1990-085 Oro of the TOWnshiP of ora aDthorizing h By-LaW of the corporation the sale of certa,n land. . R S 0 1980. c. 302, sections WfiE~S the ~Dnic,pal hCt, ..' ,'''nicipal corporations to paSs by-laWS 193 and 19S authO~i2es ~,~ fo~ the sale of lands. CORpORJ\T10" OF THE ~'t~~I' OF ORO B'.l-1J\~ 'NO. ceLtain lands to such of ora has deemed it desirable to cooveY . fte~ set out. anA on 5Uch te~m5 as he~e~na pa~tie5 u of the co<poratiOn of the TOWnshiP ~'ND waEFEbS the council of the corporation of the TOW,shiP ,.~ THEREFORE the Council \ \\ \\ '\ \\ I' II II 1\ \\ \\ \1 ,I ~\ 1\ II II \1 1\ . I \\ I' II .1 II \\ , \ \ I n I I 'I \\ \11 \\. I \ I \ \ II II 1\ I, n II \' I ~ \\ .- \\ II \' I \ II II \\ \\ It q \\ \\ \1 '\'\ II II II ,,\ 1\ 1. The to: the Lot of to of the TOwnshiP of ora coovey corporatiOn FLOyD ~Ay~E 'hTTO~ and JOh~ ChROL FhTTO~ following lands and premises, namelY' part ^ ~own5hiP of O~OI county 16, concession 1~1 .~ on plan SlR-19210, pursuant Simcoe being pa~t 7 the terms and conditions set oDt in the Deed. 1 1990. of oro enactS as folloWs: RB1\D 1\ fIRST RB1\D 1\ THIRD h~D S"CO~D TlI^" TH1S 16\)1 DhY OP JUlY '~IS 16tn D1\Y of Tl~E AND Pl~hLLY PhSSED TD JulY 01" THE TOvn:iSHIP 1990. RBE\lB ROb~t);;;} D // ~:~~----- 1\DM.INI~~;-~/CLBRR Robert VI. small