01 29 1991 Oro History Committee - MinutesTHE 'TOWNSHIP OF ORO HISTORY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 29. 1991 The Township of Oro History Committee met this evening at the call of the Chairperson, at the Tcwnship of Oro Administration Building, in the Board Room. All members having been duly notified by tel- ephone. The following members were present: Loreen (Rice) Lucas Howard A. uamnbell Walter Hutchinson Bernice Hickling Henry Neufeld Earl Robertson Neil McNiven Opening - The meeting was opened by the Chairperson at 7:35 p.m. Minutes - The Minutes of the last regular meet ing held November 13, 1990, copies of which had been forwarded to all members, were an motion of Howard Campbell and Earl Robertson adopted as printed and received. Business arising from the Minutes of meeting held November 13, 1990. (a) Ad Hoc Committee reported that a stone had been erected at the north end of the Rugby Community Hall and that Sanderson Monument Company have now mounted the Bronze Plaque in memory of Marian Keith on the stone, at the price quoted and that the account in the amount of 5200 has been received by the Township of Oro. (b) Secretary reported that no response has been received from Council re: (i) appointing of Sandra Shelswell (Mrs. Brian Shelswell) to the History Committee (ii) proposed Budget for 1991 - for the History Committee (c) Frogress re: mounting of the Machine Guns, originally L.cunted by the Cenotaph, Walter Hutchinson advised that the Lachine Guns had now been mounted at the back of the Town Hall, as authorized by council, on the wall on each side of the entrance - January 28, 1991. (d) Walter Hutchinson also advised that the prcicsed Book Case to be placed in the Fcyer of the Administration Building was now also almost complete. (d) Frogress by the Ad Hoc Committee of the map showing the "Hills of Oro" - The committee advised that progress had been made at a recent meeting of the three members and Max Craig, who had been invited to assist with the project. (e) The ChairpeL.son reported that she had re -visited the places of business within the Township where the"Story of Oro" (second edition) had been placed on consignment before Christmas. Most places had sold all or mostly all the books received, but did not wish'to take any more books at present since it appeared that the books were used as Christmas presents. r - 2 - It was moved b:. Neil McNiven and seconded by Rernice Hickling that the verbal retorts of the Ad Hoc Committees, as reported be received. Old and Unfinished Business (a) It was moved by Howard Campbell and seconded by Walter Hutchinson that the History Committee recommend that Oro Council make arrangements for the unveilling of the Plaque in memory of Marian Keith and set a date for the same in the early part of Spring 1991 and advise the History Committee of the date, in order that all interested parties may be notified. It was moved by Bernice Hickling and seoonded by Earl Robertson that the History Committee request that the Administrator/Clerk advise the Committee when appoint- ments to the History Committee have been made and also Phat the Committee be advised of an amount approved in the 1991 Budget by Council for the History Committee. (b) Joanna McFwen who along with Marlene Mawdsley had been appointed to the Orillia Heritage Centre Committee, and present at.this meeting, reported that for some reason or other the notice from the Township advising that they had been appointed as representatives from the Township of Oro had somehow been mislaid and they had only attended one meeting as result. She reported that the Heritage Centre propose to erect a Heritage Centre Building for the antique vehicles, boats, etc. Presently the Tudhope Car and other antique vehicles are stored in the barns of the Huronia Regional Centre, but will have to be moved as this is where the Ofitario Provincial Police are to be situated. She advised that both Marlene and herself feel that the representatives from Oro should be persons interested in antique cars, boats, etc., indicating that they were not the persons for this Committee. Persons on this Committee should be interested in the restoration of antique vehicles and the maintaining of same. This matter was discussed by the Committe and a number of names were brought forward - George Scott, Garry Walker, Don Hubbert, Garnet (Bish) Pattenden and Roy Hastings. Members of the History Committee were assigned persons to contact and report back to the next meeting. Joanna TcTwen advised that she would contact Gordon Smith, a member of the Orillia Heritage Committee advising that the Oro History Committee will be contacting various people in the Township who are interested in Antique vehicles or are already involved in someway, and should some of the persons contacted_ be_ interested on serving as a member of the Orillia Heritage Centre Committee, as representatives from