1990-136 Oro I I '\ \ \\ ~\ I.. \\ 1\ \\.. ... I I I II 1\ 1\ \\ \\\ I \ I II II \\ ~ \~ I \ \ \~ II \\ \\ i\ I I \\ \1\ d \\ " II \\ \\ 'I \\ \1 II II \\ 1\ \1 \\ \.\ \ or!l1l COIlPO~or:t01'l OF or!l1l oroW1'lS!I:tP OF 0110 'By-la]l..VI 'NO. gO- 136 Being a B1~1oa" to I'dopt oftioia1. p1.an 'By-laa~ 'No. 90-~ZZ ~en~ent 1'10. 46 and llepea1. . cor oration of the TO"",shiP of The counc'1. of the . ~ s of the p1.anning l'Ct. herebY accordance ",i th the prov,S1.on f01.1.o<,rJs~ oro, in enact as 1.. t ~t ",hich constitutes The attached e~p1.ana~~YOf~icia1. p1.an of the l'mendIl'ent NO. 46 to e d TO",nshiP of oro. is herebY adopte . . authOrized and directed to make The hd1Ui~istrator ,~.h~r~~ of ~unicipa1. hffairs for app1-icat,on to the 1.n~S 46 to the officia1- p1-an of the approva1- of hmendment o. TO<,rJnshiP of oro. 2. corporation of the TO",nshiP of 3. By-La'" NO. 90-1.22 of the oro is herebY repea1-ed. This By-1-a'" sha1-1- come into force of the fina1- passing thereof. and take effect on the daY 4: . S SIl'It DI''l of Deoember B'l~1J'1I Il}11l.D l' F:tllsor }>lID SIICo}tD or:t}!.}\. or1i:t"; ~ggo. _~oD or:t1411 1'1'ID F:t1'lI'101o 'l PI'S SliD or1l:t S S:rtt\ DI\. 'l OF 'By-la]l..VI ~E]l..D ]I.. .,l.p...S'o Dece1.1.\ber ~ 9 go. or1i1l COIlPo~or:t01'l of or!l1l oroW1'lS1i:tP OF 0110 Ree'\T v:I. sma1-1-