional floor space to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 43.13 = 241,573/1,000 = 241). It is estimated that it would cost $216.00 per square metre ($20.00 per square foot) to build the additional storage space. Although an addition to the sand storage building is required to maintain the average level of service, the additional space will also benefit existing development. On this basis, 80% of the total cost of the additional floor space is considered to be growth related. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $16.02 as shown on Table A. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 10 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NGCON'UtTAN"'NC D5. SUMMARY OF TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES On the basis of the calculations made in this section of the report, below is a summary of the recommended Development Charge for transportation: TRANSPORTATION Road upgrades Road equipment Public works garages Sand storage Sub-Totals $2,146.60 $329.13 $172.65 $16.02 $2,664.41 $1,816.36 $278.49 $146.09 $13.56 $2,254.50 56.00% 8.59% 4.50% 0.42% 69.50% The table above indicates that 69.50% of the recommended Development Charge is attributed to transportation. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 11 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN etAN"'NG CON,"tTANTS >NC SECTION E - FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES At the present time, the Township operates six fire stations that are manned by a Fire Chief, a Deputy Fire Chief and 96 volunteers. The Township also owns 17 emergency vehicles that have a lifespan of 7 years or more. Below is a description of the capital costs that are proposed to be expended in the next ten years to accommodate growth. The detailed calculations for each capital cost item are contained on Table A, which is attached to this report. E1. FIRE STATIONS The Township's fire stations are located in Shanty Bay, Hawkestone, Horseshoe Valley, Rugby, Warminster and Moonstone. The administration of the Fire and Emergency Services Department is contained within the Horseshoe Valley station, which was constructed in 1997. This station replaced a much smaller station in Edgar. An addition to the Warminster Station was constructed in 1996, when a small classroom with an area of 39 square metres (420 square feet) was added. The Moonstone fire station is considered to be too small for current operations and a number of options are now being considered. An addition is also proposed for the Hawkestone station. The estimated replacement cost for the six stations is $1,908,000.00. In order to determine the average level of service in the last ten years, the number of square metres of floor space has been related to the population in each year, as shown below: 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 15,516 15,908 16,300 16,692 17,084 17,494 17,904 18,315 18,765 19,215 1,272.63 1,272.63 1,311.65 1,717.62 1,717.62 1,717.62 1,717.62 1,717.62 1,717.62 1,717.62 82.02 79.99 80.46 102.90 100.53 98.18 95.93 93.78 91.53 89.38 Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 12 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN 'tAN"'NGCON'UtTANHINC On the basis of the above, the average number of square metres per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 91.47. On this basis, there will be a need to construct an additional 512.23 square metres (5,513 square feet) of additional floor space to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 91.47 = 512,237/1,000 = 512.23). It is estimated that it would cost $929.00 per square metre ($100.00 per square foot) to build the additional floor space. Although the additional floor space is required to maintain the average level of service, this additional floor space will be housing vehicles that may potentially increase the response times for existing development, resulting in a higher level of service in some areas. On this basis, only 80% of the total cost is considered to be growth related. As shown on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $162.40. E2. FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICE VEHICLES The Township currently owns 17 vehicles that have a lifespan of more than 7 years that are used by the Fire and Emergency Services Department. These include: . six triple combination pumpers; six tankers; three rescue trucks; one ladder truck; and, one airboat . . . . The ladder truck was purchased in 1996 at a cost of $320,000.00. Two new pumpers were purchased (1998 and 1999) to replace older pumps. An additional pumper is due to be delivered in July 2004. Two tankers were also purchased and a rescue truck was also purchased during that same time period. The