06 09 1987 Oro History Commitee - Minutes (2)COUNCIL CHAMBERS - JUNE 9, 1987
The Township of Oro History Committee met this evening at the
call of the Chairman, with all members having been notified.
Present were:
Howard Campbell
Joanna McEwen
Ruth Fraser
Loreen Lucas
Jean Cameron
Marlene Mawdsley
Henry Neufeld
Wallace Key
Walter Hutchinson
Before the meeting was opened Mr. Elwood McLaughlin was
present to take a picture of the History Committee.
Opening - The meeting. WAS opened by the Chairman, Howard
Campbell at 8:00 p.m., who explained that the
purpose of the meeting was to review the update
material as edited by Joanna Mcwen and Marlene
JUnuteā¢ - The minutes of the meeting of May 25th, 1987
were on motion of Loreen Luco.s and Marlene
Mawdsley adopted as printed and received.
Business arising from the Minutes of the meeting of Mav 25th.
Several items were discussed but no motions
were made.
Correspondence. Communications, etc
The following letters were presented:
Letter from the Administrator/Clerk forwarding a copy
of letter from the Ontario Black History Society regarding
the Coloured African Episcopal Methodist Church with respect
to the designation of the Church as a Heritage Building advising
that the Black History Society will be pontacting the A.M.E.
Church in Toronto and then arrange for a meeting with the
Township of Oro.
No action taken aceept for filing.
Letter from the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture
with respect to Preserving Ontario's Architecture and Seminars
to be held, advising that it will be necessary for the
Municipality to attend in order to participate through the
Property Grant Program. Clerk/Administrator requested that
the History Committee appoint a member of the Committee to
attend the Seminar to be held in Gravenhurst on June 24th,
along with himself and the Chief Building Official.
It was moved by Joanna McEwen and seconded by Ruth Fraser
that the Chairman, Howard Campbell and Walter Hutchinson attend
the Seminar on June 24th as the representatives from the History
Letter from Joann Whybrew requesting a list of the
Cemeteries in the Township of Oro, advising that she and her
husband are endeavouring to locate the burial of Hannah and
Jerimiah Whybrew who supposedly owned land in the Township of
Oro. Jerimiah Whybrew-had built the origins. Town Hall in
the 1800's.
It was left that the Chairman reply to the letter.
Further review of the material is to take place at
meeting to be called by the Chairman.
Moved by Loreen Lucas and seconded by Ruth Fraser that
the meeting adjourn at 10:55 p.m.
H. Neufeld Howard Campbell
Secretary Chairman