1993-013 Oro 'f1lB c01lP01\A'f101!1 OT 'f1lB 'f()101SIl1P OT 0110 B~-L~W _0. 93- 13 1I1lBllpS council for tne corporation of tne T,?wnsniP of <?~~ dee1l\ . . t oint 1'!e,.bers to tIle oro H1Story co1!\1ll" ee ~~r~~~~a~e cn':.p~~ 302, section :1.04 of tIle 1'!unicipal p,.ct, R. S .0 . 1.980. 11011 'f1lBllBTORB tIle council for tIle corporation of tne TownsniP of oro nerebY enact as follo~s: ~ BY->>&~ to ~ppoint 1!1~ers to the O~O Bisto~Y co~ittee 1.. That tne follo~ing persons snall.b~ 1'!~e~s ~~e\~e oro History co1!\1llittee for a ter1l\ e~p1r1ng unt1l successors are appointed: Loreen LUcaS ~alter nutChinson Bernice nicKling sandra Shels~ell Earl Robertson nenry Neufeld Tim. cra~ford Jadine nenderson Tnat tniS BY-J.,a.~ snall c01l\e intO force and take effect on tIle date of its passage. \ \ t \\'. I ~\ '1\ \1 \ 'I ~ \\ \\ \\ 1\ 'I, \\ tl "\ ~ \ \ II \ ~ \\ ~ II II \\ II \ \\ \\ .. I~... \, \ \\ \ \ \, ,t, \ \ II 'I \\ 1\ \\ II . ~h' 3 d day of FebruarY , 1.993. }U!1J> a first and second t111\e - 1S r }U!1J> a tIlird ti",e and finallY passed tniS 3rd day of l'ebruar'J> 1.993. 'f1tB CORPO~'f101!1 oT 'f1tB 0r01l1lSIl:tP OT ORO 2.