1991-035 Oro -r1\1I C01l1?01I1'-r~ON 011 'f}t1l -r()1lNS1t~11 011 0110 'B"l-~'9I 'NO. 91.- 35 Official p~an ~end1tlent NO' 54 Bein~ a By-La~ to ~dopt \ I I \\ Y 1\ 1\\.. \ \ \~ ~ \\ \\ \. 1\ \\ ~ \\ \\ \ 1\ I '. \\ ,I ~ ~ 1;\ \ I II II \ I 'I \\ \\ q \:\ II .. \\ \\ I' '.\ I II \1 I \\ II \ ,\ 'II 1\ TO,""ShiP of o-r:o. in 'l of the co-r:po-r:ation of the ~~d 2~ of the ~lanning The counc~ 'th the p-r:o~isions sectionS ~7 ~.. aCco-r:dance "'~ f llo"'s' ~ct, ~983 he-r:ebY enactS as 0 . AJl\end1t\ent NO. Sli.- d 1 ..~.. ",hich constitutes The attache": ~che u, e f the TO,""shiP of o-r:o, is to the off~c~al p~an 0 adopted. ~. , b authO-r:ized and di-r:ected to 1tla1<e The ~d1tlinist-r:ato-r: ~s.h~-r:e Y ici al ~ffai-r:S fo-r: application to tne }\~n~st-r:Y of }\~ t~ Officia~ plan of the app-r:o~al of ~en~ent No, 54 TO'WnshiP of oro. and ta1<e effect on the daY This By-la'" shall co1tle intO fo-r:ce of the final passing the-r:eof. 2. 3. 6th 'O,,-"l OF 'M,a.Y' 1.991.. 1!'l-~'iI Il1\1'>D ~ 11~lls-r ~ SECOND -r~tUI. 'f}t:LS ~ _~oD -r:LtUI ~ 11~N1>LL'l 11108SED 'f}t~S 6th 'B"l-~VI 'R~ .... ",&.~"'~ 1.991.. 'O1\"l OF 'M,a.Y' 'f}tE COIl110~-r:LON 011 'f1i'& -roWIIS1t:LP 011 0110 -------- _ Robert W. S1t\a11