03 17 1994 Oro-Medonte History Committee - MinutesTHE TOWNSHIP CF ORO-MEDONTE HISTORY CCM'MITTEE MEETING :.larch 17, 1994 The Township of Oro-Medonte History Committee met this eves. ;ri.g at the Township Administration Building in the Committee Room . All Members having been notified by telephone. The meeting had been called by the Chairperson. The following members were present: Loreen (Rice) Lucas Walter Hutchinson Henry Neufeld Walter Hutchinson Earl Robertson Absent Jadeen Henderson Bernice Hickling Tim Crawford Sandra Shelswell Opening: The Chairperson opened the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Minutes: The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on January 13, 1994, were on motion of Tim Crawford and Earl Robertson adopted as printed and received. Copies of the Minutes had been forwarded to all members. Business arising from the last meeting Report cn re -appointment of the Township History Committee and proposed Budget for the Committee fro 1994. Council's response under Communications. Correstondence and Communications (a) Presented letter from the Township Clerk advising that Council had instructed that an appropriate By-law appoint- ing members to the Township of Oro-Medonte History Committee be prepared and presented once the Medonte Historical Society had been contacted to submit names of persons which they would like incorporated into the History Committee appointment By-law. Also that to Committee request for a Budget in the amount of $2000 for 1994 had been referred to the 1994 Budget and that the status of the Budget request will be confirmed through the Treasurer at the completion of the 1994 Budget deliberations. (b) Presented Memo from the Deputy -Clerk enclosing a letter from Mrs. Joyce Harrison, Chilliwack, B.C., being an enquiry as to any information or family history on Morrison, McPhee and McGinnis families. Stating that her great grandparents were Neil Morrison and Sarah Minnie (McPhee) Morrison and that she was interested to know if there are any relatives of these families buried in Oro. And that Ann McInnes w2s the daughter of Neil and Sarah Morrison and that her son Peter was her father. Letter also advises that she had written to the Simcoe County Branch of C.G.S. and had re- ceived a letter from them advising of three books published by the Branch and two Oro Township Historical Books - "The Story of Oro" and Kith 'N Kin, and that she had asked the Library in Chilliwack to see if they could obtain them through Interlibrary loan. The foregoing enquiry had arisen from T.V. program on Cemeteries in Oro, which her daughter had seen. eecr-tary .-advised tnt ert_r o ntarn :g _ eelbers cf the Committee, :,''Ater Hutchinson, Earl 3obertscn and Lcreen Lucas reg riling the r.nauiry, it arr : red. th • t r 11 i re femiliar .vit- the family names thet :..Grriscns „ d tc: r:e •s -.gore nuri ec in •ns^il cemeteries :d - 'ter r?Seerch =-- } ' TT Ki r r^rpublication rn V- a s of ,-itness", nistory of Eli-evaie i resbyt- rian Church, ublis^ed to celebr. to its 125th ...rivers~.ry in 195. (Esrl ;obertscn hss a cory of :.his :'ook) After all research_ e rely rT"-s forwerded of all the inform_ tier_ obtained in the yublicaticns alone with 21 i!ctc cozies cf razes from one ueslicet1Cns having reference to the fi'ii_y names in vcivcd. :Leo (visit _.rs Joyce Harrison of the Oro ; ublic-tions evailcble ter.^ cost cf each. 1'._e fcrsecing acticn was texen tc :void delay in resronse until the next meeting :f the Committee. In the meantime a re7ly h .s been received from :..rs. Harrison acknowledging recent ef the letter and enclosed Iheto conies aicng with e cheque fn the _:cunt of S1 .; to:vnrds cost of postage and photo copies. Piss that sne is looking forward to any additional information th t the Committee may come uror., .=i r'c- further enquiries ^- ve been .rrde 752 :'ding t- _ faI.liies in elie eticn 1t w^s ..._'led by Jed en Henderscn • r_d seconded by ".'