1990-078 Oro n \\ II \\ 1\ \' II II \\ II III 1\ II J,toCEED:t1lGS 01' 'E11E 1U\E'E:t1lG 01' C01J1lC:tt.~ BE:t1lG ~ B~~~W 'EO c~~~~~~~~:~_:~:_:~_:~~~--~-----~~--~~----~ ~_~~~_-~~~-~~~---~~ 'i TaE couNCIL 01' '!liE CORl'01tl>oTION 01' '!liE TOmlSa11' 01' ORO \lEREB~ ENr,.cTS\\ r,.S YOLLOWS' II 1. 'f1!J''E the action of the counciI a;~~~:a~:;~~:n~~n~~ ~'::lh~' II 1990. and in respe'?t to each :.e~ole 1'1eeting held on ~ondaY' Ii Report of the co~~~tee of e;~ to each 1'1otion. Res~lut~O~ and ~ june 25. ~990. and ~ r~~ ken bY the council at ~tS ~a~d \\'11 other act~ons passe an a. roval of the ontar~o ' 1'1eetings is. e"c<;pt ..he:>;e r~~r~b~ adopted. ratified and 1'1unicipal Board ~s requ.~re · II conf i rmed . I I fficialS of the TO..nshiP are II 'f1!J''E the Reeve and the 1?roper dO to do all things necessary to II herebY authOrized a';,~i~';,.~~\~n or to obtain approvalS ..here \1 give effect to the tS as maY be necessary on I' required and to e"ecute an doCumen ~ 'on of the TO..nshiP of II C 1 of the co:rpora~~ affilk behalf r,.o~ t~~e ~~~~ is herebY authOrized and directed to \1 oro. n, 1 to all said dOCuments. 11\ the corporate sea II I I 1\ \\ \\ II I~ I I I I \\ \\ 1\ 1\ \1 II II \\ II II II It II \\ \\ \\ II \\ \\ n I I II II \\ \ \ d \\ 1\ "\ \\ 'II \~ I I II II II II I I q .. II \\ II 'I II II II " II II II II I' ';\ 'II II II " orJIB COJI!'C)1t1<UoN 011 orJIB 'f01I1Is1Ul1 01' ()1lO "B,!-IJ\.1I 'SO. 90- 18 2. \\ 'I 'II II 11:tS s'!li D~~ 01' jUL~' 1.990. 1,1 B~-~W 1lEI'D ~ 1':tJ,tS'E r.}ID SECOND 'E:t)tE 'E I, '!li:tS S'E1\ D~~ 01' jUt.~. II B~-~W 1lEI'D ~ '!li:tllD 'E:t)tE r.}ID 1':t}l1U.t.~ p-r,.SSED 1.990. 'E1\E COllP01tl>o'E:t01l 01' 'E1\E 'EowNS1\:tP 01' 1\ \1 1\ \\ 11. I' op.~ II i\ 1\ \1 II d II "