the Township of Oro, their names would be recommended to Oro Council for consideration to be appointed as members to the laid Committee, representing the Township of Oro. Correscondence Communications (a) Presented a letter from Joanna McEwen wishing to attend a meeting of the History Committee regarding concerns of 19th Century photographs, with respect to preservation and document- ing .of same. As well as the ;archival importance of same over a long term because of the preservation of the images of the photographs that could be obtained and those shown in the Twedmuir Histories, presently on file in the Township Vault. A copy of the letter had been forwarded by the Secretary to all members'of the Committeefor comment. As result the majority felt that a meeting should be called and have Joanna present her concerns and willingness to assist with such a project. She is presently taking a course in 19th Century Photography. (c) presented a letter from the Administrator/Clerk forwarding a resolution of Council regarding the maintenance of the Cenotaph at the Town Hall, requesting that the History Committee be res- ponsible to Council and advise of need for maintenance and/or improvement required to the Cenotaph and area around same. i.e. general appearance, fence and landscaping as recommended by the Oro Horticultural society. Secretary advised that this addit- ional responsibility for the History Committee arose following his attendance at a Committee of Council meeting, at Council's request, on January 14, 1991, to review the status cf the Remembrance Day Fund and history of the annual service held the Sunday prior to Rembrance Day. It was moved by Earl Robertson and seconded by Neil bicNiven that the correspondence as presented be received and placed on file and that the request of Oro Council regarding the Cenotaph be noted and that any projects or maintenance requirements be recommended by the Committee as they occur and presented to Council for their attention and action. And further that Henry Neufeld be the member of the History Committee responsible to bring any matters regarding the Cenotaph before the Committee for recommendations to Council. New Business Joanna McEwen was present to explain the concerns of the 19th Century photographs and the long term conditions and archival importance of some of the images which are in the Tweedsmuir History Records on file in the Township Vault. As outlined in her letter she is presently working on a Course in 19th Century Photography and is prepared to assist the History Committee in this work. Joanna outlined the course and what Photography Historians are able to discern from a photograph. She then reviewed part of written paper she is preparing for the Course, part of which had been presented to the Professor of the Course, who really was amazed at how the pictures and material had been collected for the History Books prepared by the Township of Oro and then compiled by the History Committee working together with the Womens' Institutes within the Township of Oro. Interesting to note that the National Archives were not familiar with the Tweedsmuir History, yet the Provincial Archives are. A total of 1300 Tweedsmuir Histories are in existance. The course certainly indicates the importance of preservation of the photos and the necessity cf notatitnto iddntify just what is important in the photograph, for donumentation. After considerable discussion it was left that some members of the History Committee arrange to meet and review a number of the photographs. The Ad Hoc Committee consist of Volunteers - Loreen Lucas, Howard Campbell, Bernice Hickling, Earl Robertson and Walter Hutchinson. The purpose of the project being to obtain original photos through members of the Institutes and document same. These pictures would not be returned to the owner or pocessor but would become property of the Archives, copies could be made and retained. It was left that Joanna McEwen attend a meeting of the Mitchell Square Womens' Institute on February 6, 1991, as a start, to review the proposed project with the Institute and obtain their views and of course their co-operation in such a project. The History Committee is to meet again on February 21, 1991 at 7:00 p.m. to review the result of the meeting with the Mitchell Square N.I., and consider what steps should then be taken to pursue the prcject. Howard Campbell reported that he had undertaken to have reproductions of the Slides that had been lost over the years. He was advised that he should present the invoices for cost of same to the Township Treasurer for re-imbursement of the cost. There being niti further business at hand it was moved by Walter Hutchinson that the meeting adjourn at 9:50 p.m. to meet again on Thursday, February 21, 1591 at 7:00 p.m. Henry Neufeld, Secretary Oro Township History Committee Loreen (Rice) Lucas ChE; irperson Oro Township History Committee.