04 12 1994 Oro-Medonte History Committee - MinutesTHE TOWNSHIP OF ORO-MF,DCNTE HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING April 12, 1994 The Township of 0ro-Medonte History Committee met this evening at the Township Administration Building in the Committee Room. The meeting was in accordance with the Chairman's proposal to hold a meeting on the second Tuesday of each month. The following members were present: Tim Crawford Loreen (Rice) Lucas Henry Neufeld Earl Robertson Jadeen Henderson Absent Bernice Eickling Walter Hutchinson Opening: By the Chairman at 7:50 p.m. Minutes The Minutes of the last regular meeting held on March 17, 1994 were on motion of Earl Robertson and Henry Neufeld adopted as printed and received. Copies of the Minutes had been forwarded to all members. Business arising from the Minutes Nnne brought forward. Correspondence and Communications (a) Secretary presented a letter from the Deputy -Clerk, also the Secretary for the Canada Day Committee. Letter is an invitation to the Oro-Medonte History Committee to participate in the annual festivities on Canada Day at 0ro Memorial Park, Friday, July 1, 1994, by a display of photos, Township Publications cr other historical material. It was left that the Secretory advise the Canada Day Committee that the History Committee will participate at the Canada Day festivities with a display of photos, Township publications and other historical material. And further that an Ad Hoc Committee be appcintdd for this purpose at a future meeting. 0ld Business The Chairman advised that he had made further contact with the Black History Society and the Choir in Collingwood, who would be pleased to participate. After considerable discussion it was left that: It was agreed that the Committee continue with preparations and/or arrangements to hold a Memorial Service at the African Episcopel Methodist Church in 1994, and that once all necessary arrangements appear to be complete, the proposal be presented to Ore-Medorte Council for approval, and payment for costs, should the collection on that day not be sufficient to cover costs involved. Committee members wer,P assigned to look after various items required to hold the Service, as follows: - Speaker andChoir (B.M. . Songster - Collingwood) - Tim Crawford - Check African Church inside - Walter Hutchinson and Earl Robertson - Clowes W.Y.S. - re; lunch after service should this be included - Jadeen Henderson P.A. System - Tim Crawford and Henry Neufeld - West Cro Baptist Church - should weather not permit the outdoor service. - Henry Neufeld - Other matters - Arrange for Toilet facilities from -11cGill Environment - Chairs and tables from Township Halls Parking arrangements -C.P.F. be contacted. Printing of programs and invitations to special guests. - Other matters not thought of at this time. This Committee to meet again on April 26, 1994, with respect to the above matters. New Business Loreen (Rice) Lucas presented prepared Art Work for a new Township Log@ as prepared by Juliana Hawkes and Councillor Joanne Crokam. this Art work being further to what had been prepared by Loreen (Rice) Lucas and presented to Council. The Committee members reviewed the Art Work'and mdde some comments and as a result the following motion was passed: "It was moved by Jadeen Henderson and seconded by Earl Robertson that the Committee approve the 4 elements as shown on the original concept which had been presented to Council and that a revised version be prepared and presented to Oro-Medonte Council. Jadeen Henderson advised that Richards Farm Equipment propose to hold a Heritage Day in August of this year, put on by the "Old Farm Boys of Oro". The activities will consist of various Agricultureal activities, i.e. actual threshing of grain - various farm machinery performance - butter making. A full day of activities concluding with a Barbeque and dance at night. It was suggested that the History Committee attend with Video Cameras, with a suggestions that the results could be added to the present Video project from the slides and pictures. Future meetings for 1994 as tentatively scheduled as follows: April 26, 1994 Dept. 13, 1994 Dec. 13, 1994 May 11, 1994 Oct. 11, 1994 June 14, 3994 Nov. 8, 1994 There being no further business at hand it was moved by Earl Robertson that the meeting adjourn at 9:15 p.m., to meet again cn April 26, 1994 as a Sub. Committee at the To,^.nshiz Administration Building at 7:30 z.m. and the next regular meeting on May 11, 1994; Henry Neufeld, Secretary. Tim Crawford, Chairman.