1993-074 Oro \ 1\ 1\ \\ \1, \\ \\ ~. ,\ \~I, \ ..., I~. \ \ \ \\ II \\ \\ II II \\ Ii I \\ \\. \\ \\ \\ \1\ \ 1\ \\ \\ Ii il \\ II \\ \\ \t II II U \\.' \\ \.\ I .e 1\ \.\ \ ,\ I \ I \\ II ,I, \' \\ II \\ \\ II II II II TIlE cottP01l1-T:t01l OF T1i1l TQ1I1IS1i:tP OF ottO B~-LA. NO. 93 - 14 Bein~ a By-La~ to ~40pt official plan ~en4ment 110. 68 for p~rt of ~ t~ ~~r~cultUral Designation to tbe v~llage Lot 2. Range 2 from ~e"~' co~unitY Designation. Tbe council of tbe corporation of tbe. TO"nsbiP of oro, accordance "itb tbe provisions of tbe Plann:Lng J>,ct, nerebY enact as foll0"INS~ 1.. Tbe attacbed e){PlanatorY teott and scbedUles "'b~Cb c~'.'stii~~~s J>,1t\endment NO. 68 to tbe off icial plan of tne o.ms:LP 0 ' is herebY adopted. Tbe Cler~ is berebY autbOrized and.d~rected t~ ma~e application to tbe Ninistry of Nun:LC:Lpa~ ~ffa:Lrs fO~ approval of Amendment NO. 68 to tbe Off:LC:Lal plan 0 TO"INnshiP of oro. the 2. . f and ta~e effect on tbe daY ornis lIy-la" sball come :Lnto orce of tbe final passing tbereof. 3. zO'rll DA~ of OC'fOBER, B'l-L~" ttv.!> ~ F:tttST ]\lID SIICollD T:t)tIl. T1i:tS ~993. B'l-L~" ttll~D ~ T1i:tttD T:t)t1l ]\lID F:tNl\LL'l phSSIID T1i:tS OC'fOBER, 1.993. zo'fll DA~ OF T1i1l cottP01l1-T:t01l 011 T1i1l TQ1I1IS1i:tP OF ottO ~.0. - ---- Cler~ _ Darlene Sboebridg