Township also owns an airboat for lake rescue missions. The boat was purchased for $55,000.00 in 1997. For the purposes of this Development Charges Study, the boat is considered to be a vehicle. In order to determine the average level of service in the last ten years, the number of vehicles has been related to the population in each year, as shown below: Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 13 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NG CONSULTANTS INC 1994 15,516 14 .90 1995 15,908 14 .88 1996 16,300 15 .92 1997 16,692 16 .95 1998 17,084 16 .94 1999 17,494 16 .91 2000 17,904 17 .94 2001 18,315 17 .92 2002 18,765 17 .90 2003 19,215 17 .88 On the basis of the above, the average number of vehicles per 1,000 people in the last ten years is .91. On the basis of the historic average level of service, there will be a need to purchase 5.12 additional vehicles to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X .91 = 5,121/1,000 = 5.12). The total value of all the vehicles used for the Fire and Emergency Services Department is approximately $2,270,000.00. This translates into an average of $133,539.00 per vehicle. If an additional 5.12 vehicles are required over the next ten years, the cost to purchase these additional vehicles would be $683,668.00. Although the purchase of new vehicles is required to maintain the average level of service, these new vehicles will also benefit existing development, since the availability of these additional vehicles could potentially increase response times and the level of service in some areas. On this basis, only 80% of the total cost is considered to be growth related. As shown on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $232.24. E3. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT There have been 96 volunteer firefighters with the Fire and Emergency Services Department each year since 1994. In order to determine the average level of service in each of the last ten years, the number of firefighters has been related to the size of the population in each year as shown below: Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 14 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NG CON,""AN" INC 1994 15,516 96 6.18 1995 15,908 96 6.03 1996 16,300 96 5.88 1997 16,692 96 5.75 1998 17,084 96 5.61 1999 17,494 96 5.48 2000 17,904 96 5.36 2001 18,315 96 5.24 2002 18,765 96 5.11 2003 19,215 96 4.99 On the basis of the above, the average number of volunteers per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 5.56. On this basis, there could be a need to recruit 31 additional volunteers to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 5.56 = 31,156/1,000 = 31). However, the Township's contingent of volunteers has remained constant at 96 over the last 10 years, although the Township's population increased by 3,700 during that time. Although the recently approved Emergency Service Master Plan recommends that additional volunteers be secured for each station, recruiting 31 additional volunteers in the next ten years appears very unlikely. On this basis, it is estimated that 10 new volunteer positions will be created during this time. It costs $2,400.00 to equip each volunteer with protective clothing, a helmet, gloves, and pager. If 10 additional volunteers are recruited, the equipment cost would be $24,000.00. As with capital costs associated with the floor space expansion and the additional vehicles, 80% of this cost is considered to be growth related. As shown on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $8.19. E4. SUMMARY OF FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DEVELOPMENT CHARGES On the basis of the calculations made in this section of the report, below is a summary of the recommended Development Charge for Fire and Emergency Services: Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 15 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ",,"N1NG CON'UtTANTSINC FIRE AND EMERGENCY Fire stations Equipment Small equipment Sub-Totals $162.40 $232.24 $8.19 $402.83 $137.41 $196.51 $6.93 $340.85 4.24% 6.06% 0.21% 10.51% The table above indicates that 10.53% of the recommended Development Charge is attributed to Fire and Emergency Services. