1992-072 Oro ot tbe TO~nsbiP ot oro autbOrizing ~ By-La~ ot tbe corporation the sa,e ot certain ,and, COIlPOl\1'T10}1 OF TllE TowNS1l1P OF 0110 B~~~~W NO. 92~ 12 \ "~ \~ \~ \\ \~:" \ '. \ \ \' 'II, "\ \\ 1\ , \ \\ \~. II II \\ Ii \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ ~ \\ \ \ \\ I, \\ \\ '\ \ , I' ,I 'II, \"\ 'I ,'I \\ .- 1\ \ ~ \\ \ \ \\ II 1\ \t , ' s 0 ,980, c' 302, sections .93 and W1lEll~ tbe Mun,c,~a' ~ct, R. . t' s to pass by-,a~S tor tbe .95 autbOrizes Mun,c,pa' corpora ,on sa,e ot ,andS. ' oration ot tbe To~sb'P ot ~~ ~EllE~S tbe counci' ot tbe corP ~ 'n ,ands to sucb partieS ~ ' d . b,e to convey cer"a, baS deemed ,t es'~~ bereinatter set out. and on sU.ch te-rms ~' ot tbe TO~nsbiP ot t~e counci' ot tbe corpora",on NOW 't1!'E'R'E!'0'R'E1' Ore enactS as to"o~s: v y to~ Tbe corporation ot tbe TO~nsbiP ot ~ro con e Tb8 corporation ot tb8 city ~t ~ar~~~e'Y: part tbe to"o~ing ,ands and pr~~~~n concessions 6 and origina' Road ~"o~a~ce ~; ot simCoe being part 5, 7, To~sb'P ot oro~2'~~~ pursuant to tbe terms Reterence p,an 5.R" d and conditions set out ,n tbe Dee ' 1.. R'El\D 1\ F1.RST RE~D ~ T1l1RD T1ME MID F1N~LL y 1.992. AND SECOND T1ME T1l1S 2ND D~Y OF SEPTEMBER, .992, p~SSED T1l1S 2ND D~Y OF SEPTEMBER, CORPORhTI0N OF TllE TOWNS1l1P OF ORO A I;ERR, Da-r lene