..lter Hutchinson that the ccrres7cnder ce as presented and fcr: reed t= iccet tea as setisf - r'tory =_ .c be filed for reference. C1c Eusiness (-' The Oh_.irre- son advised th t she r long with Tim Crawford had ccntine,d indexing the slices th-t had been -laced in . rcrer f,er .reserv'-ticn. (h) Tim Cree ftrc' resented ccr , cf a short -rticle ,.ritten by 1.eriar. Keith sbee d be mace use ef, ly -t the next f �ssib Merior:`1 Service . ;, the .fricsr. The =rticle b c beer_ in the ristcry files. Also th-t he hed edited c,:me changes in it to reflect rncr. ern y saying. (such -s efrican in rl» ce rmcrC It was left the t further inquires be made before any ecticn is .taken. k• (c! The __.,rtt-r of preserving the-.lr Guthrie z chcci house :s had 0 been considered ;.end : ro; used by Larry Cotten end nth-_ members in the Community. Jadeen Henderson -r,c elter Hutchinson had-tterded meeting at the site es to whether it '•las et all se_table to be moved. short discessicn was held cn the matter :nd it ws left that the Committee take to active tart cn t'i- i att =r the following motion was ; assed. ' It -e,s moved by Tim Crawford nd seconded by Earl Rcbertscn that Jadeen Henderson inform; Larry Cotten th t members of the "ristcry Committee appointed by the Township Council are not eble co partici-pate in ry fund raising for the Tresery tion of the old Guthrie School House.' 61, 3usin_ess Committee _ ro7 used - rogr:::m for 1 '_ 4. ..i_ 4,tcs ^f Jaruc.ry ca. • ro_ csed :.. ._.�ri. _�ric� :t the rfr±cr r Episcc1 el ketr Deist Church i" 1)94. Tim Crowfcrd resorted that he ; j contacted the Elack _.istcry L,ociety in Toronto _ - 'arcing .. f rc, 'osed Jervice in CQL. The Berson ne:d ccrtct•-d had indic: ted that the Society would be Ereeable to T • rt ci;.atin_g shbuld • Sertce :.'r' 1_rogr ...erg to to___ _ace. It was left that Tim Crawford ^cntinue ,-•contact ether members of the Black ::_st--ry Cc:ci sty fro__. names th't har been made evailabie at the __.st service - Pld in 1988 (c) Tim Crawford F resented some archival i terial : urchnsed for us, in r reserve on of ^•curie. is -. d �h :r?'; teri 1 of Fist':-_._ value. It was M01,7fl by J4c'.een Henderson and seconded by 71ter ':utchi son '.-t the u�� Ott, recommend to Council that an account of less than 100 _^r C,arr i.-cLean be paid for the ._rchiva1 rate: iai purchased. Election cf officers for 1994 ?'!:P C rirperson declared all offices vacant. The Secretary c::_11ed for ncm nati-ns for Chairperson - Lovren (Rice) Lucas nomin::ted Tim Crawford for Chairman Henry :,'eufeld declared nominations Tim Crawford indicated th t since he wns very in_t-_ested in Historical work Le .-cu_c ..ccet, the nomination Earl robert-cr_ : _r ted Henry Neuf old for Secretary. Loreen Lucas deci-rsd rotmotions closed. It was moved by Tim Crawford and seccnded by Henry Xeufeld thLt Eutctinscn 1.nd r ; ri 1 ' ertscn be hcrcurary co-ChLir for the Committee in 1994. :Thmes cf Officers to be submitted to Council. Tim Crawford ste.ted the t a vote cf thr.nks s'r ould be recorded for the .:.rd ,ucrk that Loreen h- d , ut into this Committee for mery `Teas. It was moved by Earl Robertson :nd seconded by 'Walter Hutchinson that a vote cf thanks be extended to Loreen (Rice) Lucas fcr her Excellent work cn the Committee since 1968 --nd. es Ch: ir- terson since 1984. Adiourr_ment It was moved by Walt-r Hutchinson that the meeting adjourn t 10:00 p.m. to meet again on Tuesday, April 12, 1994. Committe members si_er_t some time r -viewing some documents for preservction or disc=:rd. _._ateriai to be kert and : rerared for record r_d ristcric use ;vas placed in the Hist7ry Committee filing cabinet fcr further action. Ccm itt� e members .:±l_ C•,rti: in_. with some c!17. the t.rc jests it , r ogres:' betwen iL-'ecings . --':rry oecret ry _ n (aice; ,h .ir:erson iistcry Committee