1991-020 Oro 'fHE CORPO\<A'f:tON 011 'fHE 'fOwNSH:tP OP ORO B~-LAW NO. 91-20 A By-LAW TO ADOP'f p.lo\ENDMENT NO. 51. TO 'fHE OFF:tC:tAL pLAN The counci1. of the corporation of the 'fownshiP of oro. in ~ith the provisions of the Planning Act, 1.983, herebY enacts as folloWS: 1. 'fhe attached text. ~hich constitutes Amendment NO. 51 to the Official Plan for the To~nship of orO is herebY adopted, 2. That the Clerk is herebY authOrized and directed to make application to the Ministry of MuniCipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment NO, 51 to the Official plan the TownshiP of oro. 3. This By-La~ shall come into force and take effect on the day final passing thereof. ~ I \ \1 \\ I~.... \ ... \ \\ \1 1\ \\ 1\ II \1 Ii '\ \ \ \ \ \\ II \\ \\ \\ II \1 \\ ,\ \I \\ 1\ \\ \1 \1 \\ \\ 1\ \ I \ I II q \1 \1 \\ 1\ \\ 'II \ \ \ I \ \ .. ~ \ \ \ \\ \1 il Ii 1\\ \\ 1\. I \\ \1\ By-LAW READ A p:tRS'f AND SECOND 'f:ttiE 'fH:tS 4'fH DAY OF RARCR 1991. READ A 'fH:tRD 'f:ttiE AND F:tNALLY PASsED 'fH:tS 1'fR DAY OF RARCR 1991. 'fHE CORPO\<A'f:tON OF 'f1iE 'fowNSH:tP OF ORO ---- W. small