1993-018 To Authorize the Issuance of the Certificate of Maintenance and Final Acceptance (Underground Works) for Horseshoe Highlands Subdivision - Phases I and II ~ ~... \\ I~" \ ~I \\ \\ ~ \ \ \\ \,~. i \\ \\ \\ II \i \ \ ~ \ ,\ .. II II \\ \ \\ \1 \.\ \\ \1 II \.\1 \ I \\ ,1 ~ II 1\ \ \ II u II \ \ ~ Beinq a By-L&" to )o.utbOrue tbe 1SSuance of tbe certificate of II MSinten&1>ce and Fin&~ )o.CceptSftce \Underqround wor~s) fcr BorsesbO~ Biqb~andS 8111>di"ision - FbSses 1 and 11 II 1\ \\ \,1 \\ (a) That \;be certificate of Maintenance and Fina~ Acceptance ~I (Underqround workS) for aorsesboe aiqb~andS - Pbases 1 and 1 ,.aY n"" bE> issued I:>Y \;be TownsbiP Enqineer (F-.G. F-ol:>inson an, ASSociates) in co,.p~iance "itb section 23 of \;be suJ:>di"ision\ Aqree,.ent I:>et",een tbe corporation of \;be TownsbiP of oro and II aorsesboe/sa~"il (oro) Li,.ited. ~\ (1:>) Tbat tbis By-~a'" sbal~ co,.e into force and take effect on tb\, final date of passinq tbereof. \ \\ II \\ \1 ,I II II II \\ II \\ \\ q II \\ I' 'f1l1l COF-POF-J>T10N OF 'f1l1I TowNsB1P OF 0110 'B~-~. NO. 93- 18 The counci~ of \;be corporation of tbe TownsbiP of oro enacts as folloWS: IlIlJo.D a first and second ti,.e tbis 3rddaY of FebruarY 1993. IlIlJo.D a tbird and fina~ ti,.e tbis3rd' day of FebruarY 1993. 'f1l1l C01lP()1tJo.T10N OF 'f1l1l TowNsB1P OF 0110 ~--/ 'Reeve,