01 08 2003 RAC Minutes ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Wednesday January 8 2003- 7:00 p.m. th Oro-Medonte Administration Centre Chair: Ruth Fountain called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Dave Knox, Ian Hunter, Catherine Riffer-Wessel, Deputy Mayor Walter Dickie, Councillor Ruth Fountain and Councillor Harry Hughes Staff Present: Jennifer Zieleniewski (CAO) and Chris Carter (Recreation Co- ordinator 1. Adoption of Wednesday January 8 2003 Agenda: th Moved by Ms. Riffer-Wessel; seconded by Mr. Knox. That the Agenda for the Wednesday January 8, 2003 Recreation Advisory th Committee be adopted, along with the additions of 6 (a) Re: Outdoor Rinks, 10 (a) Re: Public Skating and 10 (b) Rail Trail Committee Update. Carried. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None. 3. Adoption of November 7, 2002 Minutes: th Moved by Mr. Hunter; seconded by Ms. Riffer-Wessel. That the Minutes of the November 7 2002 Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting th be adopted as printed and circulated. Carried. 1 4. Deputations: None 5. Unfinished Business: a) Moved by Mr. Hunter; seconded by Ms. Riffer-Wessel. It is recommended to Council that staff approach The Oro Lions Club for consideration of an alternative use for the trail posts and that an alternative method of kilometer marking be considered. Carried. b) Moved by Mr. Knox; seconded by Mr. Hunter. It is recommended that the verbal information that was presented by the Recreation Co-ordinator, regarding a Proposed Playground at Sugarbush be received. Carried. 6. Correspondence: a) Moved by Mr. Hunter; seconded by Ms. Riffer-Wessel. It is recommended that we receive the correspondence delivered to us from Mr. & Mrs. Dobson and present it to the committee for their consideration and that the Dobson’s be advised accordingly of the Recreation Advisory Committee’s decision. Carried. 7. Co-ordinator’s Monthly Report: Moved by Mr. Knox; seconded by Mr. Hunter. It is recommended that the Co-ordinator’s monthly report be received. Carried. 8. Committee Chairperson’s Report: None. 2 9. Other/New Business: None 10. Questions: Discussions on various matters. 11. Adjournment: Moved by Mr. Knox; seconded by Mr. Hunter. It is recommended that the January 8, 2003 meeting of the Oro-Medonte Recreation th Advisory Committee does now adjourn at 8.59 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 6, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. th 3