1993-015 Oro I ~) '1 ~ I I ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ORO BY-LAW NO. 93- 15 A By-law to Appoint Members to the Oro community Centres, Parks and Recreation committee WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Community Recreation Centres Act, the Municipal Act and Regulations made under the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation Act, Council may appoint a community Centres, Parks and Recreation committee; AND WHEREAS it is now deemed desirable to appoint and re-appoint Members of the Oro Community Centres, Parks and Recreation committee; NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Corporation of the Township of Oro hereby enacts as follows: 1. That the Purpose of the Oro community Centres, Parks and Recreation Committee shall be to ensure that adequate opportunities exist for all citizens of Oro Township to engage in satisfying, constructive recreation activites appropriate to their age, capabilities, and personal interests. 2. That the Mandate of the Oro Community Centres, Parks and Recreation Committee shall be: a) To act as an advisory body to Council. All recommendations shall be forwarded through the Parks and Recreation Committee minutes to the Council for consideration. b) To develop goals and objectives to ensure adequate provision of recreation services and facilities. c) To formulate policies to ensure the most effective and efficient delivery of recreation services and the use of Parks and Recreation facilities. d) To determine the recreation needs and wants of the community groups and citizens of Oro Township and establish priorities for future development. 3. That the Parks and Recreation Supervisor will work with the Oro Parks and Recreation Committee to assist the members in their advisory function to Council. 4. That all Members of Council shall be Members of the Oro Community Centres, Parks and Recreation Committee. ~ ~ II q \\ \\ \.\1. 1... \ \\ \\ It \1\ II 'II \\ \:\1 \ \\ \\ \\ 'II 1\ I \\ \ I 'II \'1 II \ \ \\ 1\. 1\ \ 1'1. \ ,'I l' 1.\ \\ d \\\ \ 1\ \ ~ \\ \ \ Ii 11 \ \ 1\ \.\1 \ \1; \1 \\ \1 II II II '1 \\ By-LaW NO. 93-15 -2- 5. That the follo~ing people are herebY appointed ~e~rs of the oro c~unitY centres. par~s & Recreation co~ittee for a term e~piring December 31. 1993 and/or until their successors are appointed. and are otherwise eligible for appointment~ Meryl Drak.e Randall Roe Bob Gregory NancY stoddart 6. That By-La~ No. 92-07 is herebY repealed. 7. That this By-La~ is effective on the date of passage hereof. R~ a first and second ti~e this3rdday ofyebruary · 1993. ~ a third ti~e and finallY passed thiS 3rd day ofyebruary 1.993. 'filII CORPO~T10N 01' Tltll T01l'llSlt1P 01' ORO y{1 E. Drury ---