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 16 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NG CON'UtT^",' 'NC SECTION F - RECREATIONAL SERVICES At the present time, the Township operates one arena and maintains a number of park areas throughout the municipality. Below is a description of the capital costs that are proposed to be expended in the next ten years to accommodate growth. The detailed calculations for each capital cost item are contained on Table A, which is attached to this report. F1. PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT The new Development Charges Act, 1997 no longer enables a municipality to acquire parkland in addition to the 5% provided for under the Planning Act as part of the Development Charge. However, the Act does permit the municipality to collect Development Charges for the improvement of parkland. At the present time, the Township owns a number of public parks in the Township that are considered to be developed. The total area of this parkland is 44.03 hectares, and most has been obtained through the planning approval process set out by the Planning Act. At the time of restructuring on January 1, 1994, the total amount of developed parkland was 31.69 hectares. Since 1998, additional parkland has been developed at Ramey Park and in Shanty Bay, Horseshoe, Edgar and Craighurst. The Township also owns 27.79 hectares of parkland that is considered to be undeveloped. These parks are not currently used for recreation and for the most part remain in their natural state. Additional parkland will be dedicated to the municipality in the future as development occurs. An additional 54 hectares is included within the rail- trail. In order to determine the average level of service in each of the last ten years, the amount of developed parkland has been related to the size of the population in each year as shown below: Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 17 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NG CON'UITA>,", 'NC 1994 15,516 31.69 2.04 1995 15,908 31.69 1.99 1996 16,300 32.64 2.00 1997 16,692 36.64 2.19 1998 17,084 40.87 2.39 1999 17,494 43.22 2.47 2000 17,904 43.22 2.41 2001 18,315 43.22 2.35 2002 18,765 43.22 2.30 2003 19,215 44.03 2.29 On the basis of the above, the average amount of developed parkland per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 2.23 hectares. On this basis, there will be a need to develop 12.51 hectares of additional parkland to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 2.23 = 12,511/1,000 = 12.51). It is estimated that it costs $74,100.00 per hectare ($30,000.00 per acre) on average to develop parkland. The development of 12.51 hectares would therefore cost approximately $926,991.00. Although the development of additional parkland is required to maintain the average level of service, this new parkland will also benefit existing development, since the additional parkland could potentially contribute to a higher level of service in some parts of the Township. On this basis, only 80% of the total cost of the additional parkland is considered to be growth related. In addition, as the development of parkland does not benefit industrial and commercial development, all of this cost has been allocated to future residential development. As shown on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $309.33. F2. ARENA The Township operates one arena on Highway 11 near the hamlet of Guthrie. The arena was built in 1972 and was expanded in 1976. Further improvements were made in 1989. Since that time, the total area of the building has been 2,787 square metres (30,000 square feet). Approximately 478 square metres (5,150 square feet) of this area is the site of a banquet facility/community hall. On this basis, the net area of the arena is 2,308 square metres (24,850 square feet). In order to determine the average level of service in each of the last ten years, the amount of arena floor space has been related to the size of the population in each year as shown below: Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 18 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ",,"N1NG CON,"ITA>'" INC 1994 15,516 2,308 148.74 1995 15,908 2,308 145.08 1996 16,300 2,308 141.59 1997 16,692 2,308 138.26 1998 17,084 2,308 135.09 1999 17,494 2,308 131.93 2000 17,904 2,308 128.90 2001 18,315 2,308 126.01 2002 18,765 2,308 122.99 2003 19,215 2,308 120.11 On the basis of the above, the average amount of square metres per 1,000 people in the last ten years is 133.87. On this basis, there will be a need to construct an additional 749 square metres (8,069 square feet) of floor space to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 X 133.87 = 749,674/1,000 = 749). A projected population increase of 5,600 people is not sufficient to justify the construction of a new ice pad. However, the municipality should be collecting Development Charges against this eventual cost in hopes that other revenue sources will assist in the eventual development of a new ice pad at a later date. It is estimated that it costs $1,579.30 per square metre ($170.00 per square foot) to construct an arena. As noted above, an additional 749 square metres of arena floor space will be required to maintain the average level of