1990-137 Oro ~do1?t Officia~ ~~an ~en~ent NO. 47 and Repea~ Being a By-La~ to p By-La~ ~o. 90-123 'f}t1l CORpOR1'or1:0N OF 'f}t1l oro..ntSit1:P OF oRO B"l-L1\11 ~o. 90- 137 ation of the TO,""shiP of The council of the c~r~or of the Planning p.ct, herebY accordance "ith the pro",-s,-ons fO~~OVlS~ orO, in enact as 2. t ~t "hich constitutes The attached e~lana~~YOf~icial plan of the p.men&ment NO. 47 to e d TO,""shiP of oro, is herebY adopte . . authOrized and directed to ma~e The p.dministrator ,-s.h~r~~ of ~unicipal p.ffairs for application to the ~,-n~s 47 to the official plan of the appro"al of p.mendment o. TOVlnshiP of 01:'0. cornoration of the TO"nshiP of By-La" NO. 90-123 of the r oro is herebY repealed. and take effect on the ThiS By-la" shall come intO force day of the final passing thereof. 1.. \ I I I \ I \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\\ I \\ \ \ I I 'II \ I \\ \j \1 II 'II \\ \ I II I I q \\ II \\ II \\ II \\ \\ '\ \, \\ 1\ \\ II 1\ II II II \\ \\ \1 \\ \1 \\ \1\ \\ \\ \1 3. 4. B'l-t.1''iI R~ ~ F1:RSor p.ND S1ICOND or1:}4.1I, 'f}t1:S 1990. s'r:tl p1\"l oi' December ~d~dn or1:N1I p.ND F1:N~t.t.'l p1'SS1ID orit:tS 5",a: B"l-L1\11 'R'E1\P 1\ _...p....~1J pecetnber 1990. 'Of>,. "l Oi' orit1l CORpOR1''f:tON OF orit1l oro..ntSit:tP OF ORO -~--- \\ II \\ \\ \1 II \\ \\ \\ 1\ \\ \\ ~-~- p.&ministrator/Cler~ - Robert'". small ~ ,I II \1 \\