1990-083 Oro of the TOWpshiP of 0<0 authO<i.iP9 A By-LaW of the corporatiOP the sale of certain land. CORPORATION OF THE TOW"SHIP oP ORO B~-LA~ NO- 90-83 O ~02 sections . . 1 1\ >- R S 0 193 , C. J ' ""EREAS the >\up>c>pa ~cc,.. . . ,.,,,~'cipal corporatiOPS to pass by_laWS 193 and 195 authOrizes ~,~"~ for the sale of lands. certain lanos to such of oro has dee~ed it aesi<able to cop"eY . fter set out. afiA Ofi such terms as here1.na partieS "u " co,,^cil of the corpo<atiOP of the TO,,nsl,iP AND 'tffiERBAS the ,-," of the corporatiOn of the TOWpshiP NO~ THEREFOR~ the coopcil \, \1 \\ \\. I 1\ \\ 'II 1\ It II ,1.. \\ II 1\ II q \\ I,l 1\ 1\ \j \ \ II \\ \\ \\ 1\ \\ \\ \1\ \\ ~ \\ \\ \\ \\ \:\ II \\ 't\ \\ .. \\ \ ,\ \\ I, \\ \\ II II \1 II \\ 1\ \\ 1\ \\ ,,\ j\ 1. of the TOWpshiP of Oro copveY The corporation PETER liRlSTOVSRl to: the followiP9 lapds apa pre~ises, pa~e11' pa<t 1 ^ <"<'O'ilnshiP of orO, countY Lot 16, concession ~,.~ c Op plaP 5lR-19210, po<soapt of Simcoe being part J afiA co"ditiOPS set out iP the Deed. to the terms "u " 09-c9 is herebY repealed. By-La\1 0 u Ju:lY , 1990. of oro enactS as follo~s: S 16th DAY OF READ A FIRST A~D SECO~D TI>lE THI ,,'''IS "6th DAY 01" READ A THIRD Tn\E AND FINALLY PASSED ". ' Ju:lY 2. CORPORATIO~ OF THE TO'filS"IF 01" ORO 1990. REEVE RObe~~ E. DrUrYJJ/> - ~ --~ ----------- fi~- AD~lNISTRATOR/CLBRR Robert V:J. small