1990-086 Oro of the TO_nshiP of oYo authOyi,in9 A B1-La~ of the cOypOyation the sale of ceytain land. CORPORATION OF TnE TowNSnlP OF ORO By-LAW NO- 90-86 R S 0 19BO c. 302, sections wnER&AS the ~unicipal Act, ..' ' "ooici~al cOypOyatiOOS to paSs b1-1a~s 191 and 19S aothori,es " · foT the sale of lands. co....cil of the corpMatiOn of the To,mshiP p,.ND wnERE1\5the ,-," ceTtain lands to such of oro has deeIDed it desiyable to coo~e1 . fter set out. ,..' on soch terIDS as heye,na paTtieS ,-",,,U 0" the corporatiOn of the TO~nshiP N~ Tn~PoRE the conncil ' 2. 0" the To~nshiP of oro convey COTPoTation .\.. JOHN CRYBR CONSTRUCTION LI~ITED follO_in9 laods and pyeIDiSeS, naIDel1' payt A ~o~nshiP of OTO, countY 16. concesSion l~' ..\.. 0.. plan SlR-19270, poYSUant Simcoe being part 8 .' t in the Deed. the teYIDS and conditions set 00 B1-La~ B9-16 is herebY repealed. A"D SECOND TI~E THIS 16tD DAY OF TIt<1B AND FINALLY PASSED TUIS 16tD JUlY . 1990. of OTO enactS as follOws: \ \ 1\ H \\ \~\ \ \ II \\ \\ \\ \ \ II \\ 1\ \\ "1 \\ ,'I '.\ \\ \ \ \\ \1 1\ 'II \ \ \.\ \, 'q II \\ \\ q 'II \\ 1\' \ it '\1 \\ I' 11, j\ " \ \ I\. II \ I \' ,\ \ \ I\. \\ .. \ \. \\ II \.1 \\ II \\ 1\ \\ II 1\ \\ \\ 1\ ,\ I" \\ 1. rrhe to~ the Lot of to Db. 'i OF JUlY RB1\D b. FIRST RE1\D 1\ rrll1RD OF TllE TowNSll1P 1990. EE'lE ROb~Tt E. $Dr\lTrJ!J/~. ~ ~ - - - ----- M -- - b.DMINISTR1\TOR/CLERR RobeTt v~. small