10 04 2001 RAC Minutes ORO-MEDONTE RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES Thursday, October 4, 2001 - 7:00 p.m. Oro-Medonte Administration Centre Chair: Ruth Fountain called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Dave Knox, Brian Wiese, Ian Hunter, Nadeen Morano, Catherine Riffer-Wessel, Mayor Beard, Councillor Ruth Fountain and Councillor Harry Hughes Staff Present: Kim Allen and Chris Carter 1. Adoption of October 4, 2001 Agenda: Moved by Brian Wiese; seconded by Ian Hunter. That the Agenda for the October 4, 2001 Recreation Advisory Committee be adopted. Carried. 2. Adoption of September 6, 2001 Minutes: Moved by Nadeen Morano; seconded by Ian Hunter. That the Minutes of the September 6, 2001 Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting be adopted as printed. Carried. 3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None. 1 4. Deputations: Update given by Julie Scott regarding status of Secondary Plan. Harold Daynard ? to get maps. 5. Dispositions: None. 6. Correspondence: None. 7. Manager’s Monthly Report: Chris Carter introduced himself and provided brief background. ? 8. Committee Chairperson’s Report: None. 9. Other/New Business: Deputation by Joy Webster of the United Way. ? Change meeting date to November 8, 2001 and provide mandate for next ? meeting. Park Tour – look at park on an as-needed basis. ? 10. Adjournment: Moved by Dave Knox. That the October 4, 2001 meeting of the Oro-Medonte Recreation Advisory Committee does now adjourn at 8:46 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, November 8, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. 2