service. The total cost of this additional floor space is therefore $1,182,895.00. It should be noted that the estimated replacement cost of the one pad arena is $3,019,000.00. Although the eventual development of an additional ice pad is required to maintain the average level of service, the new ice pad will also benefit existing development, since the additional ice will also provide additional ice-time opportunities to existing residents. On this basis, 80% of any capital cost is attributed to new development. Lastly, the percentage of ice time actually used by Township residents has to be taken into account. It is currently estimated that approximately 78% of the available ice time is taken up by Township residents. As a result, an additional 22% of the capital cost should be discounted. On the basis of the above, 62.4% of the capital cost is attributed to new development. In addition, as the development of an additional ice pad does not benefit industrial and commercial development, all of this cost has been allocated to future residential development. As shown on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $308.71. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 19 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ",,"N1NO CONMTANTS INC F3. COMMUNITY HALLS There are eight community halls in the Township. There are no plans at the present time to build any new community halls at the present time. Expansions to some of the halls may be contemplated in the next ten years to accommodate future growth. The replacement cost for these community halls is estimated to be $1,541,000.00. In the last ten years, the Township spent an average of $20,762.00 per year on upgrading the community halls. For the purposes of this study, this amount is considered to be the average level of service and is used as a benchmark to estimate future capital improvements to the community halls. It is therefore estimated that at least $207,628.00 will be spent upgrading the community halls in the next ten years to maintain the current average level of service. Given that any community hall upgrade will benefit existing development and the development of new community halls are not contemplated, it is estimated that 50% of this total cost is growth related. As shown on Table A, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $43.38. F4. SUMMARY OF RECREATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES On the basis of the calculations made in this section of the report, below is a summary of the recommended Development Charge for recreation: RECREATION Parkland development Arena Community centres Sub-Totals $309.33 $308.71 $43.38 $661.42 $261.77 $261.21 $36.70 $559.66 8.07% 8.05% 1.13% 17.25% The table above indicates that 17.25% of the recommended Development Charge is attributed to recreation. SECTION G . ADMINISTRATION At the present time, the administrative headquarters of the Township is located on the ih Line south of Highway 11. The new Development Charges Act places restrictions on eligible components of the Development Charge related to administration. Most significantly, the new Act Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 20 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""NNING CON'UtTANH INC precludes the inclusion of additions to the administrative building from the Development Charge. Computer systems used for administrative purposes are also not eligible. Below is a description of the capital costs that are proposed to be expended in the next ten years to accommodate growth, and which are related to the administration of the Township and its resources. The detailed calculations for each capital cost item are contained on Table A, which is attached to this report. G1. OFFICIAL PLAN UPDATE The Development Charges Act, 1997 permits the municipality to include growth related studies in the Development Charge. The Official Plan is intended to provide Council with the basis for making decisions on where growth should be accommodated and the infrastructure required for that growth. The existing Official Plan was approved in 1998 and recently updated in 2003. It is expected that the Official Plan will be updated in the next ten years, in accordance with the Planning Act. The cost of an Official Plan update is estimated to be $50,000.00. As the update of the Official Plan is required to prepare the municipality for future growth, it is considered to be entirely growth related. