1991-039 Oro \ \\ \\ \\ \\ ,,\ II 1\ I\. II 1\ \ I '"~I \1 \ \ \\ \\ \\ II 1\ \\ II II ~ \' \\ \~\ I, I \\ \\ 1\' I 1\ \' \~ \\ ~ '\ \\ ~ II \\ \\ 1\' \. \ \ \1 II i\ \ I II II ~\ or1lB CORPOlU>orlON 011 or1iB orowNS1l1P 011 ORO B"l-LA"\4 'NO. 91.- 39 Being a By-La~ oro ~end By-La~ No. 81-68, ~ By-~a~ to Regu~ate the Re~o~a~ of oropsoil wNEll~ council for the corporation of the oro~shiP of.O~o B -La~ NO. 81-68, being a By-La~ to ~egu~ate, and proh,b,t J~o~a~ of oropsoH ~ithin the oro>1T\Sh'P of oro, on the 21st daY septe1t\per, 1.9B7; ~ wN~ council dee~s it ad~isab~e to a~end By-La~ NO. 87-68; NOW TREllBlIORB council for the corporatiOn of the To~nshiP of oro herebY enactS as fol~O~s: 1.. By-La~ NO. 81-68 is herebY aaended bY adding the fo~~o~ing phrase at the end of seotion 6(C) of the By-la"4: "esc~uding ~andS one hectare or ~ess fronting on tiigb"4aY 'NO. 1.1.." 2. ThiS By-La~ shal~ come into force and take effect upon its passage. R~ a first and second ti~e this 21st daY of ~aY. ~991. R~ a third time and fina~lY passed this 21St daY of May. 1991. orllB CORPOlU>orlON 011 or1lB oroWNS1l1P 011 oRO -phi ~a.inistrator/cler~' Robert W. S~~~