08 25 1993 Oro History Committee - MinutesTCWNSHIP OF ORO HISTORY CO:aITTEE
MEETING held at the Township of Oro Administration Building on
August 25, 1993 - The meeting was called by the Township of Oro
History Committee, as an informal meeting.
The meeting was opened by the Chairperson of the Township of
Oro History Committee 7:45 p.m.
The Chairperson, Loreen (Rice) Lucas welcomed the members of the
Medonte Township Historical Society and advised that the meeting
would be an informal talking meeting.
An introduction of the members present from the Medonte Historical
Society and the Oro Township History Committee next took place.
Medonte Members: - Medonte Historical Society
Carl Campitelli
Robert Rountree
Dianne Rountree
Mary Garbutt
Sylvia Holder.ny
Marylin Campitelli
Nino Campitelli
Township of Oro History
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
Bernice Hickling
Henry Neufeld
Walter Hutchinson
Earl Robertson
Jadeen Henderson
- President of the Society Graphics)
- Vice President (Advertising, Photography,
- Membership Committee - Documentation
- Contact person for the Society
also member of Hillsdale History Committee
- member
Committee members present
- member
- Secretary
- Alternate
- member
- member
Tim Crawford
Chairperson Sandra Shelswell
An informal talk and discussion took place on the work of the
Medonte Historical Society and their achievements to date:
- membership has increased steadily
- Newsletters forwarded or made available (copies of same were
passed around for information
- meetings of the Society held regularily
- presently in process of getting together History of Medonte
which is to be published by the Society.
- Fund raising events held to operate the work of the Society
- no financial sutiport from the Township
Th Chairperson introduced the Publications that the Township
of Oro History Committee had completed - same were moue avail-
able for view
A lengthy discussion took place on the work carried out by
the members of the 1uedonte Historical Society and the Township
of Oro History Committee and future proposals, and how the
Society and the Committe could work together after the newly
proposed Township to be known Oro-Medonte after Jan. 1, 1994.
Suggestions were put forward on how the Medonte Historical
society andthe Township of Oro History Committee could function.
for continued historical work under the new Township.
- suggested that a Committee of the Medonte Historical Society
could prerare matters for presentation and the Oro History
Committee could prepare the same and then the two Committees
could meet to consider the proposals for approval and presentation
to Council of the Tonship of 0ro-Medonte.
Since both the Township of Oro and Medonte Councils had requested
the History Committees to come forward with a Logo for the new
Township effective January 1, 1994, this was considered by all
After review of the draft art work for the Loge, types of border
and the wording, the following results were arrived at:
Wording - The Heart of Simcoe County - agreed to by all
Art - the present used by each of the Township to remain
and design to include - 0x and Plow and Sheaf of
Border - 50-50 sElit on Rope or Coin border.
- as well wording Alm. 1994 to be included
It was suggested that a sample of each be prepared - and it was
left that Loreen (Rice) Lucas approach Joanna McEwen to prepare
a draft work for each of the designs proposed. Same to be avail-
able for presentation and review at a meeting which had previously
proposed meeting by the Medonte Historical Society to be held
on Sunday September 5, 1993 at the Coldwater Canadiana Museum,
from 2-5 p.m. A tour of the Museum will take place and then a
short meeting could be held to review the sample Logos, which
could then be presented to the Township Councils for their
review and approval or further recommendation.
It may be noted that the arrival for the proposed Loge was by
each member present submitting on a paper their suggestions
of Wording - Art - design - border, etc.
Mttters to be presented or proposed for an Agenda or future
meetings of these Committees were discussed.
There being no further matters brought forward for discussion
it was moved by Earl Robertson that the meeting adjourn.
Refreshments were served after the meeting - coffee, lemonade
and cookies. This also served as a time for getting acquainted.
Henry Neufeld
Loreen (Rice) Lucas
0ro Township History