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $19.20 as shown on Table A. G2. SECONDARY PLANS The approved Official Plan requires that Secondary Plans be prepared for Craighurst, Hawkestone and Oro Centre in order to properly plan for future growth. These Secondary Plans will identify how much growth is to occur in each area and how that new development will be serviced with infrastructure. It is estimated that the Craighurst Secondary Plan will cost approximately $25,000.00 and that the Hawkestone Secondary Plan will cost approximately $100,000.00. The Oro Centre Secondary Plan has been completed. All of these costs are considered to be growth related and will benefit all of the residents of the Township. If infrastructure that is specific to any of these areas is required, the cost of the infrastructure will be paid for by the landowners or included within an area-specific Development Charge in the future. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $47.99 as shown on Table A. G3. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BACKGROUND STUDY The cost of preparing this Development Charges Study is estimated to be $7,500.00. This amount has also been completely attributed to new growth, in accordance with the Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 21 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN ""N"'NGCONMTA>""NC Development Charges Act, 1997. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $2.88 as shown on Table A. G4. OFFICE EQUIPMENT As the Township grows, additional employees will be required to administer the Township. In order to determine the average level of service in terms of the number of employees in the administration building in the last ten years, the number of employees has been related to the population in each year, as shown below: 1994 15,516 21 1.38 1995 15,908 19 1.22 1996 16,300 18 1.13 1997 16,692 17 1.04 1998 17,084 20 1.19 1999 17,494 22 1.25 2000 17,904 22 1.22 2001 18,315 23 1.25 2002 18,765 25 1.33 2003 19,215 27 1.40 The average number of employees in the municipal administration building each year over the last ten years is 1.24 per 1,000 people. On this basis, there may be a need to employ 6.95 additional employees to maintain the same level of service in the next ten years (5,600 x 1.24 = 6,952/1000 = 6.95) as the population grows. The '5,600' figure is the expected population growth. Although computers for employees are no longer eligible for inclusion in a Development Charge, other office equipment such as desks, chairs and similar equipment is still eligible. It is estimated that it costs approximately $3,000.00 to outfit a typical employee with this equipment. The total cost of outfitting these additional employees will be approximately $20,850.00. All of this cost is considered to be growth related as the new employees will be required to deal with the increased workload that comes with growth. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $8.00 as shown on Table A. G5. LAKE SIMCOE REGIONAL AIRPORT The airport is located on the ih Line in the Township and is jointly owned and operated by the City of Barrie, City of Orillia and the Township of Oro-Medonte. In a letter dated April 27, 2004 the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Commission advised the Township that they had recently completed a 10 year capital program forecast. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 22 June 21,2004 MERIDIAN 'CAN"'NG COMUtTANTS INC It is proposed to complete the South Apron Expansion, the upgrading of Taxiway C, construct the airside access to new lots and upgrade the water and Fire storage in this time period. It is estimated that the cost of these improvements are $514,900.00, of which 60% is deemed to be growth related. The Oro-Medonte share of this cost is 15.25%, which results in a capital cost of $78,522.00. The Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $18.09 as shown on Table A. G6. SUMMARY OF ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES On the basis of the calculations made in this section of the report, below is a summary of the recommended Development Charge for administration: ADMINISTRATION Official Plan update Secondary Plans Development Charges Study Office equipment Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Sub-Totals $19.20 $47.99 $2.88 $8.00 $18.09 $96.15 $15.07 $37.67 $2.26 $6.28 $14.20 $75.48 0.50% 1.25% 0.08% 0.21% 0.47% 2.51% The table above indicates that 2.51% of the recommended Development Charge is attributed to recreation. G7. GENERATOR At the present time, there is an existing generator at the Township Office that needs to be replaced, to ensure that the office can continue to function in an emergency. In addition, a newer and larger generator would also allow the Township office to be used as the Alternate Emergency Operations Centre in case the Main Emergency Operations Centre at the 4th Line Fire Station is not operational. The replacement generator is estimated to cost about $45,000.00. Given that the new generator will theoretically increase the level of service, 50% of this cost is considered to be growth related. As a result, the Development Charge related to this item for each new single detached dwelling is $8.64 as shown on Table A. Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 23 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN ",,"NINGCONMTANnINC SECTION H . RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the information contained in this report, the Township of Oro-Medonte should impose the following Development Charges in accordance with the provisions of the Development Charges Act, 1997: COST COST PERCENT ITEM PER PER OF SINGLE OTHER TOTAL DETACHED DWELLING DWELLING UNIT TRANSPORTATION road upgrades $2,146.60 $1,816.36 56.00% road equipment $329.13 $278.49 8.59% public works garages $172.65 $146.09 4.50% sand storage $16.02 $13.56 0.42% SUB-TOTALS $2,664.41 $2,254.50 69.50% FIRE AND EMERGENCY fire stations $162.40 $137.41 4.24% equipment $232.24 $196.51 6.06% small equipment $8.19 $6.93 0.21% SUB-TOTALS $402.83 $340.85 10.51% RECREATION parkland development $309.33 $261.74 8.07% arena $308.71 $261.21 8.05% community centres $43.38 $36.70 1.13% SUB-TOTALS $661.42 $559.66 17.25% ADMINISTRATION .. Official Plan Update $19.20 $16.24 0.50% Secondary Plans $47.99 $40.61 1.25% Oevelopment Charges Study $2.88 $2.44 0.08% office equipment $8.00 $6.77 0.21% lake Simcoe Regional Airport $18.09 $15.31 0.47% Generator $8.64 $7.31 0.23% SUB-TOTALS $104.79 $88.67 2.73% GRAND-TOTAL $3,833.44 $3,243.68 Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Background Study Draft for Council Review Prepared by 24 June 21, 2004 MERIDIAN I'tANMNG COOSUtTANTS INC TABLE A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CURRENT COST POPULATION FUTURE GROWTH GROWTH DISCOUN NET AMOUNT IN NET RESI. RESI- RESI. COST COST NON NON POINT ITEM SERVICE AVERAGE PER GROWTH CAPITAL NEEDS RELATED RELATED % CAPITAL RESERVES CAPITAL DENTIAL DENTIAL DENTIAL PER PER RESI. RESI- IN MEASURE LEVEL OF UNIT TO MAINTAIN SHARE COST COSTS COSTS SHARE COST COST SINGLE OTHER DENTIAL DENTIAL REPORT SERVICE AVERAGE LEVEL AFTER AFTER PER DETACHED DWELLING SHARE COST OF SERVICE DISCOUNT RESERVES PERSON DWELLING UNIT (2.6 P.P.U.) (2.2 P.P.U.) TRANSPORTATION $162,288.00 01 road upgrades capital per year $838,676.00 n/a 5,600 $8,386,760.00 60.00% $5,032,056.00 0% $5,032,056.00 $54,096.00 $4,977,960.00 91.88% $4,623,453.05 $825.62 $2,146.60 $1,816.36 8.12% $408,602.95 02 road equipment vehicles per 1,000 1.45 $131,969.00 5,600 $1,071,588.28 80.00% $857,270.62 10% $771,543.56 $54,096.00 $717,447.56 91.88% $708,894.22 $126.59 $329.13 $278.49 8.12% $62,649.34 03 public works garages floor space per 1,000 108.05 $929.00 5,600 $562,119.32 80.00% $449,695.46 10% $404,725.91 $54,096.00 $350,629.91 91.88% $371,862.17 $66.40 $172.65 $146.09 8.12% $32,863.74 04 sand storage floor space per 1,000 43.13 $216.00 5,600 $52,170.05 80.00% $41,736.04 10% $37,562.43 $0.00 $37,562.43 91.88% $34,512.36 $6.16 $16.02 $13.56 8.12% $3,050.07 SUB.TOTALS $10,072,637.65 $6,380,758.12 $6,245,887.91 $162,288.00 $6,083,599.91 $5,738,721.81 $1,024.77 $2,664.41 $2,254.50 $507,166.10 FIRE AND EMERGENCY $67,942.00 E1 fire stations floor space per 1,000 91.47 $929.00 5,600 $475,863.53 80.00% $380,690.82 0% $380,690.82 $33,971.00 $346,719.82 91.88% $349,778.73 $62.46 $162.40 $137.41 8.12% $30,912.09 E2 equipment vehicles per 1,000 0.91 $133,539.00 5,600 $680,514.74 80.00% $544,411.80 0% $544,411.80 $33,971.00 $510,440.80 91.88% $500,205.56 $89.32 $232.24 $196.51 8.12% $44,206.24 E3 small equipment volunteers per 1,000 5.56 $2,400.00 5,600 $24,000.00 80.00% $19,200.00 0% $19,200.00 $0.00 $19,200.00 91.88% $17,640.96 $3.15 $8.19 $6.93 8.12% $1,559.04 SUB.TOTALS $1,180,378.27 $944,302.62 $944,302.62 $67,942.00 $876,360.62 $867,625.25 $154.93 $402.83 $340.85 $76,677.37 RECREATION $468,175.00 F1 parkland development parkland per 1,000 2.23 $74,100.00 5,600 $925,360.80 80.00% $740,288.64 10% $666,259.78 $234,087.50 $432,172.28 100% $666,259.78 $118.97 $309.33 $261.74 0% n/a F2 arena floor space per 1,000 133.87 $1,579.30 5,600 $1,183,956.99 62.40% $738,789.16 10% $664,910.25 $234,087.50 $430,822.75 100% $664,910.25 $118.73 $308.71 $261.21 0% n/a F3 community centres capital per year $20,762.00 n/a 5,600 $207,620.00 50.00% $103,810.00 10% $93,429.00 $0.00 $93,429.00 100% $93,429.00 $16.68 $43.38 $36.70 0% n/a SUB.TOTALS $2,316,937.79 $1,582,887.80 $1,424,599.02 $468,175.00 $956,424.02 $1,424,599.02 $254.39 $661.42 $559.66 ADMINISTRATION $24,559.00 G1 Official Plan Update n/a n/a n/a 5,600 $50,000.00 100.00% $50,000.00 10% $45,000.00 $6,139.75 $38.860.25 91.88% $41,346.00 $7.38 $19.20 $16.24 8.12% $3,654.00 G2 Secondary