1990-081 Oro ot the ~o~nshiP ot 0<0 autho<iZinq h BI-La~ ot the co<po<ation the sale ot ce<tain lana. CORPOW'~10N oP ~l'" """"SIlIP oP ORO B"!-1.l\~ NO. 90-81 1980 c 302, sections ~~S the ~unicipal Act. R.S,O. ,. ~",~'cipal co<porations to paSS bl-la~s 193 and 19S authorizes ~l~"~ for the sale of lands. certain lands to such ot 0<0 has aeemed it aesi<able to con~e1 fter set out. a~~ on such ter~s as hereina partieS ,....... , of tl1e TO\Nnsh:LP council of the corporat1-on AND ~ll1SRJ?AS the of the co<po<atiOn ot the ~o~nshiP NO~ ~IlBRBPORE the council \ \\ \\ \1 \ \\ \\ ,\ \1 'd II II II 1\ II II 1\ \t il \\ \\ 1\ \ \ \ I \1 \ I \\ ~I II \\ \'\ \\ \\ \1 II \1 ~ \, \\ 1\ \\ .. \1 \\ 1\ \1 \1 \1 \\ II \\ \1; it \' q \\ \\ \\ 1. . ot the ~o~nshiP ot 0<0 con~el The corporat1-on BORIS HRISTO\!SlZI tO~ the tollo~ing lanas and p<emises. namelY' part . ~o~nshiP of oro, countY Lot 16, concession l~, ~ 0" plan SlR-19270. pu<suant of simcoe being part 3 ,. ,_" conditiOns set out in the Deea. to the terms <->,.""" ~ BI-La~ 89-67 is herebI <epealed. AND SBCOND ~l>1B ~HIS 16tb DA1 oP "l>1B AND PINALLY PASSBD ~HIS 16tb Ju1-Y , 1990. of oro enactS as follO\NS~ 2. DT'> 'L OF Ju1-Y RET'>D 1>- FIRST 1990. CORPORA~10N Of THB TD,",SIlIP OF ORO RE1>-D 1>- THIRD EE\!E ROb~rt . .$ru~rY . '~~ ------------ ,K0 - - 1>-DMINISTR1>-TOR/CLERlZ Robert W. Sfi\all