1991-056 Oro
1 ~end~ent NO' 39 to
Being a By-L&~ to ~dopt Officia~ p an
Offioial 'Plan
TRB COllPOR!>orlON 011 orllB or()'IINSlIl11 011 0110
B"l-LA"\4 'NO. 91.- 56
of the TO~nshiP of oro. in
The council of the co~p~ration the p1.anning ~ct. 1.983, herebY
accordance ~ith the pro~,s,ons of
enactS as fO~~o~S~
t and schedules 113 and G ~nich
The attached e"p~anatorY te"t the official p~an of the
constitute 1'O!\end11\ent NO. 39 0
TO~shiP of oro. is herebY adopted.
. authOrized and directed to roake
Tne ~dministrator ,~.h~r~{ of Municipal ~ffairS for
app~icatiOn to the ,n,s e39 to the Official plan of the
appro~al of ~end11\ent NO.
TO~nsb.iP of oro.
and take effect on the daY
This B'r~a~ shaH .co~e intO force
of the final pass,ng thereof.
B'l-J,).W ll~ ~ lIlllSor ~
B'l~J,).W llE:!J) ~ or1l111D orlMB AND
SBCOND 'fl~E, or1i1S z9or1i D~'l 011 JUL'l 1.991..
1I1NloLL'l pp.SSBD or1i1S Z90rll D~'l 011 JUL'l
or1iE COllPOR!>or10N 011 or1lB oroWNS1l1P 011 0110
Ad1t\i istrator/c~erK -