Plans n/a n/a n/a 5,600 $125,000.00 100.00% $125,000.00 10% $112,500.00 $6,139.75 $106,360.25 91.88% $103,365.00 $18.46 $47.99 $40.61 8.12% $9,135.00 G3 Development Charges Update n/a n/a n/a 5,600 $7,500.00 100.00% $7,500.00 10% $6,750.00 $6,139.75 $610.25 91.88% $6,201.90 $1.11 $2.88 $2.44 8.12% $548.10 G4 Office equipment employees per 1,000 1.24 $3,000.00 5,600 $20,832.00 100.00% $20,832.00 10% $18,748.80 $0.00 $18,748.80 91.88% $17,226.40 $3.08 $8.00 $6.77 8.1;1% $1,522.40 G5 Lake Simcoe Regional Airport n/a n/a n/a 5,600 $78,522.00 60.00% $47,113.20 10% $42,401.88 $6,139.75 $36,262.13 91.88% $38,958.85 $6.96 $18.09 $15.31 8.12% $3,443.03 G6 Generator n/a n/a n/a 5,600 $45,000.00 50.00% $22,500.00 10% $20,250.00 $0.00 $20,250.00 91.88% $18,605.70 $3.32 $8.64 $7.31 8.12% $1,644.30 SUB-TOTALS $276,854.00 $272,945.20 $245,650.68 $24,559.00 $221,091.68 $225,703.84 $40.30 $104.79 $88.67 $19,946.84 GRAND.TOTAL $13,846,807.71 $9,180,893.74 $8,860,440.23 $722,964.00 $8,137,476.23 $8,256,649.92 $1,474.40 $3,833.44 $3,243.68 $603,790.31 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE BY-LAW - Being a By-law of the Corporation of the Township Of Oro-Medonte With respect to Development Charges WHEREAS Section 2( 1) of the Development Charges Act, 1997 enables the Council of a municipality to pass by-laws for the imposition of Development Charges against lands located in the municipality where the development of the land would increase the need for municipal services as designated in the by-law; AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte has determined that the development of lands within the municipality will increase the need for municipal services; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte, at its meeting of , approved the recommendations contained in a report entitled Township of Oro-Medonte Development Charges Update prepared by Meridian Planning Consultants Inc.; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte has indicated its intent, by Resolution Number , that it intends to ensure that the increase in need for services attributable to the anticipated development in the Municipality will be met; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte has given Notice of its Development Charges proposal in accordance with subsection 12( 1) of the Act, and held a public meeting on AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte has, by Resolution Number , determined that no further public meeting is required in accordance with Section 12(3) of the Development Charges Act, 1997; NOW THEREFORE The Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte by its Council enacts the following: PART I - DEFINITIONS 1. "Act" means the Development Charges Act, 1997, S.O. 1997, c.27. 2. In this by-law: (a) all words and phrases used in this by-law that have been defined in the Act shall have the same meaning as those words and phrases in the Act; (b) words and phrases that have not been defined in either the Act or this by-law, but that have been defined in the Township of Oro-Medonte Zoning By-law No. 97- 95 shall have the same meaning given to them in such by-law; (c) if said Zoning By-law No. 97-95 is amended or is repealed and replaced with a successor by-law, the words and phrases as amended or as defined in said successor by-law shall have the same meaning in this by-law unless they are given other meanings in the Act or in this by-law; 1 (d) the reference to any statute or regulation in this by-law includes not only the state or regulation itself, but also any statute or regulation that replaces it in the future; and (e) the reference to any section or subsection of any statute or regulation in this by- law includes not only the section or subsection itself but also the equivalent section or subsection in any statue or regulation that replaces it, as amended from time to time. PART 11- IMPOSITION OF DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 1. This By-law applies to all lands in the Township of Oro-Medonte. 2. Any development or redevelopment of lands, buildings or structures for residential purposes is deemed to require the provision, enlargement and/or expansion of the services referred to in Schedule 'A'. 3. Subject to the provisions of this By-law, Development Charges against lands shall be imposed and collected with the base rate set out in Schedule 'B', which relates to the services which are set out in Schedule 'A'. This By-law does not provide for the phasing- in of the schedule of base rates in Schedule 'B'. 4. This By-law shall apply to the residential development of all lands, buildings and structures within the Corporate limits of the Corporation of the Township of Oro-Medonte, whether or not the land is exempt from taxation under Section 3 of the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A.31. 