1991-047 Oro orllB CORPOlU>or10N 011 or1iB oroWNS1l1P O'F 01<0 B"l-LA"\4 'NO. 91.-41 to rovide for remuneratiOn, W1I1IllB~S counci~ passed a By-L3~ 'lPMerobers Members of LOca~ d allO~ances for eounc, .. e~penses an and e~penses of E1t\pl0yees, BoardS and co~ittees. "O.y_~-a- to ~end By-La" NO. 90-:1.42 'Being a 1'7 ~ ,W Counci~ of the TO~nshiP of oro herebY enactS }to"\4 'r1i'E~'E'fO~'E the the following~ 2. N 90-:1.42 be a~ended bY Th t schedule ..e" to By-la~ o. . ad~ing section 1.3 to read as follo~s' d sba~~ be co~pensated at .. :I. . 3 oro~nsbiP 1?epart~ent lIe~: identif ied in section :1..2 tbfesp~d~i~o~~~r~ie 'B~":..La~ 90-:1.42 for actU~~ o c ,t d fro~ tbe oro~nsb'P ~i~o~etrage dr~~en 0 ~n r triPS incurred above tbe ~d$inistratiOn centre ~o~or~ing bours as out~ined depart~ent beadS no~a in By-LaW 86-1.1.." into force on the date of rt1'"'at t'"' ~ s by_laW shall co1t\e t d Y of ~1~1~~ ff t fro1t\ the 1.S a itS passage and ta~e e eC January, 1.991.. 1.. \ \ \ \\ \\ \1 \\ II \1 \ \ 1\ II \\ 1\ \\ \\ 1\ \1 II ,I \1 II II \\ \1 \'\ \1 1\ 1\ \1 \\ \ I \ \ 1\ II \ I ~'\ \ \ \ II \\ II \\ \\ II II \\ II \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ I I \. .. 1.1\ I \\ 1\ \\ \\ \\ ,\ \\ \1 \\ II 1\ ,', II I' \1 \\ 1\ t~iS 19th daY of June. 1991. R~ a first and second time" Passed thiS 17th daY of september R~ a third ti~e and finallY 1991. orllB CORPOlU>orlON 0'F or1iB orowNS1l1P 011 oRO ,~ / Robert W. S1t\al1