12 13 1994 Oro-Medonte History Committee - AgendaTHE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MEDONTE
December 13, 1994
1. Opening - By Chairman at 7:30 p.m.
2. Adoption of Minutes - Meeting held November 8, 1994
3. Business arsing from the Minutes
4. Correspondence and Communications
(a) Presented copy of letter forwarded to Printed Books Ltd;
in response to order for copy of 'Story of Oro' at a
price quoted by them less discount, advising that a
discount is only allowed upon purchase of 10 books.
(b) Presented copy of letter forwarded to President, The
Ontario Genealogical Society 'Who's Who in Ontario,
Biographical Research Office with respect to completing
Biography Form and advising that the Oro-Medonte History
Committee are not prepared to complete the Form for any
one individual, since the Committee are of the opinion
that the Committee should be named as a Nominee in the
'Who's Who in Ontario.
5. Old and Unfinished Business
(a) Further discussion reurding Book proposal
(b) Collecting of material for the Book, including
reviewing of pictures to be used and other material
(c) any further action on assisting the Medonte Historical
Society for the publishing of a book on Medonte
(d) Other
6. New Business:
7. Adjournment