5. The Development Charge shall be collected when the residential development requires the issuing of a permit under the Building Code Act, 1992 in relation to a building or structure. 6. Development Charges shall be calculated and payable in full in money (cash or certified cheque in Canadian funds) or by provisions of services as may be agreed upon, or by credit granted by the Act. 7. In the case of residential use or the residential portion of a mixed-use development, the Development Charge shall apply to each dwelling unit. PART III - EXEMPTIONS 1. This by-law shall not apply to non-residential development including land that is owned by and used for the purposes of: a Board of Education; and, any municipality or local board thereof. 2. No Development Charge shall be payable for the redevelopment of a dwelling unit that has been demolished, provided that a building permit for the redevelopment is issued within five years of the date that a demolition permit has been issued. 3. Development Charges are not payable where: two or less dwelling units are being added to a single detached dwelling, provided the total gross floor area of the additional dwelling unit or units is less than or equal to the gross floor area of the dwelling unit already in the building; 2 one dwelling unit is being added to a semi-detached dwelling or a townhouse dwelling, provided the gross floor area of the additional unit is less than or equal to the gross floor area of the dwelling unit already in the building; or, one dwelling unit is being added to an building containing apartment dwellings or a building containing dwellings which are not considered to be single detached, semi-detached or townhouse dwellings, provided the gross floor area of the additional unit is less than or equal to the gross floor area of the smallest dwelling unit already in the building. PART IV - LOCAL SERVICES Nothing in this By-law prevents Council from requiring, as a condition of an agreement under Sections 51 or 53 of the Planning Act, that the owner, at his or her expense, shall install or pay for local services as Council may require. PART V - INDEXING The Development Charge shall be adjusted, without amendment to this by-law, on the first day of January in each year, beginning January 15\ 2005, in accordance with the Statistics Canada Quarterly, Construction Price Statistics. PART VI- REPEAL OF FORMER BY-LAWS The following By-law is repealed by this By-law: By-law 99-81 of the Township of Oro-Medonte. PART VII- EXPIRY OF BY-LAW This By-law shall expire five years after it comes into force. PART VIII - ADMINISTRATION This by-law shall be administered by the Treasurer of the Municipality. PART IX - SCHEDULES TO THE BY-LAW The following schedules to this by-law form an integral part of this by-law; (1) Schedule A - Classification of Services; and (2) Schedule B - Components of Development Charge. PART X - SEVERABILITY If for any reason whatsoever any provision, terminology, covenant or condition of this by-law, or any application to any person or circumstances, is to an extent held to be or rendered invalid, unenforceable or illegal, then such provisions, terminology, covenants or condition is deemed to be independent of the remainder of the by-law or any part thereof, and this by-law continues to be applicable to and enforceable to the fullest extend permitted by law against any person in circumstances other than those as to which it has been held or rendered invalid, unenforceable or illegal. 3 PART XI - EFFECTIVE DATE This by-law comes into force and effect on the date of its enactment. BY-LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS - DAY OF - 2004. BY-LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS - DAY OF _2004. MAYOR CLERK 4 SCHEDULE "A" BY-LAW No. 2004-- TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW Classification of Services ITEM TRANSPORTATION Road upgrades Road equipment Public works garages Sand storage FIRE + EMERGENCY Fire stations Equipment Small equipment RECREATION Parkland development Arena Community centres ADMINISTRATION Official Plan update Secondary Plans Development Charges Study Office equipment Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Generator 5 SCHEDULE "B" BY-LAW No. 2004-- TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGES BY-LAW Components of Development Charge CHARGE PER CHARGE PER PERCENT ITEM SINGLE DETACHED OTHER DWELLING OF DWELLING UNIT TOTAL TRANSPORTATION $2,664.41 $2,254.50 69.50% FIRE AND $402.83 $340.85 10.21% EMERGENCY RECREATION $661.42 $559.66 17.25% ADMINISTRATION $104.79 $88.67 2.73% GRAND TOTAL $3,833.45 $3,243.68 100% 6