1990-115 Oro 't \\ \\ \\ \j \\ \\ \1 \\ 1\ \\ \\ \ I 1\ 't \ \\ \t \ I, \\ \1 \\ \1 II \\ 1\ '\\ \\ II II 'I \\ 1\ \\ II c \ \\ \ \ \\ 1\ \\ c' ~ '\ 't\ ',\ \ \ \ \ \1 .. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \. II \\ \ I \1 \\ \\ 'f1i1l CO\>.1.>0lU'-r1:0N 011 -r1\1I -r01lJi1&1\1:1.> 011 O\>.O 'B"l-L).'9I }to. 90 - 115 :Po 1\'l-1>:Po'll -r0 \>.1I'1.0NII -r1\1I 110101o0'll1:NG ~&' part Lot ~5 concession 8 was enacted to regu~at~ t~e use o~ 1IJi1J1ll~ zoning by-LaW 110. ~03 ~. d use of bU).~d).ngs an d the character . ~ocat).on an ~~~ct~es within the TownshiP of oro; . ~ to further amend 1\y- ~aW 110. f,}11> 1i1\JIllJl1l.& it is deemed des).rab e ~03~ as amended: , . t d pursuant to section 34 of the f,}11> 1i1\JIllJl1l.& authOrity ).s granc e ci~ of the corporation of the p~anning p.ct, ~983, to the oun. TownshiP of oro enactS as fO~~ows' ~03~ as amended. is herebY ~. That schedu~e 1"-5 to By-~aw ~~~ area 'as shOwn on schedu~e "p.", further amended bY rezon).ng. . cu~tura~ (p.) Zone to Rura~ attached heretO, from the ~gr). Residentia~ (RUR) Zone. formS part of thiS By-Law. 2. That 5chedu~e "p.", attached heretO, ffect and come into force, 3. That this By-LaW Sh~::,~~e o~ and Regulations made under the pursuant to the pro').~. F~anning Act, ~983. D).~ of octobe!: , 1\'l-1>:Po'll \>.1\:PoD :Po 111:\>.&-r ]>.}1D & IIco}1D -r1:~1I , -r1\1:& ~s t 1,990. 1\'l-1>:Po'll \>.1\:POD :Po -r1\1:1<D -r1:~1I f,}11> 1"1:N:Pololo'l 1.>1>&&IID -r1\1:& ~st 1,990. D)."l of -r1\1I CO\>.1.>0lU'-r1:0N 011 -r1\1I -r01lJi1&1\1:1.> 011 0\>.0 p.dminis rator/ClerK - Robert W. small I No. 90-115 t No. 90-115 ~ t 1st f October 1990 fa;; ~P:~L/, VIII 14 A AREA REZONED FROM THE AGRICULTURAL (A) ZONE TO THE RURAL RESIDENTIAL (RUR) ZONE -