1991-023 Oro '!1111 ~1()tt ar '!1111 ~. 0" ($0 'By-LA" ttO. 91.-23 Being a By-La~ to repeal By-La~ No, 89-80 passed sept~er 5, 1989. WHEaE~' council for the corporation of the To~shiP of oro passed By-La~ NO. 89-80 to amend its Official Plan relating to the De~elopment on unassumed and Pri~ate Roads, ~D WHERE~S. the pro~isions for the De~elopment on unassumed and pri~ate Roads ha~e been re~ised and reenacted ~ith the passing of By-La~ NO. 90-131 on No~ember 19, 1990. NOW T~EREFORE. council of the corporation of the To~nshiP of oro herebY enacts as folloWS: 1, That by-La~ NO. 89-80 is herebY repealed. 2. That this By-La~ shall come into force and take effect from date of its passage. ~ BY-~W RE~ ~ FXRST ~ SECOND TX_E TaXS 18T~ D~Y 01' ~c~ 1991. BY-~W RE~D ~ THXRD TX~E ~D FXNALLY p~SSED THXS 18TH DAY OF 1.991.. T~E CORPORATXON 01' THE To1INS~XP 01' ORO 'Re ------- - Clerk. 'Robert ..