1993-093 Oro , ' O. ~990, c~apter ~.45, section ~ERE~S t~e ~un~c~pa~ ~ct, R.S, 'f 'tS ~oca~ BoardS eac~ year ~63 a~~o~s a ~unicipa~itY or anYt~ ~stab~is~ment or maintenance to pro~ide in t~e est~mates for e of a Reser~e ~ccount. corporation of t~e TO~ns~iP of NOW TREREYORE t~e counci~ of t~e oro enactS as fO~~o~s: ~ count be estab~is~ed and Tbat a separate Reserve c f ffsetting transition re~ated maintained for t~e purpose 0 0 t' of t~e TO~ns~iP of oro e~penses re~ated to t~e ~ma~gama ~on and t~e TO~ns~iP of ~edonte. ~. \ \ \ , , ~ ~ ~ \\ ~ II ~ \1,' \ II ~ , I \\ II \\ II q II II It II \\ i,j Ii \1 \\ I' ,\ ~ \ ~ \\ \\ L il \\ ~ 1\ \1 II \ \ \\ 1,\ il \\ \\ q \\ 1\ \\ II \\ \\ \\ \1 -f' \\ II \'1 1;\ 1\ \\ 'I \ \ \\ II \\ ~ ~ \\ ,\ \\ 2. TRE COR?O~T>ON OF TRE TOWNSR>? OF oRO B~-LAW NO. 93- 93 R er~e Account Being a B1-~a~ to Estab~isb a eS t ~ 11 be invested t~e reserve accoun s,~a a trustee may invest ~n under t~e Reserve hCCount s~a~~ for any purpose ot~er establisned, unless 3 . Tbat money raised for in suc~ securitieS as Trustee ~ct. Tbat t~e monies raised for t~e ~~i~ not be e~pended, p~edged or app ~e t~an t~at for ~~ic~ t~e account ~aS dU~y aut~orized bY By-~a~' , ' ' annua~ report s~a~~ report on t~e Tbat t~e aud~tor ~~ ~~s f t~e said Reserve ~ccount. activitieS and pos~t~on 0 force and take effect on Tbat t~iS By-~a~ s~a~~ come intO t~e date of passing t~ereof. 4. seoond time tbiS ~st da1 of December, B1-~a~ read a first and ~993. 5. time and fina~~1 passed tbiS ~st day of B1-~a~ read a tbird Dece~er, ~993 TRE COR?OR~T>ON OF TRE TowNSR>? OF oRO Reev , -----