12 13 1994 Oro-Medonte History Committee - MinutesTTO7N _I 1 ,_..IIr- LG,•TE y.. 1 :1 :� .�i -� V L.�IV :'Ja �_i./��J111L HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING. FrCEL BER 13, 1994 The Township of Crc-I1edonte History Committee met this evening in the Committee Room at the Township Administration Building, in accordance with the Schedule set at a meeting held pr. Airil 2, 1994. The following members were present: Tim Crawford Loreen (Rice) Lucas Henry i;eufeld Walter Hutchinson Earl Robertson Jadeen Henderson Absent Bernice Hickling Lary Garbutt Carl Campetelli Opening,: The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 7:35 p.m. The Secretary advised that Carl Campetelli had telephoned and advised that he and Mary Garbutt would be unable to attehd the meeting this evening but would arrange to be present at the January meeting. .:.inutes: The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on November 9, 1994, were on motion of Loreen (Rice) Lucas and Earl Robertson adopted as printed and received. All members having received a copy cf same. Carried. Business arising from the Minutes - none brought forward. Correspondence and Communications (a) Secretary presented copy of letter forwn.rded to Printed Passage Books Ltd., advising in response to order copy for one 'Story of Oro' at a price quoted by them, less discount, was not in accordance with Township price list. The discount is only allowed upon the purchase of 10 books. The quantity trice being S8.00 per book, plus GST end FST and postage. (b) Secretary presented copy of letter fcrw,rded to president, Cntario Genealogical Soceity, 71ho's liho in Ontario, Bio- graphical Research Office with respect to cmpleting a Biography Form, advising that the Oro-Ledonte History Committee are not prepared to submit the n'me of any one individual, since all the Publications of the Township nave been a result of mangy[ people in the Community along with the Committee. Accordingly it is the opinion of the Committee that the name of the Towndhip History Committee should be recognized for inclusion in the Who's Who in Ontario. Also further advising that the Township thf Oro History Committee, since County Restructuring is now known as the Tc":nship of Oro-Medonte History Committee. It was moved by Walter Hutchinson and''seconded by Jadeen Henderson that the Correspondence as presented be accepted and filed for reference. The Chairman wished it recorded that the Secretary be commended for the manner and wording, etc. of letters forwarded and well as the recording of the minutes. - G - ;1c 'rc Unfinished Business _,patter cf Book Froros.?I .was rut forwarded fcr discussion. - The Chairman indicated that he is becoming more enthused about the rublicaticn of another bock r: d =dvised that he gained some further material that could be used. lso that he had srcken to Gary Cunnington with respect to cld records cf former ;,:edorte and hid been advised that all old records Lad been taken to the County Archives. It was suggested that older Assessment Rolls be again reviewed with respect to earlier settlers and land owners, as to who lived where and when. This could assist in Community quotes, etc., that are proposed as a part of the proresed bock referred to. Accordingly it was suggested that a work meeting be schedules between each regular meeting. These may be increased as time progresses for the publications proposed. The Chairman advised that he would make a list of Video Clips on hand .md also that he would ender vour to complete the script for the two Elementary School Video Tapes. It was suggested that a Budget in the amount cf 51500 be prepared for presentation Co Council once this has been approved for submission after the next regular meeting. It was moved by Earl Robertson and seconded by Jadeen Henderson that Walter Hutchinson and Loreen (Rice) Lucas prepare their account for the material used cn the 'Display Case' for the Reeve.'s Chain of Office (Township of Oro) and further that the accounts be presented to the Township Treasurer for Council's approval and payment. And further that the Committee commend Walter Hutchinson and Loreen (Rice) L4cas, for a job well done on the Display Case. New Business The matter of name tags for Committee members was dis- cussed =.nd it was directed that t'ais be taker. up :with the Town- ship Clerk that possibly the name tags could be made up by the same firm that the name plates and name tags -re made for the Township Council or oth-r Township officials. Also that the cost of same be optained. Thera being no further business this evening since the Vault had not been left open it was moved by Earl Rober :son that the meeting adjourn at 8:?0 p.m. to meet again cn Tuesday, January 10, 1995 at 7:30 :.m., unless otherwise notified. Henry Neufeld Tim Crawford Secretary Chairman