09 14 1993 Oro History Committee - MinutesTCVY - :HIf F ORO FISTCRY COI.iiITTEE Se''t. 14, 1993 :SDO:"TI c/c .:`s. i..-ry Garbutt, Coldwater, Cnt- rio LOK 1E0 De�.r Lrs. Garbutt: Further the joint meeting held with the Town hip of Oro history Committee held. on auLust 25, 1593. rs agreed 4.t the meeting it 7ias left to the ChFirrerson Loreen Lucas to prepare from the recommendations of the members present a decal w-th wording, logo, amalaLation year and name of th, new Township . This has -now been corgi. leted and three samples are enclosed showing the thr-e different bordrs, which qre to be presented to each Council for thir consideration =nd ax,-rov°-d of one. Accordingly would you kindly forward the three sar.i,les to the Ledonte Coercil ith the recommendation bf the L.edonte Historical Society. ne Tc. ndhi4 of Oro ':istory Committee have today forwarded the three saln'les to the Council of the Township of Oro for their a; i rov: 1 and selection of one r;nd then' the subsequent selection by both of the ,reset Councils. A co y of the lett r forwarding the Sr ., les to the Tnwns!hi. of Oro Council is enclosed for your information. Trust'n. that you will e ..b1e to forward same to the Council of the ®Cownshir of i;.edonte in order th t t: ry both Councils ma, jointly select and ap.rrove one of the s mi les. Thank you for your interest and co-o?"r-.tion in this matter. cc: Tnwr:ship of Oro Council Yours very trulyp 4 11 becretar Townshi of Oro :list ry Committee Tnr-FTT3 OF 0R0 HI .TCR1 CO..1.ITTFE AND COL.LiITTEF OF TFE TGNSHIi OF I: D0NTr HISTCRICi L SCCI7TY E:;TING held at the Te,enshir of 0ro d inistrc tion Building on August 25, 1993 - The nesting was called by the Township of Oro History Committee, es en inf_rmal meeting. The meeting es otier_ddd by the Chairrerson of the Tonship of 0ro History Committee 7:45 p.m. The Chairrerson, Loreen (Rice) Lucas welcomed the members 5f the 24edonte Township Historical Society and advised that the meeting would be an irrormel telking meeting. An introduction of the members present from the :iedonte Historical Society and the Oro Township History Committee next took place. edonte iv.embers: - I.edonte I:istcr•ical Society - Eresident of the Society Graphics) - Vice i'resident (Advertising, Photography, - _..erbershi, CommiCtephicBc)cument - tion - Contact person for the Society - also member of _:illsd.. ie ::istory Committee - member - member Carl Cami.itelli Robert Rountree Dianne Rountree Lary Garbutt Salvia Holderny h.arylin C.:r:., itelli Eino Care, itelli Townshir- of Oro i"i story Loren (Rice) Lucas Bernice Hickling Henry Neufeld Walter Hutchinson Er r1 Robertson Jedeen Fendersan Committee members present - Chairperson - member - Secret ry Tim Crewford - Alterre to Cf rirT ersor_ Sendre Shelswell member - member Absent An inforr. a..l talk end discussion took 'lace on the work of the 14edorite Historical Society and their achievements to date: membershir h .s i ncre sod steedily Newsletters forwerded or niac'e e.vail: ble (conies of same were passed aroi end for information - meetings of the Society held regularily - presently in trocess of getting together y:istcry of Ledonte which is to be published by the Society. - Fund raising everts held to over=te the no financial sui l ort from the Township The Ch .ir_ erson introduced the s'ublications the t the Township of Cro Iii ,tery Committee 'red comrleted - same were made avei1- able for view :: lengthy ciscussion took .lace on the •:cork cerried out by the members of the I..edonte+2 istcric: 1 Society and the Township of Oro History Committee and future rcrosals, and how the Society and the Comritte could work together after the newly proposed Township to be knowns0ro-Ledonte after Jan. 1, 1994. of the Society • 2 Cont'd Suggestions were .:ut f or::ard on how the .edonte r-istcri cal Society andthe Township of Oro History Committee could functions for continadd historical work under the new Township. - suggested that a Committee of the :eedonte Historical Society could preare matters for j resent tion end the Oro r:istcry Committee could preiere the same and then the trig Committees could meet to consider the r :n or osels for approve) and rresentation to Council of the To .nshir, of Oro•-edcnte. Since both the Tcwns ib, of Cro and iLedcnte Councils h?d requested the History Committees to come ferwerd with o Log for the new Township effective J nuery 1, 1994, this .,Ir;s considered by all present. After review of the draft -rt :ucrk for the Loge, ty es of border and the wording, the following r -sults were arrived at: 'hording - The Eetert of Simcce County - agreed to by all Art - the present used by each of the Tcwnship to remain and design to include - Ox and Plcw and Sheaf of Whe t. Border - ;;C-5_ s: "_it cn Roi,e or Ccin border. s well :wording Alm. 1Y94 to be included I wcs suggested tht a sari le of each be prerered - and it was left that Loreen (:'ice) Lucas approach Joanna LcEwen to prepare a dr ft :;crk fcr eech of the designs . roj osed. Same to be avail- eble for i resentetion and review et meeting wt ich had preveously pro osed meeting by the leedcnte Historical Society to be held on Sunday Seii tember , 1993 at the Coldwr ter Canadiana iuuseum, from 2-5 p.m. e tour of the i:useum will t ke piece end then a short Me ting could bP held to review the same le Logos, which could then be resented to the Township. Councils for their review end approval or further recommendation. It may be noted thet the arrival for the • roecsed Loge Irv--s by each member present submitting on a aler their suggestions of 'ording - Art - design - border, etc. :;:fitters to be resented or rrce osed for en AFend e -or future meetings of these Committees were discussed. There being o further matters brought forwerd for discussion it wns moved by iLarl Robertson th:t the meeting edjourn. refreshments were served after the meeting - c of='ee, ler.:onede and cookies. This lso served as c time for getting acquainted. Henry Neufeld Secretary Loren (RiceLucas Ch; ir",. erscn Orc Tcwnship History Committee